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Kanji: Radical: () : シ、ス; ; child
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1264 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3390
Japanese Reading English
厨子ずし(n) miniature shrine in a temple/
蔽子いんぺいし (n) suppressor/
いちこ (n) sorceress/medium/female fortuneteller/
ういご(n) first child/
まれっ子にくまれっこ (n) bad boy/(P)/
げんしろ(n) atomic reactor/(P)/
あかご (n) baby/
ちょうじ (n) clove/
べにましこlong-tailed rose finch/
かいせつこうし (diffraction) grating/
子をえるさいしをたずさえる(exp) to be accompanied by one's family/
こうし (n) filial child/
しんどうし(n) oscillator/vibrator/
こうせいぶんし components/
あいこ (n) draw/tie/
げんしりょくせん (n) nuclear(-powered) ship (vessel)/
ぼうし(n) dead child/
うじこ (n) shrine parishioner/
くちびょうし(n) counting time orally/
吾子わぎもこmy wife/
けいし(n) stepchild/
でんしかん (n) electron tube/
螺子ねじまわし(n) screwdriver/
へんびょうしchange of rhythm/
ねっこ (n) root/stump/
子鳩しらこばと (n) collared dove/
子ブックでんしブック Electronic Book/EB/
ひとりご(n) a child/an only child/
なまがし(n) fresh Japanese sweets (usually containing red bean paste)/
ようし(n) adopted child/son-in-law/(P)/
っ子ひとりっこ(n) an only child/
茄子とうなす (n) squash/pumpkin/
かくし (n) nucleon/
ぼしかてい fatherless family/
まっし (n) youngest child/
みずごくよう memorial service to appease an aborted foetus/
し子さしこ(n) quilting/quilted coat/
でんしかconvert to electronics (electronic form)/
さしこ (n) lined garment with over-all stitching/
あいでし (n) fellow students/
棗椰子なつめやし(n) date (palm tree)/
籐椅子とういす(n) wicker(work) (cane, rattan) chair/
鍵っ子かぎっこ(n) latchkey child/
鱈子たらこ(n) cod roe/
ぶんし(n) numerator/molecule/(P)/
ていし (n) pupil/disciple/adherent/follower/apprentice/young person/teacher's student-helper/
だんしman, men
じょうがし quality cakes/
すてご (n) abandoned child/foundling/
だんしこうboys' high school/
なるこ (n) clapper/
椅子いす(n) chair/(P)/
囃子ごにんばやし (n) five court-musician dolls at the Girl's Festival (in March)/
ぼっしょくし (n) gallnut/
だがし(n) cheap sweets/(P)/
子丼おやこどん bowl of rice with chicken and egg
梔子くちなし (n) gardenia/
ねつげんしかく thermal nucleus/
しろこ (n) soft roe/milt/albino/
の子うえのこ the older child/
繻子しゅすおりsatin weave/
っ子えどっこ (n) true Tokyoite/(P)/
こうし Confucius/
の子おんなのこ (n) girl/(P)/
っ子すえっこ (n) youngest child/(P)/
の子たけのこ(n) bamboo shoots/
ままままむすこ(n) stepson/
梔子 くちなし(n) Cape jasmine/gardenia/
杓子あみじゃくし(n) skimmer (kitchen utensil)/
お子さんおこさん(n) (someone else's) child/
へんしゅうしeditorial-staff member/
梯子はしごだん(n) step/stair/
こうぶんし(n) macromolecule/
きこくしじょわくspecial consideration for students who have lived abroad/
い子やしないご(n) foster child/
とうがらし(n) red pepper/cayenne/(P)/
げんし (n) atom/(P)/
ごばいし(n) gallnut (gikun)/
せいし (n) sperm/
獅子吼ししく(n) lion's roar/harangue/
し子ちちなしご(n) fatherless or illegitimate child/
っ子こうべっこnative of Kobe/
しゅしがく(n) Neo-Confucianism/
てびょうし(n) beating time/carelessly/
獅子ししきゅう(n) Leo/the Lion/
じょしこうせい female high-school student/
び子よびこ (n) (a) whistle/
ぎくんし(n) hypocrite/snob/
きけんいんし risk factor/
ドラドラむすこlazy son/profligate son/(P)/
はねつき(n) Japanese badminton/battledore and shuttlecock/
の子おとこのこ(n) boy/(P)/
