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Kanji: Radical: () : ガク; まな(ぶ)、まな(び); study
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1271 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2555
Japanese Reading English
かがくいん (n) science institute/
じゅがく (n) Confucianism/(P)/
ねんりんしがく dendrochronology/
おんきょうがく(n) (the study of) acoustics/
さいがく (n) talent and education/
にゅうがくなんdifficulty of getting into a college/
きょうとだいがく Kyoto University/
じょうほうかがく information science/
いがくはくし M.D./Doctor of Medicine/
しんがっき(n) new school term/(P)/
じんせいてつがく philosophy of life/
じつぎょうがっこう vocational school/
ひかがくてき (adj-na) unscientific/
いでんがく(n) genetics/study of heredity/
じょりゅうぶんがくしゃlady of letters/
しんがく (n) theology/
せいかがく(n) biochemistry/
かがくこうぎょう chemical industry/
ちきゅうかがく(n) earth sciences (geology, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, etc.)/
どうぶつこうどうがく(n) ethology/
けいけんかがぐempirical science/
かんがくしゃ(n) Sinologist/scholar of the Chinese classics/
ぶんがくし (n) literary history/history of literature/(P)/
いがくざっし(n) medical journal/
こてんぶんがく classical literature/
ぶんげいがく(n) study or science of literature/a liberal arts department/
いがくようごmedical term/(P)/
を学げるこどもをがっこうにあげる(exp) to send one's child to school/
ふぞくがっこう an attached or affiliated school/
すうりてつがく (n) mathematical philosophy/
しょうがっこう(n) primary school/elementary school/(P)/
えいようがくしゃ dietitian/
ちゅうがく (n) middle school/junior high school/(P)/
唖学もうあがっこう school for the blind and dumb/
すうがく (n) mathematics/arithmetic/(P)/
きょういくしんりがくeducational psychology/
おうようしんりがくapplied psychology/
ねつりきがくてき(adj-na) thermodynamic/
こくみんがっこう elementary school (in an educational system operated in Japan between 1941 and 1947)/
れきしがく (n) study of history/
れた学すぐれたがくしゃeminent scholar/
ばんがく (n) late education/
かがくきゅうちゃく chemisorb/
つうがく (n) commuting to school/(P)/
かがくきごう chemical symbols (for the elements)/
はくがくたさいwide knowledge and versatile talents/
かんそうがく(n) phrenology/physiognomy/
しんわがく(n) mythology/
しぜんかがくnatural science/(P)/
おんせいがく(n) phonetics/(P)/
しがく (n) school inspector/
げんごちりがくlinguistic geography/
ぜんがく (n) (the) whole college/
じょせいがく(n) women's studies/
つうしんこうがく(n) communication engineering/
じどうぶんがく juvenile literature/
ごうせいかがくこうぎょ うsynthetic chemical industry/
しょうひんがく(study of) merchandising/
衒学げんがくてき(adj-na) pedantic/
こぶんがくpaleography/the study of ancient writings/
ていおうがく(n) study of how to be a good emperor/
こくがく (n) study of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture/
ぞくぶんがく popular literature/
ざつがく (n) miscellaneous knowledge/
よびしかんがっこう reserve officers' cadet school/
けいえいがくしゅうしMaster of Business Administration/MBA/
ふくしきがっきゅう combined class/
ぜんがく (n) Zen studies or practice/
えきがく (n) study of divination/
ぶんるいがく(n) science of classification/
ちょうるいがく ornithology/
かがく (n) poetry/versification/
おんがくがく musicology/
しょうがくせい(n) scholarship student/(P)/
すいりょくがく(n) hydraulics/
ほうしゃせんがく radiology/
きんだいぶんがく modern literature/
かがくけつごう chemical bond/
にゅうがくしけん entrance examination/(P)/
かんごふがくいんnurses' training school/
かがく (n) chemistry/(P)/
こてんがくしゃ classicist/classical scholar/
けいえいこうがく management engineering/
どくかがく(adj-na) toxicology/toxicological/
かがく (n) hereditary learning/
しゅしがく(n) Neo-Confucianism/
