前傾姿勢 | ぜんけいしせい | (n) forward-bent posture/ |
嬌姿 | きょうし | (n) lovely figure/ |
孤立の姿 | こりつのすがた | state of isolation/ |
立ち姿 | たちすがた
| (n) standing figure/dancing pose/ |
麗姿 | れいし
| (n) beautiful figure/ |
初姿 | はつすがた
| (n) first wearing (of kimono) in the New
Year/ |
伊達姿 | だてすがた
| (n) flashy appearance/ |
幻姿 | げんし
| apparition/ |
後ろ姿 | うしろすがた
| (n) retreating figure/appearance from
behind/(P)/ |
女の姿になる | おんなのすがたになる | (exp) to disguise oneself as a woman/ |
雄姿 | ゆうし
| (n) gallant figure/ |
風姿 | ふうし
| (n) appearance/demeanor/ |
艶姿 | えんし | (n) charming figure/alluring figure/ |
艶姿 | あですがた | (n) charming figure/alluring figure/ |
寝姿 | ねすがた
| (n) one's figure during sleep/ |
英姿 | えいし
| (n) noble figure/ |
勇姿 | ゆうし
| (n) gallant figure/ |
艶めかしい姿 | なまめかしいすがた
| bewitching figure/ |
容姿 | ようし
| (n) appearance/figure/(P)/ |
千姿万態 | せんしばんたい
| (n) endless variety/ |
容姿端麗 | ようしたんれい
| attractive face and figure/ |
晴れ姿 | はれすがた
| (n) appearing in one's finest clothes/appearing
in one's hour of triumph/ |
着物姿 | きものすがた
| dressed in a kimono/ |
低姿勢 | ていしせい | (n) (keeping a) low profile/ |
高姿勢 | こうしせい | (adj-na,n) high profile/aggressive
attitude/ |
優姿 | やさすがた | (n) graceful figure/ |
晴れ着姿 | はれぎすがた | dressed up (in fine clothes)/ |
鏡に自分の姿を映す | かがみにじぶんのすがたをうつす | (exp) to reflect oneself in a mirror/ |
絵姿 | えすがた
| (n) portrait/ |