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Kanji: Radical: (おんな) : ; ; woman
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1237 Index in Halpern dictionary: 469
Japanese Reading English
じゅんかんごふ(n) practical nurse/
みょうとづれhusband and wife travelling together/
ふうふ a married couple
いっぷいっぷ (n) monogamy/
きふじん(n) lady/
せっきゃくふ (n) hostess/waitress/
姦婦かんぷ(n) adulteress/
ばいしょうふ(n) prostitute/
すいふ (n) (female) cook/kitchen maid/
きゅうふ former wife/
どくふ (n) evil woman/
やもめ (n) widow/
かんごふがくいんnurses' training school/
婦喧嘩ふうふげんか matrimonial quarrel/
ひっぷ (n) coarse woman/country woman/
かんごふようせいじょnurses' training school/
はしゅつふ(n) maid or housekeeper (in a visiting arrangement)/
しょくぎょうふじんcareer woman/
ふうふなか (n) conjugal relations/conjugal affection/
あくふ(n) wicked woman/
みょうと (n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/
ぼうふ(n) deceased wife/deceased lady/
わかふうふyoung couple/
そうじふ cleaning woman/(P)/
かんごふちょう head nurse/
らふ (n) nude woman/naked woman/(P)/
つきそいかんごふprivate nurse/
せんぎょうしゅふa housewife/
しょさんぷ primipara/
かんごふ(n) (female) nurse/(P)/
しゃくふ (n) barmaid/waitress/
しんぷ (n) bride/
のうふ (n) farm woman/
ろうふうふ(n) an old couple/
婦のふうふのわconjugal harmony/concord between husband and wife/
ふしょうふずい(n) a wife should do her husband's bidding/
婦のふうふのなかをさく (exp) to bring about marital separation/
ゆうふheroine/brave woman/
ろうふ (n) old woman/
ふうふやくそく engagement/betrothal/marriage contract/
せっぷ(n) chaste or faithful wife/
めおと (n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/
妖婦ようふ(n) enchantress/
ざつえきふ cleaning lady/
かせいふ(n) housekeeper/maid/
ひっぷひっぷ coarse men and women/
にんぷふくmaternity clothes/(P)/
褥婦じょくふwoman resting after childbirth/
にんさんぷ(n) expectant and nursing mothers/(P)/
いあんふ(n) army prostitute/
ふうふかんけい (n) marital relationship/
婦のふうふのみちmarital virtues/
めおとぢゃわん his and her teacups/
ふうふべっせい (n) (system of) husband and wife retaining separate family names/
淫婦いんぷ(n) harlot/
い婦つきそいふ practical nurse/
さんふじんか (n) maternity and gynecology department/(P)/
れっぷ(n) chaste, strong-minded woman/virtuous woman/heroine/
娼婦しょうふ(n) prostitute/harlot/
ぜんぷ(n) previous wife/late wife/
い婦まかないふ female cook/
ふうふ (n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/(P)/
ふうふせいかつmarried life/
さんぷ(n) pregnant woman/woman on the point of childbirth/
さんふじんかい obstetrics and gynaecology/(P)/
せんぷ (n) previous wife/late wife/
てんぷらdeep-fried fish and vegetables/tempura/
じょさんぷ(n) midwife/(P)/
ふうふともかせぎ dual income/husband and wife both working/
ほけんふ (n) district health nurse/public health nurse/
じょうふ(n) mistress/lover/prostitute/
かふ (n) widow/(P)/
倡婦しょうふ(n) prostitute/harlot/
ていふ (n) faithful or virtuous woman (wife)/
しゅふ(n) housewife/mistress/(P)/
らふがa nude (painting)/
しんろうしんぷ bride and groom/(P)/
婦のふうふのえんをむすぶ (exp) to get married/
ばいしゅんふ(n) prostitute/
にんぷ (n) pregnant woman/(P)/
ばいしゅんぷ(n) prostitute/
けいさんぷ(n) woman who has given birth/