けんがくりょこう field trip/observation tour/
はんざいがく(n) criminology/
かがくてき(adj-na) chemical/
せんがく (n) academic predecessor/scholars of the past/senior scholar/
斯学しがく(n) this academic subject/
学をだいがくをでる (exp) to graduate from a university/
しょくぶつがく (n) botany/
こうがくけんびきょう(n) optical microscope/
こうとうがっこう senior high school/(P)/
けんがく (n) study/(P)/
しょうがくかんShogakukan (publisher)/
学のいがくのそfounder of medical science/
ふがく (adj-na) unlearned/uneducated/
やかんがっこう evening school
むがく (adj-na,n) illiteracy/
にんちかがく cognitive science/
調かがくちょうみりょうchemical seasoning/
かいようぶつりがく(n) physical oceanography/
こっそうがくしゃ phrenologist/
じしんがく(n) seismology/
とくがく (adj-na,n) love of learning/(P)/
つうぞくぶんがく school of popular writing/(P)/
げんごがくしゃ linguist/
こうがく (n) engineering/(P)/
いがくせいぶつがく medical biology/
しゅうがくねんれい school age/
しゃかいかがく social science/(P)/
おおさかだいがく Osaka University/
ごげんがく(n) etymology/
にんちしんりがく (n) cognitive psychology/
ひかくぶんがく comparative literature/(P)/
こうがくせんい fiber optics/
りがくはくし (n) Doctor of Science/DSc/
りかだいがく (n) college of science/
すいさんがく(n) fisheries science/
ぶがく military science/
ちもんがく(n) physical geography/
みしゅうがくじどうpreschool child/
にゅうがく (n) entry to school or university/matriculation/(P)/
しゅうがくぎむcompulsory school attendance/
こうしょうがく(n) (in Chinese history) study of ancient texts/
よぼういがくpreventive medicine/prophylactic/
かがくごうせい (n) chemosynthesis/
ぜんがくれんNational Federation of Students/
ぶんがく (n) literature/(P)/
にゅうがくこうさ entrance examination/
じんるいがく(n) anthropology/
はったつしんりがくdevelopmental psychology/
おんがくびがく musical aesthetics/
こうぎょうだいがく technical college or institute/
りったいかがく stereochemistry/
しょうぎょうがっこう commercial school/
にほんがくじゅつかいぎ (n) Science Council of Japan/
こうがく (n) optics/
ぶんしせいぶつがく (n) molecular biology/
きょうどぶんがく folk literature/
だいがくせいとみぶん をいつわる(exp) to misrepresent oneself as a university student/
けんぽうがくしゃ(n) constitutional scholar (lawyer)/expert in constitutional law/
きょくがく(n) inferior scholarship/
ていがく (n) suspension from school/(P)/
ようがく (n) Western learning/
ごがくりょく(n) language ability/
じょしがくせい female student/
ぶんがくさくひんliterary work/
退たいがくしょぶんexpulsion (from school)/
かんぴりゅうがく studying abroad at government expense/
のうがく(n) agriculture/
せいがく (n) (obs) astronomy/
しぜんてつがく (n) natural philosophy/
ようごがっこう school for the handicapped/
すいさんだいがくfisheries college/
かがくぶっしつ (n) chemical substances/chemicals/
じがくじしゅう (n) teaching oneself/
しんひがくoccultism (Western)/
しんがくじゅく (n) cramschool (for boys and girls who wish to go on to the next stage of education)/
こんちゅうがくentomology/study of insects/(P)/
てつがくしゃ(n) philosopher/(P)/
せんいこうがく fiber optics/
こくぶんがく(n) Japanese literature/
こうかがくはんのう(n) photochemical reaction/
の学いっかいのがくせい a mere student/
だいがくきょうじゅ (n) university (college) professor/
どうがく(n) ethics/moral philosophy/
りゅうがく (n) studying abroad/(P)/
やきんがく(n) metallurgy (the science)/
えいせいこうがくsanitary engineering/
りかがく(n) physics and chemistry/
ビジネススクールビジネススクールにゅうがくきょうつうしけん business school entrance test/GMAT/
学をじるぶんがくをろんじる (exp) to discuss literature/
ちりがくしゃ geographer/
ハーバードハーバードだいがくHarvard University/
かいせききかがく analytical geometry/
けいたいがく(n) morphology/
ほうりがく(n) jurisprudence/
てつがくてき (adj-na) philosophical/
けんがく (n,vs) inspection/study by observation/field trip/(P)/
こうかんがくせいexchange student/
