箱入り娘 | はこいりむすめ
| (n) girl who has led a sheltered
life/ |
家付き娘 | いえつきむすめ
| daughter of the home/unmarried woman who owns
(the future rights to) a home/ |
田舎娘 | いなかむすめ
| (n) country girl/(P)/ |
継娘 | ままむすめ
| (n) stepdaughter/ |
一人娘 | ひとりむすめ | (n) an only daughter/ |
弟娘 | おとむすめ
| (n) younger daughters/ |
弟娘 | おとうとむすめ
| (n) younger daughters/ |
家付きの娘 | いえつきのむすめ | daughter of the home/unmarried woman who owns (the
future rights to) a home/ |
花売り娘 | はなうりむすめ
| flower girl/ |
看板娘 | かんばんむすめ | (n) pretty daughter who attracts boys to parents'
shop/show girl/ |
妹娘 | いもうとむすめ | (n) younger daughter/ |
まま娘 | ままむすめ | (n) stepdaughter/ |
小娘 | こむすめ
| (n) young girl/lass/adolescent
female/ |
家付娘 | いえつきむすめ
| daughter of the home/unmarried woman who owns
(the future rights to) a home/ |
令娘 | れいじょう | your daughter/young lady/ |
愛娘 | まなむすめ
| (n) favourite daughter/ |
総領娘 | そうりょうむすめ | (n) eldest daughter/ |
孫娘 | まごむすめ
| (n) granddaughter/(P)/ |
生娘 | きむすめ
| (n) virgin/innocent young woman/ |