ようしえんぐみadoption (of an heir)/
っ子ねっこ (n) root/stub/stump/(P)/
ひちゃくしゅつし (n) illegitimate child/
便でんしゆうびん electronic mail/
げんしじだい atomic age/
えっ子あまえっこ (n) spoilt child/
そうし (n) storybook/
でんしじゅう(n) electron gun/
えぼしな (n) adult name/
つ子よつご quadruplets/
しょし (n) Chinese sages or their works (part from Confucius and Mencius)/gentlemen/you/(all of) you or them/
ゆうし (n) nephew (like a son)/another child considered as one's own/
撫子やまとなでしこ (n) woman who displays the feminine virtues of old Japan/a pink (the flower)/
げんしりょく (n) atomic energy/(P)/
おやこでんわ extension phone (and its main line)/
綾子りんず(n) figured satin/
でんし(n) electron/(P)/
の子おんなのこ girl
梯子 はしござけ(n) barhopping/
かしばち(n) bowl for confectioneries/
ろんりそし gate/logic element/
としご (n) second child born within a year/
こうしめん lattice plane/
どうじ (n) boy/kid/child/
ゆうし (n) wanderer/traveller/
まいこ (n) apprentice geisha/dancing girl/
げんしだんとうatomic warhead/
なかおれぼうし soft felt hat/fedora/
すえっこ (n) youngest child/
からこ (n) boy or doll dressed in ancient Chinese clothes/
しらびょうし (n) dancing girl/prostitute/
ままこ (n) stepchild/
おとぎぞうし(n) fairy-tale book/
こくし (n) dark mole/face mole/beauty spot/mite/
梯子さんばしごgangway ladder/
梃子 摺るてこずる(v5r) to have a hard time/
ひょうし(n) (musical) time/tempo/beat/rhythm/chance/(P)/
れっせいいでんし (n) recessive (gene)/
しらす (n) young of sardines/
しし (n) heir/(P)/
ちゅうかんし(n) meson/mesotron/
さっし (n) book/booklet/story book/pamphlet/notebook/(P)/
おかし (n) confections/sweets/candy/
々っ子だだっこ (n) unmanageable child/spoiled child/spoilt/
杏子あんず(n) apricot/apricot tree/
調ちょうしづく (v5k) to warm up to/to become enthusiastic about/to be elated/
かしぼん (n) cake tray (dish)/
お伽おとぎぞうし(n) fairy-tale book/
こしだかしょうじ tall-paneled sliding door/
ぶんしせいぶつがく(n) molecular biology/
梯子はしごしゃ(n) hook-and-ladder truck/
がらす (n) glass/pane/
ゆうでんし(electrical) inductor/
捻子めねじ (n) female screw/
じょしがくせい female student/
稿システムでんしそうこう システムEDI system/text transmission system/
しゅつりょくたんし(n) output terminal/
だんしこう(n) boys' school/
ようす (n) aspect/state/appearance/(P)/
むりし(n) (earning or paying) no interest/
獅子ししふんじんのいきおいirresistable force/
なき子いえなきこ (arch) homeless child/
い子まよいご (n) lost (stray) child/
ひとりご(n) a child/an only child/
調ほんちょうし(n) proper key/keynote/normal condition/
獅子ししまい(n) lion dance/
おかし(n) confections/sweets/candy/(P)/
せんとうでんしせんじょうほうcombat electronic warfare intelligence/
はらこ (n) fish eggs/roe/
子さんむすこさん (hon) son/
みこ (n) child of the emperor/a maiden consecrated to the gods/
ひとりむすこ(n) an only son/
倚 子いし(n) chair/couch/seat/office/position/
の子ないねこのこいっぴきい ないcompletely deserted/
ふたご (n) twins/a twin/
れいしんそし driven element (antenna)/
あなご (n) conger eel/(P)/
ぶんししき(n) molecular formula/
茄子なすeggplant, aubergine
の子かぜのこ (n) outdoor creatures/
狸囃子たぬきばやし(n) racoon dogs drumming on their stomachs/
こうだんし(n) handsome man/
繻子しゅす(n) satin/
ようすこう Yangtze River (in China)/
いなご (n) locust/grasshopper/
つ子むつご sextuplets/
さんびょうし(n) triple time (music)/3 important requisites/
しょうさっし (n) booklet/pamphlet/
調子をえるちょうしをととのえる(exp) to put in tune/