しゅうりつだいがく state-run college/state university/
しょうがく(n) encouragment to study/
けいがく Keigaku (publisher)/
げんごがくてきかんねんろんlinguistic conceptualism/
しりつがっこう municipal school/
びょうりがく(n) pathology/
ほけんぶつりがく health physics/
こうがく (n) love of learning/
だいがくろうにん student (person) who has failed to enter university/
こうぞうげんごがく structural linguistics/
ちけいがく (n) topography/geomorphology/
いがくせいmedical student/
りゅうたいりきがく fluid mechanics/
せいたいがく(n) ecology/
たんしきがっきゅうsingle-grade (classroom)/
みんぞくがく(n) folklore/
かいようがく (n) oceanography/
せいぶつかがくへいき biological weapons/
にほんがく(n) Japanology/
しょうぎょうがく(n) commercial science/
学にかるだいがくにうかる(exp) to pass the entrance examination to a university/
げんしぶつりがく atomic physics/nuclear physics/
碩学せきがく(n) great scholar/profound scholar/
しぜんちりがくphysical geography/
さいぼうがく(n) cytology/
せいりがく (n) physiology/
てんもんがくてき (adj-na) astronomical/
どぞくがく(n) (obs) ethnography/
ねつりきがく(n) thermodynamics/
かがくさよう chemical action/
ゆうせいがく(n) eugenics/
せいめいかがくlife science/
ロボット ロボットこうがくrobotics/
せきぶんがく (n) integral calculus/
そしきがく(n) histology/
へいがく(n) military science/strategy/tactics/
ぐんがく (n) military science/strategy/tactics/
としょかんがくlibrary science/
しんそうしんりがく(n) depth psychology/
やがく (n) evening course/night-school/(P)/
やがっこう (n) night school/
ちりがく(n) geography/
てんたいがく uranography/
いがくかいmedical world/
げんせいかがくexact science/
ろんりがく (n) logic/
だいがくそつ(n) college graduate/
じっけんしんりがく(n) experimental psychology/
べんがく study
らいがっき (n-t) next semester/
こうしょくぶんがく erotic or pornographic literature/
えいぶんがく(n) English literature/
こうぶつがく(n) mineralogy/
かがく science
にゅうがくせい new student/
きしょうがく(n) meteorology/(P)/
の学ぜんゆうのがくせい straight A student/
いがくしゃ(n) medical scientist/
けいとうしんがく systematic theology/
じょうほうこうがく computer science/
ちゅうがっこう(n) junior high school/middle school pupil/(P)/
ががくし drawing paper/
衒学げんがく(n) pedantry/display of learning/
ちしがく(n) regional geography/topography/
どくぶつがく(n) toxicology/
こてんがくthe classics/
こうがくきかいan optical instrument/
じょがっこう(n) girl's school/
かんがく (n) Sinology/study of China or of the Chinese classics/
にゅうがくしがんしゃ applicants for admission/
ていがくねん(n) lower grades in school/
せいぶつがくしゃ biologist/
かがくぶんせき chemical analysis/
りこうがくぶ(n) department of science and engineering/
はくがくりょっこうwide learning and energetic activity/
ちしつがく(n) geology/
きかがく (n) geometry/(P)/
かがくぎじゅつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Science and Technology Agency/
かがくへいききんしじょうやくchemical weapons ban treaty/
しはんがっこう normal school/
ぶんせきかがく analytical chemistry/(P)/
しがくじょせい subsidization of private schools/
ほんぞうがく(n) study of medicinal herbs/pharmacognosy/
しょうがくきん(n) scholarship/(P)/
かがくへんか chemical change/
うちゅうかがく cosmo-chemistry/space science/
だいすうがく(n) algebra/
ほうがく(n) law/jurisprudence/(P)/
きんだいかがく modern science/
じしんがくしゃ seismologist/
じっけんかがく empirical science/
ほうがくし(n) Bachelor of Laws/
きろくぶんがく reportage/documentary/
さんかがく(adj-na) obstetrics/
きんせきがく(n) epigraphy/
くうそうかがくしょうせつscience fiction/sci-fi/
しょうがくはくし Doctor of Commercial Science/
せいじてつがく (n) political philosophy/
にゅうがくしゃ new student/
じょしだいがく (n) women's college/
しゅくがく (n) school purge/
ごがく (n) language study/(P)/
しょとうすうがく (n) elementary mathematics/
にゅうがくがんしょapplication for admittance to a school/
にんそうがく(n) physiognomy/
