花嫁花婿 | はなよめはなむこ | bride and groom/ |
の嫁入り | きつねのよめいり | (n) rain shower while the sun shines/ |
弟嫁 | おとうとよめ
| (n) younger brother's wife/ |
花嫁衣裳 | はなよめいしょう | (n) bridal costume/ |
転嫁 | てんか
| (n,vs) second
marriage/remarriage/imputation/blame/(P)/ |
兄嫁 | あによめ
| (n) elder brother's wife/ |
責任転嫁 | せきにんてんか
| shift the responsibility (for something) on to
(someone)/pass the buck/ |
惣嫁 | そうか | (n) streetwalker (in
the Edo period)/ |
再嫁 | さいか | (n) remarriage/ |
降嫁 | こうか
| (n,vs) marriage of an Imperial princess to a
subject/ |
花嫁御寮 | はなよめごりょう | (n) (respectful term for a) bride/ |
弟嫁 | おとよめ
| (n) younger brother's wife/ |
お嫁さん | およめさん | bride/ |
鼠の嫁入り | ねずみのよめいり | light shower/ |
許嫁 | いいなずけ | (n) fiance(e)/ |
総嫁 | そうか | (n) streetwalker (in the Edo period)/ |
花嫁 | はなよめ
| (n) bride/(P)/ |