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Kanji: Radical: () : ; あざ; character
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1281 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2172
Japanese Reading English
て字あてじ(n) phonetic-equivalent character/substitute character/(P)/
ロシアロシアもじRussian character(s)/
宛て字あてじ(n) phonetic-equivalent character/substitute character/
ひっしゃりゃくじhandwritten abbreviation (of kanji)/
もじふごうけい character coding system/
おやじ (n) first character (of a dictionary entry)/
おんぴょうもじ(n) phonetic symbols/
り字おどりじ (n) repetition of the previous character/
かな(n) (uk) Japanese syllabary (alphabets)/kana/
きゅうじたい old character form/
だいじ (n) title/prefatory words/
がいじし(n) foreign-language newspaper/
じゅうじけい(adj-na) cross/cruciform/
じょうようかんじ (n) kanji for common use/(P)/
はんたいじtraditional (unsimplified) form of Chinese characters/
おんなもじ (n) woman's handwriting/hiragana/
ようじ (n) using characters/
きんじ (n) gold or gilt letters/
じゅうじ (adj-na,n) cross/crossed/cruciform/
おんじ(n) syllabary/phonetic symbol/
じょうじ (n) repetition of the previous character/
ほんじ(n) Chinese character/unsimplified (original form of) a Chinese character/
じゅうじかじょう(adj-na) cruciform/
はちもんじ(n) (in) the shape of the character hachi (eight)/
にじ(n) two characters/name/
いちじせんきん (n) a word of great value/
へんじ conversion/converted character/
ふくじゅうじ(n) double-crosspiece cross (symbol for tuberculosis prevention)/
し字くずしじ(n) character written in a cursive style/
えいこもじ lower-case letters/
かぎじゅうじ(n) swastika/
もじどおり (n-adv) literally/(P)/
あかじざいせい deficit financing/
みょうじ surname, family name, last name
くろもじ(n) spicebush/toothpick/
アラビアアラビアすうじ(n) Arabic numeral/
ちょうじ (n) clove/
あてじ (n) phonetic-equivalent character/substitute character/
じゅうじせん (n) crosshairs/
せきじゅうじしゃ the Red Cross/
せいじほう(n) correct orthography/
ぞくじ (n) popular characters/nonstandard characters/
いちもんじ (n) straight line/beeline/
すうじ (n) numeral/figure/(P)/
かんじ (n) Chinese characters/kanji/(P)/
じゅうじほうか (n) cross fire/(P)/
の字はちのじ (n) figure eight/
おどりじ (io) (n) repetition of the previous character/
ひょうおんじぼphonetic alphabet/
とうようかんじ (n) daily-use kanji/
みょうじ (n) surname/family name/(P)/
しゃしんしょくじ photosetting (in printing)/
りょくじゅうじ(n) the green cross symbolizing faith, liberty and truth/
たんかんじ single kanji/
せきじゅうじふ school attached to the Japan Red Cross Society/
りゃくじ(n) abbreviation/simplified character/
もじふごうかほう character encoding scheme/
貿ぼうえきくろじ (n) trade surplus/
しゅうじ calligraphy
あかじ (n) deficit/go in the red/(P)/
いたいじ(n) kanji variants/
こもじ(n) lower case letters/(P)/
いんじ (n,vs) copying/
かんじぶんかけんcountries which use Chinese characters/
えいじしゅうごう alphabetic character set/
あかじ deficit, red figures
もじ (n) letter (of alphabet)/character/(P)/
字コードもじコードcharacter code, e.g. JIS, Unicode, etc./
じゅうじがい(n) crossroads/street crossing/
かきもじdrawn lettering/sound effects lettering/
えいすうじ(n) alphanumeric character/
雁字搦めがんじがらめ(n) bound hand and foot/immobile/
しょくじ (n) typesetting/
ほうじ (n) Japanese characters/kanji and kana/
キリルキリルもじCyrillic character/
いっていじ(n) a single letter or character/
