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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : シュ、ス; まも(る)、まも(り)、もり; protect
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1282 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2173
Japanese Reading English
ほしゅは (n) conservatives/
守のちんじゅのもりgrove of the village shrine/
しまもり (n) island chief/
を守るげんをまもる (exp) to keep one's word/
るすちゅうduring absence from home/
こもりうた(n) lullaby/(P)/
かんしゅ (n) custody/watching over/
ししゅ (n,vs) defending to the last/defending desperately/
守るみまもる(v5r) to watch over/to watch attentively/(P)/
じゅんしゅ(n,vs) observance/
お守りおまもり(n) charm/(P)/
ちんじゅふ (n) (historical) army base/navy base/
こうしゅどうめいoffensive and defensive alliance/
せんしゅぼうえい (n) a nonaggressive defense (policy)/
せっしゅ(n) poor defense/
ほしゅしゅぎ conservatism/
こうしゅ (n) offense and defense/batting and fielding/(P)/
せきもり(n) barrier keeper/
いるす(n) pretending to be out/
はなもり (n) one who guards flowers/
いもり (n) (uk) newt/
かんしゅ (n) jailer/(P)/
こしゅ (n,vs) clinging/
を守るみさおをまもる (exp) to adhere to one's principles/to preserve one's chastity/
かんしゅしゃ jailer/
ほしゅてき(adj-na) conservative/(P)/
るすい(n) caretaker or keeper (official post in the Edo era)/
ほしゅ(n) conservative/maintaining/(P)/
け守るたすけまもる (v5) to protect/to preserve/to keep/
かくしゅ(n) loyalty to/
守の杜ちんじゅのもり grove of the village shrine/
こくしゅ (n) daimyo/
を守るるいをまもる (exp) to defend a fort/
の守さつまのかみtraveling while deliberately not paying a fare/
けんしゅ(n,vs) strong defense/
を守るほうをまもる (exp) to observe the law/
とうしゅ (n) island chief/
ぼくしゅ (n) adherence (to custom, tradition)/(P)/
そうしゅ(n) constancy/fidelity/
を守るみをまもる (exp) to defend oneself/
じゅんしゅ (n,vs) observance/(P)/
ほしゅとう(n) Conservative Party/the Right/Tories/
げんしゅ (n,vs) strict observance/(P)/
みやもり (n) court or shrine guard/
たいしゅ (n) viceroy/governor general/
守のちんじゅのかみlocal deity/guardian god/
し守わたしもり (n) ferryman/
こもり (n) babysitter/nursemaid/(P)/
ちんじゅ (n) local Shinto deity/tutelary god/(P)/
どうもり(n) temple keeper/
きょしゅ defense/
こうしゅ (n,vs) good fielding (baseball)/
守りふなもり boat watchman/watching over a boat/
やまもり(n) guardian of a mountain/
るすでん(n) answering machine/
てんしゅ(n) castle tower/
を守るかくをまもる (exp) to observe the rules/
るすばん(n,vs) care-taking/caretaker/house-watching/(P)/
とうだいもり(n) lighthouse keeper/
るすばんでんわanswering machine/
守唄こもりうた (n) lullaby/
るす (n) absence/being away from home/(P)/
を守るきそくをまもる (exp) to abide (by the rules)/to keep to the regulations/
ほしゅけい conservative/
てんしゅかく(n) castle tower/
るすたく(n) house where the family is out/
守りはかもり grave keeper/
ほしゅけいむしょぞく conservative without party affiliation/
守りおまもり(n) charm/