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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : ホウ、ブ; たてまつ(る); dedicate
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 212 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2559
Japanese Reading English
きんろうほうしlabor service/
おれいぼうこう (n) free service after apprenticeship/
を奉るこくおうにしょをたてまつる(exp) to address a memorial to the King/
り奉わたりぼうこうworking as a servant for a series of masters/
を奉じるしんぜんにまいをほうじる(exp) to dedicate a dance to a god/
おれいぼうこう (n) free service after apprenticeship/
めっしほうこうselfless devotion/
たいせいほうかん (n) restoration of imperial rule/
を奉じるめいをほうじる (exp) to obey orders/
しんぽう (n,vs) belief/faith/(P)/
でっちぼうこう apprenticeship/
じゅんぽう (n,vs) obeying/observing/following/(P)/
を奉るぬさをたてまつる(exp) to offer a wand with hemp and paper streamers to a Shinto god/
を奉じるこっきをほうじ る(exp) to hold up the national flag/
じゅんぽう(n,vs) obeying/observing/following/
ぎ奉るあおぎたてまつる (v5) (pol) to look up/
ねんきぼうこう apprenticeship/indenture/
として奉るちょうろうとしてたてまつる to kick (a person) upstairs/to revere (a person) as one's leader/
まちぶぎょう (n) (Edo-period) town magistrate/
め奉るほめまつる (v5) to praise/to render homage to/
え奉るつかえまつる(v5) (pol) to serve/to build as commanded/
ぐぶ (n,vs) accompanying/being in attendance on/
ねんきぼうこう(n) apprenticeship/
しゃかいほうし (n) voluntary social service/