じゅがっかいConfucian circles/
しがく (n) age 15/
かがくほうていしき (n) chemical equation/
でんきかがく electrochemistry/
へいがっこう(n) naval academy/
うちゅうこうがく space engineering/
おんがくだいがく College of Music/
きこうがく (n) climatology/
ぎょるいがくstudy of fish/ichthyology/
りったいきかがくsolid geometry/
じんしゅがく(n) ethnology/
しょうがく(n) commercial science/
かがくぎじゅつちょうScience and Technology Agency/
殻anjidic.nsf/SortedByKanji2THEnglish/子?OpenDocument" class="WordList">子げんしぶつりがくしゃ nuclear physicist/
だんしがくせい (n) boy student/
りょうしいろりきがく quantum chromodynamics (physics)/
かがくぎじゅつ (n) technology/
にんげんがく(n) anthropology/
しょしがく(n) bibliography/(P)/
ぶんこうがく(n) spectroscopy/
りくぐんだいがく Military Staff College/
びじゅつだいがく College of Arts/
かんがく (n) encouragement of learning/
こうがくしBachelor of Engineering/
シュタイナー学シュタイナーがっこう(n) Steiner school/(P)/
すいけいがく(n) stochastics/
りがくぶ(n) department of science/(P)/
かがくせん(n) actinic rays/
にゅうがくきん(n) matriculation fee/
けいがく (n) Confucianism/
ごようがくしゃ a scholar beholden to the government/
こうぎょうかがくindustrial chemistry/
ぶんがくかい(n) the literary world/literary circles/
にんげんこうがく ergonomic (engineering)/human engineering/
だいがくきょういく(n) university education/college education (training)/
りんかんがっこうcamp school
にゅうがくadmission to a school
くがく (n,vs) paying one's own school expenses by working/
だいがくふんそうcampus strife/
くがくせい a working (self-supporting) student/
とくしゅがっきゅうspecial class for handicapped children/
のうみんぶんがく peasant literature/
ぶんがくせいねん (n) young literary enthusiast/
けつえきがく(n) hematology/
はくがく (adj-na,n) erudition/(P)/
けいじかがく(n) physical sciences/
ぶんせきしんりがくanalytical psychology/
しがく (n) dentistry/
せんがっきlast semester/
しゅうがくりょこう(n) excursion/field trip/(P)/
かいぐんへいがっこうnaval academy/
おうようぶつりがく applied physics/
どうぶつがく(n) zoology/
てんたいりきがくcelestial mechanics/
学阿きょくがくあせい(n) prostitution of learning/twisting the truth and truckling to the times/
しゃかいがく (n) sociology/
みみがくもん(n) pick-up knowledge/second-hand knowledge/hearsay/
すいもんがく hydrology/
を学ぶしゃをまなぶ (exp) to learn archery/
こうがくしん(n) love of learning/
りんりがく(n) ethics/moral philosophy/(P)/
りんしょうしんりがく(n) clinical psychology/
ぶんがくろん(n) literary criticism or theory/
けいえいがく(n) management studies/
りょうしぶつりがくquantum physics/
でんきつうしんだいが くUniversity of Electro-Communications/
ぐんいがっこうmilitary medical college/
かんごがっこう (n) nurses' school (college)/
きゅうめんきかがくspherical geometry/
こうがくはかせ(n) Doctor of Engineering/
でんきこうがく electrical engineering/
宿しゅくがく (n) renowned scholar/
いがくぶ(n) medical faculty/(P)/
えいせいがく(n) hygienics/
ふくがく(n) return to school/
エールエールだいがくYale University/
しゅうがく (n) entering school/school attendance/
りゅうがくせい (n) overseas student/(P)/
えっきょうにゅうがく (vs) gaining admission into a school in a school district other than one's own/
せんがく(adj-na,n) superficial knowledge/superficiality/(P)/
かんがく(n) government school/
くうきりきがく aerodynamics/
学のとくがくのしdevoted scholar/diligent student/
ずぞうがく(n) iconography/
しんがっこう(n) theological school/
しょうがいがくしゅう (n) lifelong study/
たんかだいがく (n) college (offering a single course of study)/
ほうがくぶ (n) law department/law school/(P)/
しりょうかんがく archive science/
でんきぶんがく biographical literature/
聾学ろうがっこう(n) deaf school/
ていがくねんthe lower grades
コ ミュニケーションコミュニケーションかが くきそけんきゅうしょCommunication Science Laboratories/
せんもんがっこうvocational school/