えもじ(n) ideograph/pictograph/
よじじゅくご four-character idiomatic compounds/
き字いきじびき (n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia/
もじばけ unintelligible sequence of characters/
かつじたいでかく(v5) to print (on a press)/
こくじ (n) carving characters/carved characters/
おとこもじ (n) man's handwriting/kanji/
の字きのじ (n) 77th birthday/
ほそじ (n) small type or handwriting/
けるいちじあけるto leave a space (between words)/
しょうじ (n,vs) simplification of a kanji/
わじ (n) kanji devised in Japan/
おおあざかたやま name of a town section/
せ字ふせじ (n) asterisk/blank type (dots, circles, etc.)/
ていじがたじょうぎ T square/
じんだいもじ(n) ancient Japanese characters (regarded today as created at a much more recent date)/
貿ぼうえきあかじ(n) trade deficit/
せきじゅうじこくさいい いんかい(n) International Committee of the Red Cross/
ローマ字ローマじ(n) romanization/Roman letters/(P)/
字にじゅうもんじに crosswise/
の字おんのじ (n) most satisfactory/
煕字こうきじてんThe Chinese kangxi zidian dictionary of 1716, which established the 214 radicals/
かんたいじ (n) simplified Chinese form (of kanji)/
嘘字うそじ(n) incorrect character/
はなもじ (n) ornate initial/capital letters/flowers planted to form characters/
もじよみとりそうちcharacter reader/
ローマ字ローマじRoman alphabet
そえじ(n) subscript/
かつじほん printed book/
いちじけずるto delete a letter/
綴字ていじ(n) spelling/
かんえいじてんKanji to English dictionary/
の字せいげんがいのじ forbidden kanji/
かいじ explanation of a kanji/
かなもじ the Japanese syllabary symbols/
しゅうじ (n) penmanship/(P)/
しゃもじ(n) wooden spoon/ladle/rice scoop/
おおもじ(n) (1) upper case letters/large characters/(P)/
ていじけい (n) T-shaped/
さんようすうじ Arabic numerals/
かしらもじ(n) initials/first letter of a word/
じゅうじか(n) cross/the Cross (of Christ)/(P)/
じゅうじかぞう crucifix/(P)/
じゅうもんじ(adj-no,n) a cross/cruciform/
かつじたい(n) typeface/
もじじょうほうcharacter information/
き字おきじ (n) kanji left unpronounced when reading Chinese/
字髭はちじひげ(n) finely-trimmed moustache/
せいげんかんじ restricted Chinese characters/
みょうじ (n) surname/family name/(P)/
こあざ (n) small administrative unit (of a village)/
ほじょかんじsupplemental kanji (added by JIS X 0212)/
字ブロックてんじブロッ クbumpy tiles set in public areas to mark the path for the blind/
ていじろ (n) T junction/
いきじびき(n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia/
じゅうじろ(n) crossroads/(P)/
せもじ(n) lettering on the spine of a book/
いちじいっく (n) word for word/verbatim/
いちじ (n) a letter/a character/
もじばん(n) a dial/
い字ほそいじslender character/
ひょういもんじ ideograph(s)/hieroglyph(s)/calligraphy/
えいじしんぶん English-language newspaper/
じゅくじくん(n) special kanji readings/
かしらじ (n) first letter(s)/initial/
ひともじ(n) arranging a group of people so as to form a character or spell out a message/
けんじ(n) stroke-count index/
かんじぶんか (the so-called) kanji culture/
とうじご(n) acronym/
ていじたい (n) T bandage/
きんじとう(n) pyramid/monumental work/
せきじゅうじ(n) Red Cross/(P)/
よこもじ(n) European writing/cross-wise writing/(P)/
かんじChinese characters
ひょうおんもんじ phonetic symbol/phonogram/
だつじきごう caret (symbol for omitted word)/
かなかんじへんかん kana-kanji conversion/
いんじ (n) rhyming words/
かんすうじ(n) Chinese characters which express numbers/