い子あたまのいいこbright (intelligent) child/
だんし (n) youth/young man/(P)/
茄子あかなす (n) tomato/
螺子ねじ(n) screw/helix/spiral/
楊子ようじ(n) toothpick/
でしいり (n) apprenticeship/enrolling/(P)/
いんしぶんせき factor analysis/
ようでんし(n) positron/
し子おやなしご (n) parentless child/orphan/
げんしせつatomic theory/
螺子釘 ねじくぎ(n) screw/
かでんしじょうたい valence state/
えた調子であまえたちょうしでin a coquettish tone/
はんりゅうし(n) antiparticle/
びだんし(n) handsome man/
でんしじしょ electronic dictionary/
うりこ (n) salesboy/salesgirl/(P)/
孟子もうしMencius (also his works)/
ぼうしかけhat rack/
むぎわらぼうし straw hat/
ふし(n) father and child (son)/(P)/
げんしりょう(n) atomic weight/
獅子ししがしら(n) lion mask/
げんしぶつりがく atomic physics/nuclear physics/
でんしおん(n) electronic sound/
囃子はやし(n) Japanese orchestra/band/accompaniment/
ちゃくしゅつし(n) legitimate child/(P)/
調ちょうしもの(n) matter of chance/person easily elated/
うじこちょうshrine visitors' register/
獅子しし(n) lion/
まいご(n) lost (stray) child/(P)/
ññし子いとしご (n) beloved dear child/
どうらくむすこ prodigal son/
えいこさく(n) perpetual land lease/perpetual tenant farmer/
きおくそし(computer) storage cell/
椅子ひじかけいす(exp) chair with arm rests/senior staff/
にげんしぶんしdiatomic molecule/
鹿の子かのこpattern of white spots/dapples/fawn/
みなし子みなしご(n) orphan/
りっ子ひとりっこ(n) an only child/
げんしせんatomic war/
しらこ(n) soft roe/milt/albino/
かかし(n) (uk) scarecrow/figurehead/
り子としよりごchild of one's age/
でんきでんし electrical and electronic/
し子たつのおとしご(n) sea horse/
ひとりっこ (n) a child/an only child/
いちりゅうしきやくone particle irreducible (physics)/
なつぼうし(n) summer hat/straw hat/
の子めのこざん(n) rough estimate/mental arithmetic/
杓子しゃくしじょうぎ (adj-na,n) a hard-and-fast rule/stick fast to rules/a stickler (for rules)/hidebound system/inflexible/
獅子ししばな(n) pug nose/
ゆきみしょうじshoji with glass window behind a sliding bottom half/
ばっし(n) youngest child/
きょうさんぶんし communist elements/
りゅうし (n) particle/grain/(P)/
いりたまご(n) scrambled eggs/
ひょうしぬけ(n) disappointment/
牟子ぼうしcap worn by masked dancer (cap covers hair and nape and reaches to the shoulders)/
巫子みこ(n) medium/sorceress/shrine maiden/
たのもしこう(n) mutual financing association/
ぼしりょう(n) home for mothers and children/
調子にちょうしにのる(v5) to be elated/to be caught up in the moment/
いたご(n) ship plank/
でんしおんがく electronic music/
え子おしえご (n) student/disciple/
はけ (n) brush/commutator brush/
獅子しししんちゅうのむし(n) treacherous friend/
ほうとうむすこa profligate son/
り子おりこ (n) weaver/
椅子さんきゃくいすa three-legged stool/
せきし (n) (arch) imperial children/imperial child/
こうせいし (n) component/
ぶんしかんりょく (n) intermolecular forces/
たくし (n) table/
ちどりごうし hound's-tooth check/
梯子をけるはしごをかける(exp) to set a ladder up against/
まなでし(n) favorite pupil/teacher's pet/
せいし (n) heir/successor/
し子ててなしご(n) fatherless or illegitimate child/
えんざんし(n) operator (math)/
凭れ椅子もたれいすreclining chair/
子をぼうしをとる(exp) to take off one's hat/
りしへいこうぜいinterest equalization tax/
螺子もくねじ (n) wood screw/
けつごうし(n) association/
てんねんがらす natural glass/
こていし(n) stator (elec.)/
えんたいりし interest in arrears/
じょしだいがく (n) women's college/
こうし(n) lattice/(P)/
調うわちょうし(adj-na,n) high pitch/higher tone/
こうたいし(n) crown prince/(P)/
