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Kanji: Radical: (おんな) : コン; ; marriage
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1236 Index in Halpern dictionary: 470
Japanese Reading English
さいこん(n) second marriage/(P)/
きゅうこん (n,vs) marriage proposal/courtship/
こくさいけっこんinternational marriage/
いいなずけ (n) fiance(e)/
りこん (n,vs) divorce/(P)/
婚するけっこんする marry
婚をけっこんをゆるす (exp) to give permission to marry/
ざっこん (n) communal marriage/
けっこんこうしんきょくwedding march/
ばんこん(n) late marriage/
じゅうこん (n) bigamy/
じゆうけっこん freedom to choose one's marriage partner, parental wishes notwithstanding/
けっこんきねんび wedding anniversary/
きょうぎりこん divorce by consent/
れんあいけっこん love marriage/
きこん (adj-no,n) marriage/married/(P)/
そうこん (n) early marriage/
けっこんてきれいき(n) marriageable age/
ゆうあいけっこん companionate marriage/
けっこんひよう (n) wedding expenses/
きんこん golden wedding/
きこんだんせい married man/
けつぞくけっこん consanguineous marriage/
きんこんしき(n) golden wedding anniversary/
きゅうこんこうこく matrimonial advertisement/
みこんしゃunmarried person/
りこんそしょう divorce suit/divorce proceedings/(P)/
けっこん(adj-no,n,vs) marriage/(P)/
しゅうだんけっこん group wedding/
きこんしゃ married person/
せいこん (n) marriage/wedding/
りこんりつ(n) divorce rate/
かんこんそうさい (n) important ceremonial occasions in family relationships/(P)/
しょこん(n) first marriage/
きんしんけっこん consanguineous marriage/
しんこん (n) newly-wed/(P)/
ゆうせいけっこん eugenic marriage/
しんこんせいかつ (n) newly-married life/
けっこん marriage
きんしんこん(n) consanguineous marriage/
しんぜんけっこん Shinto wedding/
けっこんひろうえんwedding reception banquet/(P)/
しゃしんけっこん picture marriage/
しょくばけっこん marriage between co-workers/
けっこんしき(n) marriage ceremony/wedding/(P)/
ちゃったできちゃったけっこんmarriage due to unintended pregancy/
にじゅうけっこん bigamy/
けっこんいわいwedding present/
ぎんこんしき(n) silver wedding anniversary/
れ婚あしいれこんmarriage in which the bride lives temporarily in her parents' home/
みこん(n) unmarried/(P)/
けっこんゆびわ wedding ring/
せいりゃくけっこん political marriage of convenience/