いがくぎじゅつしmedical technician/
しんびがく(n) aesthetics/
学のごがくのちからone's linguistic ability/
かがくはんのう chemical reaction/
いそうきかがく(adj-na) topology/topological/
せんしがく(n) prehistory/
もんぶかがくしょうMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/
しんがく(n,vs) going on to university/(P)/
ぶつりかがく physical chemistry/
せいぶつちりがくbiological geography/
きょうがく (n) education and learning/
きがく Fortune telling based on Chinese twelve year cycle/
退ちゅうとたいがくleaving school during a term/
なまがくもん(n) imperfect (superficial) knowledge/
こうがくもじ optical character/
りきがくてき(adj-na) mechanical/
りょうしりきがく (n) quantum mechanics/
かせいがく(n) home economics/
けんがく observation
学菲せんがくひさいone's lack of learning or ability/
いかがくmedical college/
せいめいこうがく (n) biotechnology/
ぞくがく (n) popular music/
ぶんがくざthe Bungaku Company/
ほういがく(n) legal medicine/
いでんしこうがくgenetic engineering/
にっきぶんがくliterature written in diary form/
てんもんがく(n) astronomy/(P)/
せいぶつがく(n) biology/
ほうそうだいがくcontinuing education courses offered via radio or television/
さいきんがく (n) bacteriology/
オクスフォードオクスフォードだいがくOxford University/
しょうせんだいがく mercantile marine college/
な匂いぶんがくてきなにおいliterary flavor/
退たいがく (n) dropping out of school/(P)/
のうがくぶ(n) department of agriculture/
かきがっこう summer school/
わせいがく(n) harmonics/
べいこくだいがくにゅう がくきょうつうしけんSAT (scholastic aptitude test)/entrance test for US universities/
しゃかいしょかがくsocial sciences/
げんごがくてきじつざいろんlinguistic realism/
ふつぶんがく(n) French literature/
かりにゅうがくprovisional enrollment/
きごうろんりがくsymbolic logic/
しょがくしゃ (n) beginner/beginning student/
でんしょうぶんがく oral literature/
りゅうがくせいforeign student
しりつだいがく private university/
りきがく (n) mechanics/dynamics/
ざいがく(n) (enrolled) in school/(P)/
さいこうがくふ highest institute of education/
こうとうせんもんがっこ うtechnical college/
せきゆかがく petrochemistry/
のうげいかがく agricultural chemistry/
しりつがっこう (n) private (nongovernmental) school/
かがくじょう from the chemical point of view/
かがくしそう (n) scientific thought/
こせいぶつがく (n) paleontology/
とくがくかんschool inspector/
ぎょうせいがく(n) public administration/
けいりょうげんごがくcomputational linguistics/
すうがくてききのうほう (n) mathematical induction/
かがく (n) science/(P)/
いがくはかせM.D./Doctor of Medicine/
竺学じくがくIndian studies/Buddhist studies/
学のげんしぶつりがくのちち father of atomic physics/
ざいがくせい enrolled or registered student/
しんがく (n) Edo-period popularized blend of Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings/
こくごがく (n) Japanese philology (linguistics)/
こうがく(n) younger scholar/future reference/
ちくさんがく(n) animal husbandry/
ゆうがく (n,vs) studying abroad/travelling to study/
かがくざっし(n) science magazine/
せいりきがく(n) statics/
せんしゅうがっこうa (special) vocational school/
どぼくこうがくしゃcivil engineer/
かがくりょうほう chemotherapy/
かきだいがく college summer school/
ぶつりがくしゃ physicist/
しんりがくしゃ psychologist/
ようごがっきゅう school for the handicapped/
みんぞくがく(n) ethnology/
こうみんがっこうcitizenship training school/
そうごうだいがく (n) university/
せいじがく(n) political science/
こっそうがく(n) phrenology/
てんもんがくしゃ astronomer/
ぶんけんがく(n) philology/bibliography/
しゅうきょうてつがく philosophy of religion/
たいしゅうぶんがく popular literature/(P)/
かがくしき(n) chemical formula/
けいざいがく(n) economics/
みらいがく (n) futurology/
びじゅつがっこう art school/
ぶんがくしゃ(n) literary person/(P)/
れきしがくは historical school/
ぼうめいぶんがくexile literature/
かいぼうがく(n) anatomy/(P)/
へいめんきかがく plane geometry/
どうがく (n) the same school/