茄子なす(n) eggplant/aubergine/(P)/
眸子ぼうし(n) eye/pupil/
こうぞういでんし structural gene/
もりがしcakes heaped in a container for a shrine offering/
ひししょくぶつ(n) angiosperm/
れっ子うれっこかしゅ popular singer/
れのきれのぼうしcloth hat/
せんす(n) folding fan/(P)/
りょうしろん (n) quantum theory/
こうしど(n) lattice door/
螺子ねじきりscrew cutter/thread cutting/
囃子はやしかた(n) (in Noh) musician/orchestra leader/
げんしほうatomic cannon/
だんごばな (n) a snub or pug nose/
囃子はやしことば(n) meaningless words in a song for rhythm/
がんいでんし (n) oncogene/
なないろとうがらし(n) type of spice containing seven ingredients/
まごこ(n) children and grandchildren/posterity/descendants/
たげんし polyatomic/
お子おこさま(n) (pol) child (someone else's)/
げんしばくはつ atomic explosion/
おなご (n) woman/girl/
ようがし(n) Western confectionery/
たんしろん(n) monadism/
きびなご(n) member of round herring family/
でんかけつごうそし Charge-Coupled Device/CCD/
さいしもちman with wife and kid(s)/
げんしかく(n) nucleus (atomic)/(P)/
もっしょくし(n) gallnut/
いんし(n) factor/element (math.)/
骰子さいころ(n) dice/die/
こうしてん (n) lattice point/
しょうじ (n) paper sliding door/(P)/
いぶんし(n) outsider/alien elements/
杓子あなじゃくし (n) perforated ladle/
ぼしともboth mother and child/
いっしそうでん (n) transmission of a trade secret from father to a son/
かっしfirst of the sexagenary cycle/
ようしせんproton beam/
みずこ(n) newborn baby/aborted, stillborn or miscarried foetus/
うちでし (n) private pupil/apprentice/
虎の子とらのこ(n) tiger cub/treasure/
おとむすこ(n) younger sons/
おうじ (n) prince/(P)/
鉗子かんし(n) forceps/
っ子いたずらっこ (n) mischievous kid/
さかご (n) breech (foot) presentation/agrippa/
獅子ししざ(n) Leo/
りったいししきinvestiture of the Crown Prince/
びなんし(n) handsome man/
そりゅうしかそくき particle accelerator/
またでし(n) indirect pupil/
みずご (n) newborn baby/aborted, stillborn or miscarried foetus/
しゅし(n) seed/pit/(P)/
げんしせんそう atomic war/
いぬはりこ(n) papier-mache dog/
ぼしねんきん allowance for fatherless families/
こうぶんしかがくhigh polymer chemistry/
げんしりきがく atomic mechanics/
こうりょうし(n) light quantum/
ちゅうせいしせい (n) a neutron star/
曳子ひきこjinrikisha puller/
へんかんしpickup/sensing element/
おさなご (n) infant/baby/little child/(P)/
でんししゅっぱん electronic publishing/
でし pupil, disciple
ふたござ(n) Gemini/
あっちゃくたんし(n) crimp contact/
梯子はしご(n) ladder/stairs/(P)/
胚子はいし(n) embryo/
ひましゆ (n) castor oil/
ようし (n) proton/(P)/
はくし (n) (musical) time/tempo/beat/rhythm/chance/
囃子はやしことば words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song/
やまたかぼうし(n) derby/bowler (hat)/
いっし (n) a child/an only child/
芥子からし(oK) (n) mustard/
とぎぞうしfairy-tale book/
でんしみつど electron density/
くろご (n) prompter/stagehand/black figures/
ふたご(n) twins/a twin/(P)/
椅子かいてんいすswivel chair/
かでんりゅうしa charged particle/
くさだんご(n) mugwort-flavored rice dumpling/
なかご (n) core/blade/middle of a nest of boxes/
いんでんし (n) negatron/
り子ふりこ (n) pendulum/
つ子みつご (n) 3-year old/triplets/
い子いいこ good child/
さっし (n) brush/commutator brush/
のじこ(n) a Japanese yellow bunting/
しょうし (n) low birth rate/
ひょうしきごう time signature/
子パンかしぱん (n) sweetened bun/
げんしへいき atomic weapons/
えいこさくけん perpetual land lease/
しょうし (n) midnight/
しょうし crystallite/
捻子ねじ(n) screw/helix/spiral/(P)/
