新宅 | しんたく | (n) a new house/a branch family/ |
家宅 | かたく
| (n) domicile/premises/(P)/ |
住宅地帯 | じゅうたくちたい
| housing belt development/ |
家宅侵入罪 | かたくしんにゅうざい | (n) (the crime of)
trespassing/housebreaking/ |
住宅 | じゅうたく | (n) resident/housing/(P)/ |
凶宅 | きょうたく
| unlucky house/ |
公営住宅 | こうえいじゅうたく
| public housing/ |
社宅 | しゃたく
| company housing |
来宅 | らいたく
| (n) coming of a visitor to one's
home/ |
自宅 | じたく | one's house |
火宅 | かたく | (n) burning house/this world of suffering/ |
御宅 | おたく
| (n) (pol) your house/your
home/you/ |
役宅 | やくたく | (n) government housing for officials/ |
お宅 | おたく | (n) (pol) your house/your home/you/(P)/ |
別宅 | べったく
| (n) secondary residence/ |
住宅金融公庫 | じゅうたくきんゆうこう
こ | (n) Housing Loan Corporation/ |
在宅 | ざいたく
| (n) being in/being at home/ |
本宅 | ほんたく
| (n) one's principal residence/ |
旧宅 | きゅうたく
| (n) former residence/ |
下駄履き住宅 | げたばきじゅうたく | a residential building, the first floor of which is
occupied by businesses/ |
妾宅 | しょうたく | (n) house in which
a mistress is kept/ |
住宅手当 | じゅうたくてあて | (n) housing allowance/ |
在宅勤務 | ざいたくきんむ
| working at home/telecommuting/ |
公団住宅 | こうだんじゅうたく
| public housing/ |
住宅街 | じゅうたくがい | (n) residential area/ |
高級住宅地 | こうきゅうじゅうたくち | (n) exclusive residential district/ |
舎宅 | しゃたく
| residence/ |
家宅捜索令状 | かたくそうさくれいじょ
う | a search warrant/ |
社宅 | しゃたく
| (n) company owned house/ |
組立て住宅 | くみたてじゅうたく
| prefabricated housing/ |
自宅 | じたく
| (n) one's home/(P)/ |
仮宅 | かりたく
| (n) temporary dwelling/ |
拙宅 | せったく
| (n) humble reference to one's
home/ |
集合住宅 | しゅうごうじゅうたく | apartment building/ |
家宅捜査 | かたくそうさ
| household search/(P)/ |
住宅難 | じゅうたくなん | (n) housing shortage/ |
邸宅 | ていたく
| (n) mansion/residence/(P)/ |
住宅地 | じゅうたくち | (n) housing district/residential
district/(P)/ |
私宅 | したく | (n) private residence or home/ |
住宅地区 | じゅうたくちく
| residential district/ |
住宅費 | じゅうたくひ | (n) housing costs (expenses)/ |
住宅問題 | じゅうたくもんだい
| (n) housing problem/ |
帰宅 | きたく
| (n,vs) returning home/(P)/ |
住宅産業 | じゅうたくさんぎょう
| the housing industry/ |
転宅 | てんたく
| (n) changing residence/moving to a new
address/ |
お宅 | おたく | your house; a
person's house |
借り宅 | かりたく | (n) rented house/ |
留守宅 | るすたく | (n) house where the family is out/ |
共同住宅 | きょうどうじゅうたく
| settlement/apartment house/ |
市営住宅 | しえいじゅうたく
| municipal housing/ |
家宅捜索 | かたくそうさく
| household search/(P)/ |
建て売り住宅 | たてうりじゅうたく
| ready-built house or housing/ |
尊宅 | そんたく
| (n) your house/ |