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Kanji: Radical: (おんな) : ジョ、ニョ、ニョウ; おんな、め; woman
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1185 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3418
Japanese Reading English
尻のい女しりのかるいおんなwanton girl/
げすおんな (n) woman of low rank/term of degradation for a woman/
さんじょ(n) third daughter/
いろおんな (n) concubine/
びじょざくら(n) verbena/
まじょ(n) witch/
せんにゅ(n) fairy/nymph/elf/(P)/
殿ごてんじょちゅう waiting woman in a shogun or daimyo's palace/
こうじょ(n) imperial princess/(P)/
さおとめ(n) young female rice planter/young girl/
じじょ (n) lady attendant/maid/(P)/
だておんな(n) flapper/
ぜんにょ(n) (Buddhism) female believer/
かのじょ she, girlfriend
の女いちゅうのおんな sweetheart/girlfriend/
びじょ (n) beautiful woman/(P)/
ぜんなんぜんにょ (n) pious men and women/
きこくしじょわくspecial consideration for students who have lived abroad/
女のだんじょのべつ distinction of sex/
せんにょ (n) fairy/nymph/elf/
はしため (n) lowly maidservant/
い女かたいおんな chaste woman/
やさおんあ gentle woman/affectionate woman/
しょじょさく(n) one's maiden work/
ゆな (n) women who assist bathers at hot-springs resorts/
さいじょ(n) talented woman/
ふじょ (n) woman/womankind/(P)/
ろうじょ (n) elderly woman/senior lady-in-waiting/
おうじょ(n) imperial princess/
いちじょ (n) daughter/the eldest daughter/woman/
おうじょ(n) princess/(P)/
げじょげなん servants/
あまつおとめ celestial maiden/
瞽女ごぜ(n) blind female beggar who sings or plays shamisen/
こうじょ(n) filial daughter/
しゅうどうじょ(n) (Catholic) nun/
じじょ (n) boys and girls/
ゆきじょろう(n) snow fairy/
しょじょ (n) virgin/maiden/(P)/
そくじょ (n) (your, his, her) daughter/
侠女きょうじょgallant woman/
しょじょこうかいmaiden voyage/
妖女 ようじょ(n) enchantress/vamp/
きょうおんな(n) Kyoto woman/
び女あそびめ (n) prostitute/
い女みにくいおんな ugly (homely) woman/
ぎじょ (n) woman entertainer/
ようじょ (n) adopted daughter/foster daughter/
だんじょびょうどう(n) equal rights for both sexes/equality of the sexes/
な女しりがるなおんなwanton girl/
さおとめ (n) young female rice planter/young girl/
しょじょりん (n) virgin forest/
きじょ (oK) (n) (fem) you/lady/
かんじょ (n) court lady/
しじょ (n) child/
しょくじょ (n) female weaver/Vega/
げじょ (n) maid servant/
しょうじょ girl
しじょ(n) men and women/the whole town/
れつじょ (n) heroine/
ばいた (n) (col) (uk) bitch/
せわにょうぼう perfectly dedicated wife/
ちよじょname of a haiku poetess/
ていじょ (n) virtuous woman/faithful wife/
さいじょ (n) one's wife/one's wife and daughter(s)/
じじょ(n) second daughter/(P)/
だんじょ (n) man and woman/men and women/(P)/
ろうにゃくなんにょyoung and old of both sexes
あめおんな (n) woman whose presence seems to cause rain/
どうじょ(n) (little) girl/
しょじょせい(n) virginity/maidenhood/maidenhead/
しゅくじょ (n) lady/(P)/
おとめ (n) daughter/young lady/virgin/maiden/little girl/
巫女ふじょ(n) medium/sorceress/shrine maiden/
かのじょ(n) she/girl friend/sweetheart/(P)/
孟女もうじょeldest daughter/
しょじょち(n) virgin soil/
け女おしかけにょうぼう woman who forced her husband into marriage/
おおおんな(n) a huge woman/
あなた (oK) (n) (fem) you/lady/
だんそんじょひ (n) male domination of women/subjection of women/(P)/
そばめ(n) concubine/
の女じゆうのめがみのぞう Statue of Liberty/
じゅんなしょうじょvirgin/maiden pure in heart/
しこめ (n) homely woman/plain-looking woman/(P)/
ふじょし (n) woman/wife/(P)/
巫女みこ(n) medium/sorceress/shrine maiden/
ふりょうしょうじょ (n) bad girl/juvenile delinquent/
あま (n) woman shell diver/
せんじょ (n) fairy/nymph/elf/
おとめ (n) daughter/young lady/virgin/maiden/little girl/
するの女わたくしがあいするとこ ろのじょせいthe woman whom I love/
使てんしのようなしょうじょangel of a girl/
え女つかえめ maidservant/
しりがるおんなpromiscuous woman/
ゆきおんな (n) snow woman/fairy/
きこくしじょ child who has returned to his or her country/
てんにょ(n) heavenly nymph/celestial maiden/
ゆうじょ (n) prostitute/harlot/
きょうじょ (n) madwoman/
まじょがりwitch hunt/
しょうじょしょうせつ(n) story for young girls/
しょくじょせい (n) Vega/
まつじょ (n) youngest daughter/
あいなめ(oK) (n) greenling (fish)/
かみじょちゅう(n) head servant/
ろうにゃくなんにょ (n) men and women of all ages/
こいにょうぼう(n) one's dear wife/
女をらすびじょをはべらす(exp) to be waited upon by a beauty/
賤の女しずのめwoman of lowly birth/
しょうじょ (n) daughter/young lady/virgin/maiden/little girl/(P)/
しゅうじょ(n) homely woman/plain-looking woman/(P)/
ろうじゃくだんじょ (n) men and women of all ages/
しんにょ (n) title affixed to woman's posthumous Buddhist name/
きじょ(n) demoness/witch/ogress/she-devil/
やまめ (n) a kind of trout/
あくじょ (n) wicked or ugly woman/(P)/
しもじょちゅう(n) kitchen maid/
あいなめ(n) greenling (fish)/
ちょうじょ(n) eldest daughter/(P)/
しょうねんしょうじょ boys and girls/
びしょうじょ(n) beautiful girl/
だんじょどうけん equal rights among men and women/
ようじょ (n) little girl/
しょじょまく(n) hymen/(P)/
おとめごころ (n) girl's feeling/maiden's mind/
いえでしょうじょ (n) runaway girl or boy/
おとめざ(n) Virgo/maiden guild/
しょじょほう(n) an untrodden peak/