にびょうし(n) double time/
かみこ (n) paper garment/
そうし (n) copy-book/storybook/
かりあかりしょうじ(n) paper screen door for admitting light/
こうぶんしかごうぶつ high molecular compound/
の子かずのこ (n) herring roe/
子レンジでんしレンジ (n) microwave oven/
獅子ししとう(n) green pepper/
呑み子ちのみご (n) baby/suckling child/
れっ子うれっこ(adj-na,n) favorite/popular person/
獅子ししとうがらし small sweet green pepper/
子縞こうしじま (n) check(ed) pattern/plaid/
りったいしれい ceremonial of instituting the Crown Prince/
獅子からじし(n) (artistic portrait of a) lion/
めんつ (n) face/(one's) honour/(P)/
しゅししょくぶつ seed plant/
でんしけんびきょう(n) electron microscope/
調たかちょうし(adj-na,n) high pitch/
せんたくし(n) selective/
めんこ(n) game of slapping cards down to overturn opponent's/
子メディアでんしメディア(n) electronic media/
吾子あこ(n) my child/
子メイルでんしめいるe-mail/electronic mail/
むぎわらぼうしstraw hat/
の子おちゃのこ a cinch/
椰子やし(n) palm tree/
でんししきんふりかえelectronic fund transfer/EFT/
ちゅうせいしそく neutron flux/
からし (n) mustard/(P)/
繻子くろじゅす (n) black satin/
塵子うんか (n) leafhopper/
梃子てこ(n) lever/
梯子 ていし(n) ladder/stairs/
げんしろん (n) atomic theory/atomism/
まごでし(n) disciples of one's disciples/
れんじ (n) latticework/
椅子くるまいす (n) wheelchair/(P)/
とし子たつのおとしご(n) sea horse/
しきべつし (n) identifier/
調らんちょうし(n) confusion/
子もないとっぴょうしも ないastounding/tremendous/crazy/exorbitant/
くんし (n) man of virtue/person of high rank/wise man/
れ子つれこ(n) child brought by a second spouse/
ぎし (n) adopted child/
婿むこようし(n) son-in-law taken (adopted) into family/(P)/
銚子ちょうし(n) (sake) decanter/
たんしようしょくぶつ (n) a monocotyledon/
々子おとうとでし (n) pupil/new disciple/
ようしえんぐみ adoption/
綿わたぼうし(n) bride's silk floss headdress/
調ちょうし form, condition, way, tone
そし (n) element/data/
芥子けし(n) poppy/
きしlast child/
びりゅうし (n) corpuscle/minute particle/
しろのぼうしwhite hat/
しせいし (n) illegitimate child/
の子あいのこ (n) derogatory person of mixed parentage/crossbreed/
雉子きじ(n) pheasant/
帷子かたびら(n) light hemp garment/thin morning kimono/
はんようし (n) antiproton (physics)/
の子おとこのこ boy
しょし(n) illegitimate child/(P)/
綿わたがし(n) cotton candy/
獅子ししまい(n) lion dance/
こっし (n) bones/marrow/essentials/(P)/
子豹くんしひょうへんA wise man needs not blush for changing his purposes (original meaning)/a demeanor (attitude, tune) undergoing an instant change for the worse (in colloquial usage)/
すえこ(n) youngest child/
れんじまど(n) lattice window/
きつねごうし(n) lattice work/
むきこうぶんしinorganic polymer/
いでんしちりょうgene therapy/
でんしかいろelectronic circuit/
かしおりbox of cakes/
しらすぼし (n) dried young sardines/
ひがし(n) candy/cookies/
椅子ひじかけいす(exp) chair with arm rests/senior staff/
でんしこうがく electronic engineering/electronics/
せこ(n) beater (on a hunt)/
かしや(n) confectionery shop/(P)/
わがし(n) Japanese confectionery/(P)/
げんしぶつりがくしゃ nuclear physicist/
だんしがくせい (n) boy student/
り子ひとりご (n) an only child/
げんしりょくはつでんnuclear power generation (of electricity)/
おとうとでし(n) pupil/new disciple/
げんししょうsymptoms of atomic illness/
りょうしいろりきがくquantum chromodynamics (physics)/
簀の子すのこ(n) drainboard/bamboo blind/reed mat/
じょし (n) woman/girl/(P)/
笠子かさご(n) stingfish/scorpionfish/rockfish/
ふおんぶんし disturbing elements/
すなご(n) sand/gold or silver dust/
