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Kanji: Radical: (ゆうべ) : ; よる、よ; night
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 298 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2056
Japanese Reading English
せいや(n) clear night/
はくや (n) white (arctic) night/short night/midnight sun/
ほしづくよ (n) starry night/
ももよ (n) a hundred nights/
しゅうやうんてん (n) all-night service/
つきよ (n) moonlit night/(P)/
夜叉こんごうやしゃみょうおうVajra-yaksa Vidya-raja (Budd.)/
しんやほうそう (n) late-night (all-night) broadcasting/
せんやmany nights/
じゅうごや (n) night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8 lunar month/
じゅうさんや (n) 13th day (of the moon)/the night of the 13th day of 9th lunar month/
おぼろづきよ(n) misty, moonlit night/
いっちゅうや(n-adv,n-t) a whole day and night/24 hours/
まいよ (n-adv,n-t) every evening/
みっかみよ 3 days and 3 nights/
しらかわよふね (n) sound asleep/
ほしづきよ(n) starry night/
びゃくや (n) white (arctic) night/short night/midnight sun/
りょうや(n) moonlit night/
しんやぞくthe night owls/
とうや (n-adv,n-t) that night/tonight/
いざよい(n) 16-day-old moon/
しゅうやとう(n) a night light/
せんいちやThousand and One Nights/
ぼや (n) night/evening/
闇夜あんや(n) dark night/
ひとやじゅうall night through/
ゆうづけよ(n) moonlit evening/
おつや (n) about 10 p.m./
ちゅうや (adv,n) day and night/(P)/
冴えた夜さえたよるcrisp and cold night/
夜もいくよも for several nights/
せいや (n) quiet night/
夜をかたずちゅうやをわかたず(adv) by day and night/day and night/
いっさくや(n-t) night before last/
ぜんや (n-adv,n-t) last night/the previous night/(P)/
ちゅうやけんこうaround-the-clock/(working) day and night/
てつや (n) all night/all night vigil/sleepless night/(P)/
しゅうや(n-adv,n-t) all night/
いちや (n-adv,n-t) one night/all night/overnight/one evening/
いちやづけ (n) (vegetables) salted just overnight/last-minute cramming/
いちやずくり built in a night/stopgap/hastily written/
さくや(n-adv,n-t) last night/(P)/
いちやづけ(n) (vegetables) salted just overnight/last-minute cramming/
ちゅうやおび (n) type of woman's obi, the black and white fabric suggesting the contrast of day and night/
ひゃっきやぎょう (n) a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene/
ふやじょう(n) nightless gay quarters/nightless city/
せいや (n) holy night/Christmas Eve/
しちや (n) celebration of a child's seventh day/
いくよ(n) number of nights/
いっさくさくや two nights before last/
じょうや (n-t) long night/all night/
いちやじゅうall night through/
ぜんやさい(n) Christmas Eve/the eve (of festival)/
いつや (n) about 10 p.m./
しゅうやえいぎょう (a business) open all night/
せんや (n-adv,n-t) few nights ago/
ちょうや (n-t) long night/all night/
そくや (adv,n) on the same night/
たいや (n) eve of the anniversary of a person's death/
いちにちいちやall day and night/
も夜もひるもよるも day and night/
闇夜にやみよにてっぽう (n) aimless attempt/
つや (n) all-night vigil over a body/a wake/(P)/
さよ(n) evening/
じょうやとう (n) a night-light/
しらかわよふね (n) be fast asleep (and totally unaware of what is going on around one)/
かんや(n) cold night/
さよきょく(n) a serenade/
ゆうづきよ(n) moonlit evening/
ゆうべ (n-adv,n-t) last night/(P)/
みじかよ (n) short summer night/
朧夜おぼろよ(n) misty, moonlit night/
はんや (n-adv,n-t) midnight/
おしちや(n) name-giving ceremony/
しょや (n) first night/first watch of the night/bridal night/
しもよ(n) frosty night/
れんじつれんや (n-t) every day and every night/
夜をかずちゅうやをおかずcontinuing day and night/
じょや (n) New Year's Eve/
いちやづま(n) temporary consort/prostitute/
まよなか(n-adv,n-t) dead of night/midnight/(P)/
夜乞いちやこじきa person made homeless by fire/
ひとよづま(n) temporary consort/prostitute/
いちやだいじん overnight millionaire/
せいや (n) starry night/starlight night/
しんや (n-adv,n-t) late at night/(P)/
ひとや (n-adv,n-t) one night/all night/overnight/one evening/
ひとよ(n-adv,n-t) one night/all night/overnight/one evening/
れんや(n-t) every evening/night after night/
夙夜しゅくや(n-t) from morning till night/day and night/always/
ねったいや (n) night in which temperature doesn't fall below 25 degrees C/
闇夜やみよ(n) dark night/
あんや(n) dark night/
こんや (n-adv,n-t) this evening/tonight/(P)/
どうや(n-adv,n-t) the same night/that night/
ひゃっきやこう (n) a veritable pandemonium/a large number of people plotting and doing evil/a scandalous scene/
にちや (n-adv,n) day and night/always/
夜茸つきよたけ(n) moonlight mushroom/
こうや 8 p.m./
々夜いっさくさくやtwo nights before last/