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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : シツ; うしな(う); lose
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 178 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3511
Japanese Reading English
とくしつ(n) advantages and disadvantages/plus and minuses/
いしつぶつとりあつかいじょlost and found office/
え失せるきえうせる (v1) (X) (vulg) to disappear/to get out of sight/to die/(in imperative) to fuck off/
かしつしょうがい accidental infliction of injury/
かしつはん(n) careless offense/
を失ういろをうしなう (exp) to turn pale/to lose color/
ひょうしつ (n) drifting away (and going lost)/
ぼうぜんじしつ (n) be stupified/be stunned/
失をれるしょうしつをまぬかれる(exp) to be saved from the fire/
いっとくいっしつ (n) gain some and lose some/(something having its) advantages and disadvantages/an advantage and a disadvantage/a merit and a demerit/
じしつ(n) stupefaction/
ぼうしつ (n) loss/
いしつ (n,vs) loss/
を失うどをうしなう (exp) to lose one's presence of mind/
やまれる失くやまれるしっさくregrettable misstep/
かしつしょうがいざいaccidental infliction of injury/
そんしつほてん(n) compensation for a loss/
せんざいしつぎょう invisible unemployment/
を失うめいをうしなう (exp) to lose one's eyesight/
きおくそうしつ (n) loss of memory/
いしつひんlost article/
調えいようしっちょう(n) malnutrition/
せんりょのいっしつ the mistake of a wise man/
バッファバッファかくほしっぱいbuffer (full) error (i.e. space cannot be reserved as it is full)/
いっしつ(n) a disadvantage (defect, error)/
そんしつ (n) loss/(P)/
ぎょうむじょうかしつ(n) (professional) negligence/
ほしつ catchers error/
りがいとくしつ advantages and disadvantages/pros and cons/
いしつぶつ (n) lost article/(P)/
しょうしつ (n,vs) die out/disappear/vanish/
ふんしつ (n,vs) losing something/(P)/
かしつ (n) error/blunder/accident/(P)/
いたいそんしつpainful loss/
失うみうしなう(v5u) to lose sight of/to miss/(P)/
を失うりょうしんをうしなう(exp) to be bereft of one's parents/
むかしつせきにん(n) no-fault liability/
そうしつ (n,vs) loss/forfeit/(P)/
失をかしつをゆるす(exp) to forgive (a person) for his (her) fault/
失をそんしつをつぐなう (exp) to recompense for a loss/
調じりつしんけいしっちょうしょう(n) autonomic ataxia/
いっしつりえき (n) lost profit/
け失せるやけうせる (v1) to burn up completely/
げ失せるにげうせる (v1) to escape/to run away/
ゆうしつ shortstop error/
いしつしゃowner of a lost article/
そうしつ (n,vs) die out/disappear/vanish/
ふんしつとどけ(n) report of the loss of (that one has lost) an article/
かしつちしざい (n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental homicide/
ねんじゅうしつげんalways saying the wrong thing/
かしつちし (n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental homicide/
ぼんしつ(n) common mistake/
ぼうしつ (n) lose/forget/
てきしつ (n) error made by the enemy or opposing team/
しょうしつてん vanishing point/
しんしんそうしつ (n) of unsound mind/
りゅうしつ (n,vs) washed away/
しょうしつ (n) being destroyed by fire/