ゆうせいしいん (n) voiced consonant/
そりゅうし(n) elementary particle/particle (physics)/(P)/
餃子ぎょうざ(n) gyoza (Japanese crescent shaped pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and vegetables)/(P)/
楊子たかようじleisurely, post-meal use of a toothpick/
えぼし(n) noble's court headgear/
おやこ (n) parent and child/(P)/
椅子ねいす (n) sofa/couch/lounge chair/
し子かくしご (n) illegitimate child/
柚子ゆず(n) (uk) (Japanese) citron (type of citrus fruit)/
きじゅつし descriptor/
らんし (n) ovum/ovule/egg cell/
調子をとるちょうしをとる (v5) to beat time/to mark time/
よんびょうし(n) quadruple time/
ひょうしぎ(n) wooden clappers/(P)/
り子うりこ(n) salesboy/salesgirl/
し子おとしご (n) nobleman's illegitimate child/evil consequence/
梯子はしごのり(n) ladder-top stunts/
おんぞうし(n) son of a distinguished family/son of a noble/
はんこ(n) seal (used for signature)/(P)/
うじこふだ(n) charm for shrine visitors/
獅子からしし (n) (artistic portrait of a) lion/
杓子おたまじゃくし(n) tadpole/ladle/musical note/
ようしし(n) adoptive heir/
子丼たまごどんぶり (n) bowl of rice topped with boiled eggs/
じっし(n) one's own child/
たまご (n) (1) egg(s)/spawn/roe/
子のしょうじのこしlower part of a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
げいこ (n) young geisha/
殿こうたいしでんかthe Crown Prince/
の子ひとのこ the Son of Man/Christ/
ひばり(n) skylark/
かでんしたいvalence band/
芥子 からしな(n) leaf mustard/mustard plant/
ひましcastor bean/
し梯子くりだしばしご extension ladder/
いたずらっこmischievous boy/
いとしご (n) beloved dear child/
捩子ねじ(n) (a) screw/
ひがし (n) dried candies or confections/
撫子なでしこ(n) a pink/
子メールでんしメール(n) e-mail/electronic mail/
さとご (n) foster-child/(P)/
ははこぐさ(n) cottonweed/
りょうしぶつりがくquantum physics/
きんす (n) money/funds/
たつのおとしご(n) sea horse/
たんし(n) terminal (electricity)/
ぶんしりょう(n) molecular weight/
調いっぽんぢょうし (adj-na,n) monotone/
たんしようmonocotyledon (botany)/
こうしづくり(n) latticework/
まご (n) packhorse driver/
おんせつしゅおんてきしいんsyllabic consonant/
たいし (n) Crown Prince/
ぼしけんこうてちょう maternity record book/
り子こきりこ(n) clave-like folk instrument/two bamboo pieces beaten together/
ほうし(n) spore/(P)/
竪子 じゅしgreenhorn/stripling/
かあつすいがたげんしろ (n) pressurized water reactor/
椅子でんきいすelectric chair/
っ子だだっこ(n) unmanageable child/spoiled child/spoilt/
繻子なんきんじゅす nankeen satin/
おうじ (n) imperial prince/
げんし atom
げんしりょくはつでんしょnuclear power plant/(P)/
せいしいんvoiceless consonant/
あしびょうし(n) beating time with one's foot/
しんし (n) parent and child/
ふし(n) gallnut (gikun)/
すてご (n) abandoned child/foundling/
ぼうし (n) hat/(P)/
椅子ざいす (n) small chair used while sitting on tatami/
っ子はやりっこ (n) popular person/
きょうどういんし cofactor (math)/
でんきし (n) armature/
じょしだい(n) women's college/
杓子おたまじゃくし(n) tadpole/ladle/musical note/
子をげるりしをにぶがたひきさげる(exp) to lower the rate of interest by 2 percent/
の子いえのころうとう(n) followers/adherents/
りょうしりきがく (n) quantum mechanics/
つれこ (n) child from previous marriage/
子データでんしデータしょり (n) electronic data processing (EDP)/
ふうし(n) term of address for a teacher/Confucius/
瞳子どうし(n) pupil/
ひざびょうし(n) keeping time by tapping one's knees/
いでんしこうがく genetic engineering/
ふじょし(n) woman/wife/(P)/
こうでんし(n) photoelectron/
ぼし (n) mother and child/(P)/