だいもんじ (n) (1) upper case letters/large characters/(2) the (kanji) character "dai" meaning "big"/(3) huge character "dai" formed by fires lit on the side of a mountain in Kyoto on 16 Aug each year/
ほんじ (n) transliteration/
字をかつじをくむ(exp) to set type/
かいいもじ ideograph/
かたじゅうじじめ cross choke/
わせもじあわせじょう combination lock/
せいじ (n,vs) simplification of a kanji/
おうじ (n) alphabetic/letter/
ゆうこうすうじ significant digits/
ふとじ (n) boldface/bold-type/thick characters/(P)/
こくじ(n) native script/kana/kanji made in Japan/(P)/
こうがくもじoptical character/
おおあざ (n) (1) larger section (of village)/(2) large character/
るいせきあかじaccumulated deficit/
ばんこくこくさいおん ぴょうもじInternational Phonetic Alphabet/
みなみじゅうじせい(n) Southern Cross/
ぎじ character of questionable form/
退こうたいもじ backspace/
阿字あじ(n) the letter a (in esoteric Buddhism)/
ほうじしんぶん newspaper in Japanese/Japanese language newspaper/(P)/
きゅうじold characters/
雁字搦めにがんじがらめに (bind) firmly/
がいじ (n) characters not in Joyo Kanji/foreign letters or words/
こくじもんだいproblems pertaining to a nation's script/
きんもじ(n) gold or gilt letters/
ふせじ (n) asterisk/blank type (dots, circles, etc.)/
しきじりつ literacy rate/
えいじ (n) English letter (character)/
った字てをかたどったじcharacter representing a hand/
くろじ (n) balance (figure) in the black/(P)/
こじ(n) ancient writing/
くろじとうさん business insolvency due to liquidity problems/
じゅうじか (n) crossfire/
いんじき(n) typewriter/teletype/
もじれつcharacter string/
き字いきじびき(n) walking dictionary or encyclopedia/
しょくじき(n) typesetting machine/
ふりかんじ(n) kanji printed as ruby, usually to explain kana/
梵字ぼんじ(n) Sanskrit characters/
もんじ(n) letter (of alphabet)/character/(P)/
じんめいようかんじ(n) kanji officially for use in names/
あかじこくさい deficit-covering (government) bond/
ていじじょうぎ(n) T square/
せいじ(n) correct characters/
しんじたい(n) new form of a character/
けつじ (n) omitted word/blank type/missing letter/
ていじ(n) letter "T"/
しんじ (n) kanji made in Japan/
じゅうじぐんきしthe Crusaders/
てんじ(n) Braille/(P)/
ふごうかもじしゅうごうcoded character set/
篆字てんじ(n) seal script character/
さいじ (n) small type or handwriting/
衍字えんじ(n) (inadvertent) insertion of a character in a text/
じゅうじぐん (n) Crusades/Crusaders/
しゃじ (n) copying/transcription/
にほんごもじJapanese character/
せきじゅうじじょうやく(n) Red Cross Convention/
ちくじやくverbatim or literal translation/
字コードえいじコード alphabetic code/
しきじ (n) literacy/
かんじせいげん restrictions on the number of kanji recognized for usage/
ひょうおんもじphonetic symbol/phonogram/
字にすうじによわいnot good with figures/
薔薇ばらじゅうじだん Rosicrucian/Fellowship of the Rosy Cross/
きょじ(n) kanji representing verb or adjective/
えいじしんぶん English newspaper
ギリシアギリシアもじ(n) Greek character(s)/
け字かけじ (n) hanging scroll/
るいじ (n) similar kanji/
ごじ (n) misprint/(P)/
り字かりじ characters borrowed (to represent the meaning)/
雁字搦みにがんじがらみに(bind) firmly/
かんじへんかんkanji conversion/
くさびがたもじ (n) cuneiform (writing)/
どうじ (n) the same character/
かつじ (n) printing type/(P)/
いっちょうじ(n) a single letter or character/
まいちもんじ (n) straight/as the crow flies/
ゆもじ(n) loincloth/
宛字 あてじ(n) phonetic-equivalent character/substitute character/
おやもじ(n) capital letter/first character of a dictionary entry/
かんじせいげんろん the question of limiting the use of Chinese characters/
だつじ(n) omitted word or character/