きょういくがくぶ (n) department of education/
の学こうじのがくshallow learning/
こうぎょうこうとうせん もんがっこう(n) technical junior college/
こうどうかがく(n) behavioral science/
ちゅういがくChinese medicine/
そくちがく(n) geodesy/
かいけいがく (n) accountancy/
こうかだいがく engineering college/
じょうちだいがくSophia University (in Tokyo)/
ぶつがく (n) Buddhist learning/
がんせきがく(n) petrology/
じどうしんりがく child psychology/
だいがく (n) university/(P)/
詁学くんこがく (n) exegetics/
けっせいがく(n) serology/
むきかがくinorganic chemistry/
じんたいがく(n) somatology/
ちがく (n) earth sciences (geology, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, etc.)/
ちしきこうがく (n) knowledge engineering/information engineering/
えいかいわがっこう (n) English conversation school/
すいりきがく(n) hydraulics/
こくりつだいがく national university/
れきがく (n) the study of the calendar/
りんかいがっこう seaside school/
こせんがく(n) numismatics/
げんしょうがく(n) phenomenology/
にほんぶんがく (n) Japanese literature/
いかがくmedical chemistry/
そうかがっかい(n) Sokagakkai (lay organization)/(P)/
ちょうぶつりがく paraphysics/
しがく (n) study of history/
けいずがくgenealogy (the study)/
もんしょうがく(n) heraldry/
だいがくりょう Bureau of Education/
びぶんがく(n) differential calculus/
どぼくこうがく civil engineering/
りんしょういがく clinical medicine/
げかがく(adj-na) surgery/
かがくこうがくchemical engineering/
てつがくしょ(n) philosophy book/
はくぶつがく(n) natural history/
やくがくぶ(n) pharmaceutical department/college of pharmacy/
どうとくがく moral philosophy/
えきがく (n) epidemiology/the study of epidemics/
たんきだいがく(n) (two year) junior college/(P)/
はんざいしんりがくcriminal psychology/
じっしょうてつがく positivism/
じゅんせいかがく pure science/
しゅうきょうがく(n) the study or science of religion/
かがくせんい synthetic fibers/
かいようかがく marine science/
ほうぶんがくぶ (n) faculty of law and literature/
しゅうがく (n) learning/
だいがくせい(n) college student/(P)/
こくがくしゃ(n) scholar of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture/
じゅんぶんがく (n) pure literature/belles lettres/(P)/
べんしょうがく apologetics/
しんせいだいがく university (operated under post-war guidelines)/
じゅがくしゃ Confucian scholar/(P)/
ちゅうがくせい(n) junior high school student/middle school pupil/(P)/
かがくしけんchemical test/
けんがくしゃ visitor (to lab)/
しべんてつがく speculative philosophy/
こうがくはくし (n) Doctor of Engineering/
どうがくねんsame year in school/
とうようがく(n) Orientalism/Oriental Studies/
せいたいこうがく bionics/
ががく (n) drawing/
ぎがく false science/science out of line with the world of thought/
きょうがくせい coeducational plan/
りがく(n) physical science/(P)/
へんぶんがくcalculus of variations/
かがくちしき(n) scientific knowledge/
こくぶんがくし history of Japanese literature/
いがく medicine, medical science
けいじじょうがく(n) metaphysics/
しょうねんぶんがく juvenile literature/
蘭学らんがく(n) Dutch studies/studies of Western knowledge/
こうがくねん (n) upper grade or classes (in schools)/
とうきょうだいがくTokyo University/
こうこがく(adj-no,n) archaeology/
しょうぎょうすうがく commercial mathematics/
おうようすうがく applied mathematics/
しがく (n) study of poetry/poetics/
てつがくしよう Concise History of Philosophy/
ぶんかじんるいがくcultural anthropology/
あんごうがく(n) cryptography/
ふじんかがく gynecology/
かくぶつりがく (n) nuclear physics/
でんしこうがくしゃelectronics engineer/electrical engineer/
こうどうしゅぎしんりがくbehavioral psychology/
こうりつがっこう public school/
しんだんがく(n) diagnostics/
せいぶつぶつりがく biophysics/
びがく (n) esthetics/(P)/
さいにゅうがくreadmission to a school/
げんごがく (n) linguistics/
りんかんがっこう outdoors school/
じゅういがく(n) veterinary medicine/
げきぶんがく(n) dramatic literature/