きこうし(n) young noble/noble youth/
でんしずのう electronic brain/
いし (n) posthumous child/
ふしかてい (n) motherless family/
たなこ (n) tenant/
みずがし(n) fruit/(P)/
こうぶんしきゅうしゅうたい(n) high polymer absorbent/
にせくんし(n) hypocrite/snob/
芥子からしづけ(n) vegetables pickled in mustard/
っ子はまっこ native of Yokohama/
ぎんすなご(n) silver dust/
てんねんしょうし natural glass/
茄子はまなす (n) sweet briar/
きこくしじょ child who has returned to his or her country/
おにご(n) child born with teeth/child which does not resemble its parents/
ひきがし (n) ornamental gift cakes/
塵子みじんこ (n) water flea (Daphnia spp.)/
げんしか(n) valence/atomic value/
こうしまど(n) latticed window/
げんしうんatomic cloud/
むすこ(n) (hum) son/(P)/
ごふし(n) gallnut (gikun)/
かいだんし(n) agreeable fellow/
茄子なすび(n) eggplant/aubergine/
げんしりょくじだい(n) atomic age/
えぼしがい (n) goose barnacle/
らししょくぶつ (n) gymnospermous plant/
碍子かさがたがいしumbrella insulator/
螺子めねじ (n) female screw/
でし (n) pupil/disciple/adherent/follower/apprentice/young person/teacher's student-helper/(P)/
調ちょうしもの (n) matter of chance/person easily elated/
ねりがし Japanese sweets made of bean paste/
なかおれぼうしfelt hat/
さんざし (n) hawthorn/
子丼おやこどん (n) chicken and egg on rice/parent and child donburi/
てらこや (n) temple elementary school/
餃子すいぎょうざ boiled gyoza (qv)/
げんしぶつりがくのちち father of atomic physics/
の子たくのこどもmy (our) child/
梯子ひなんばしごfire escape/fire ladder/
ほくろ (n) dark mole/face mole/beauty spot/mite/(P)/
おとうとむすこ (n) younger sons/
杓子かなじゃくし metal ladle/
楓子ふうしこうgalbanum (gum resin from fennel)/
じし (n) the next child/
苛めっ子いじめっこ(n) (a) bully/
ちゃがし (n) tea cakes/
繻子けじゅす (n) sateen/
じょしこう(n) girls' school/
こおりがし(n) frozen sweet/sherbert/
調ちょうしはずれ(adj-na,n) out of tune/
げんしびょう(n) radiation sickness/
いでんし(adj-na,n) gene/genetic/
きびだんご(n) millet dumplings/
だいにりょうしかsecond quantisation (physics)/
だんご (n) dumpling (sweet)/
ちゅうせいしばくだんneutron bomb/
調うわっちょうし (adj-na,n) flippant/frivolous/shallow/
りったいし (n) investiture of the Crown Prince/
ちゅうせいし (n) neutron/
たんしきんるい (n) (the) basidiomycetes/
梯子のはしごのだんrung of a ladder/
ぶんしせつmolecular theory/
あまご (n) red-spotted masu trout/
さんじゃくのどうじ (n) mere child/
け椅子ひじかけいす(exp) chair with arm rests/senior staff/
Πパイちゅうかんし pion (physics)/
ぼうしやhat shop/hatmaker/
うきよぞうし (n) (Edo-period variety of) realistic literature/
りょうしか (n) quantization/
ろうし Lao-tse/Lao-tzu/(P)/
じょしこう(n) girls' high school/
り子きりこ (n) facet/
じょし woman, women
綸子りんず(n) figured satin/
緞子 どんす(n) silk damask/satin damask/
て子すてご(n) abandoned child/foundling/(P)/
亀の子かめのこyoung tortoise/
子にしょうじにかげをうつ す(exp) to project a shadow on a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
さいし(n) talented man/clever man/(P)/
こうし (n) photon/
帷子くさりかたびら (n) chain mail (armor)/
おんなこども(n) women and children/
こきりこ(n) clave-like folk instrument/two bamboo pieces beaten together/
かしき (n) cake box/
こうぶんしぶっしつ(n) (high) polymer/macromolecular substance/
にっし(n) (number of) days/
螺子ねじやま(n) screw thread/ridge/
調のぼりちょうし(n) rise/improvement/uptrend/
つけぼくろartificial facial beauty spot/
せつごうし(n) zygote/
かんしほん roll/scroll/rolled book/
だんしようfor men/(P)/
