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Kanji: 姿 Radical: (おんな) : ; すがた; figure
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1215 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2636
Japanese Reading English
姿ぜんけいしせい(n) forward-bent posture/
嬌姿きょうし(n) lovely figure/
の姿こりつのすがたstate of isolation/
ち姿たちすがた (n) standing figure/dancing pose/
姿れいし (n) beautiful figure/
姿はつすがた (n) first wearing (of kimono) in the New Year/
姿だてすがた (n) flashy appearance/
姿げんし apparition/
ろ姿うしろすがた (n) retreating figure/appearance from behind/(P)/
の姿になるおんなのすがたになる(exp) to disguise oneself as a woman/
姿ゆうし (n) gallant figure/
姿ふうし (n) appearance/demeanor/
艶姿えんし(n) charming figure/alluring figure/
艶姿あですがた(n) charming figure/alluring figure/
姿ねすがた (n) one's figure during sleep/
姿えいし (n) noble figure/
姿ゆうし (n) gallant figure/
艶めかしい姿なまめかしいすがた bewitching figure/
姿ようし (n) appearance/figure/(P)/
姿せんしばんたい (n) endless variety/
姿ようしたんれい attractive face and figure/
れ姿はれすがた (n) appearing in one's finest clothes/appearing in one's hour of triumph/
姿きものすがた dressed in a kimono/
姿ていしせい(n) (keeping a) low profile/
姿こうしせい(adj-na,n) high profile/aggressive attitude/
姿やさすがた(n) graceful figure/
姿はれぎすがたdressed up (in fine clothes)/
の姿をかがみにじぶんのすがたをうつす(exp) to reflect oneself in a mirror/
姿えすがた (n) portrait/