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Kanji: Radical: (おんな) : ; はじ(める)、はじ(まる); begin
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1208 Index in Halpern dictionary: 281
Japanese Reading English
こうし(n) renewal/reform/
し始めるべんきょうしはじめるto begin to study/
始めるしはじめる (v1) to begin/to start/
げんしじだい primitive times/
始めるではじめる (v1) to begin to appear/to begin to come in/
むし(n) the remote beginnings/
かいし (n,vs) start/commencement/beginning/(P)/
始めごようはじめ (n) re-opening of offices in new year/
そうし(n) creation/founding/initiating/
あとしまつ(n,vs) settlement (of affairs)/remedial measures/
げんしりん (n) primeval forest/virgin forest/
り始めるふりはじめる (v1) to begin to fall/
っ始めるおっぱじめる (v1) to begin/
始めではじめ (n) first appearance (of the season)/
そうししゃ originator/
テキストテキストかいしstart of text (STX)/
り始めるしりはじめる (v1) to begin to know/
ヘッディングヘッディングかいしstart of heading (SOH)/
き始めるふきはじめる (v1) to begin to blow/
げんし (n) origin/primeval/(P)/
ねんしじょうNew Year's card/
げんしじん(n) primitive man/
げんし (n) origin/
始めつきはじめ beginning of the month/
げんしきょうかい the early church/the primitive church/
こうげきかいしせん line of departure/
始めごようはじめ(n) re-opening of offices in new year/
まず隗より始めよまずかいよりはじめよ He who first suggests it should be the first to do it/
しゅうし(adv,n,vs) beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a thing from beginning to end/(P)/
げんしてき (adj-na) primitive/original/(P)/
げんしどうぶつ protozoa/
すえしじゅう(adv,n) forever/for life/
げんしさい(n) Shinto Festival of Origins January 3/
ねんしまわりNew Year's calls/
あとしまつ(n,vs) settlement (of affairs)/remedial measures/(P)/
始めうたかいはじめ annual New Year's poetry reading/
いちぶしじゅう (n) full particulars/the whole story/
ふしまつ (adj-na,n) mismanagement/malpractice/wastefulness/carelessness/misconduct/unthriftiness/(P) /
始めてはじめ(n) outset/
しゅうしいっかん(adv) consistency/
ねんし (n-t) New Year's call/beginning of the year/New Year's greetings/(P)/