かし(n) pastry/(P)/
ひめみこ(n) imperial princess/
芥子こけし (n) limbless wooden doll/Kokeshi doll/
させ子 させこwhore/
あにでし (n) senior schoolmate/senior apprentice/
ちょうし(n) eldest child or son/
子のしょうじのさん frame of a shoji (paper sliding-door)/
そんぷうし (n) rural scholar or pedagogue/pedant/
りしほきゅうsubsidized interest payments/
椅子にめるいすにみをしずめる (exp) to sink into a chair/
でんしそし(electronic) element/
こうし (n) young nobleman/
ちょうじゆclove oil/
べんけいごうしchecked pattern/plaid/
くろこ (n) prompter/stagehand/black figures/(P)/
はつご(n) first child/
絢 緞子あやどんすdamask/
蛙の子は蛙 かえるのこはかえる(exp) `like father, like son'/
げんしばくだんAtomic bomb/A-bomb/
かでんし(n) valence electron/
れ子いれこ (n) nest (of boxes)/
はりこ (n) papier mache/
調おちょうしもの (n) a timeserver/frivolous person/
し子もうしご (n) heaven-sent child (in answer to a Shinto or Buddhist prayer)/
おとご(n) last child/
椅子ながいす (n) couch/
そりゅうしろん (n) theory of elementary particles/
帷子きょうかたびら(n) white kimono in which dead person is dressed/
み子ちのみご (n) baby/suckling child/
り子いぬはりこ(n) papier-mache dog/
じょしだいせい (n) female college student/
ふりこ (n) pendulum/
いの子あいのこ (n) Eurasian/mulatto/crossbreed/hybrid/
の子とびうおのこ flying fish roe/
つちだんごmud pie/
ていぶる(n) table/
筑子 こきりこ(n) clave-like folk instrument/two bamboo pieces beaten together/
り子の虎はりこのとら paper tiger/
よりはなよりだんご(exp) dumplings rather than flowers/people are more interested in the practical over the aesthetic/
獅子ししふんじん (n) furiously/
椅子あんらくいす(n) easy chair/
鰤子 ぶりっこchild-like woman (pun on buri plus ko)/
の子めのこかんじょう(n) rough estimate/mental arithmetic/
っ子ひとっこ (n) a person/anybody/
肱かけ椅子ひじかけいす(exp) chair with arm rests/senior staff/
り子はりこ (n) papier mache/
り子おどりこ (n) dancer/(P)/
調ちょうし (n) tune/tone/key/pitch/time/rhythm/vein/mood/way/manner/style/knack/condition/state of health/strain/impetus/spur of the moment/trend/(P)/
すじこ (n) (salted) salmon roe/
りょうし (n) quantum/
こうたいしひ (n) crown princess/(P)/
杓子しゃくし(n) bamboo ladle/
じょしりょう(n) women's dormitory/
碍子がいし(n) insulator/
み椅子たたみいす(n) folding (collapsible) chair/
むしがしsteamed cake/
ちゃくし(n) legitimate child/(P)/
じょうしぐん(n) Amazonian troops/Amazons/
せいりゅうし(n) commutator/
そうしようしょくぶつ(n) dicotyledon/
子丼おやこどんぶり (n) chicken and egg on rice/parent and child donburi/
いしこづめ burying alive beneath stones/
ままむすこ(n) stepson/
としょうじ (n) doors and shoji (sliding doors with paper panes)/
でんしかく (n) electron shell/
でごうし(n) projecting lattice/latticed bay window/
おやこかんけい (n) parent-child relationship/
炒り子いりこ(n) small dried sardine/
いでんいんしくみかえ recombinant gene splicing/
てんし(n) the emperor/
はごいた(n) battledore/
おやこ parent and child; parents and thier children
ぞくし(n) rebellious child/rebel/traitor/
でんしこうがくしゃelectronics engineer/electrical engineer/
じきでし(n) personal pupil/
調のぼりぢょうし(n) rise/improvement/uptrend/
さいし (n) wife and children/(P)/
あつぎたんし (n) crimp contact/
梯子なわばしご (n) rope ladder/
しくんし(n) gentleman/man of learning and virtue/
しょうじがみ(n) shoji paper/
そうりょうむすこ eldest son/
しびょうし(n) quadruple time/
椰子やしゆ(n) coconut oil/
豎 子じゅし(n) sprout/lad/stripling/
りし(n) interest (bank)/(P)/