保守派 | ほしゅは
| (n) conservatives/ |
鎮守の森 | ちんじゅのもり | grove of the village shrine/ |
島守 | しまもり
| (n) island chief/ |
言を守る | げんをまもる
| (exp) to keep one's word/ |
留守中 | るすちゅう | during absence from home/ |
子守歌 | こもりうた | (n) lullaby/(P)/ |
監守 | かんしゅ
| (n) custody/watching over/ |
死守 | ししゅ
| (n,vs) defending to the last/defending
desperately/ |
見守る | みまもる | (v5r) to watch over/to watch attentively/(P)/ |
順守 | じゅんしゅ | (n,vs) observance/ |
お守り | おまもり | (n) charm/(P)/ |
鎮守府 | ちんじゅふ
| (n) (historical) army base/navy
base/ |
攻守同盟 | こうしゅどうめい | offensive and defensive alliance/ |
専守防衛 | せんしゅぼうえい
| (n) a nonaggressive defense
(policy)/ |
拙守 | せっしゅ | (n) poor defense/ |
保守主義 | ほしゅしゅぎ
| conservatism/ |
攻守 | こうしゅ
| (n) offense and defense/batting and
fielding/(P)/ |
関守 | せきもり | (n) barrier keeper/ |
居留守 | いるす | (n) pretending to be out/ |
花守 | はなもり
| (n) one who guards flowers/ |
井守 | いもり
| (n) (uk) newt/ |
看守 | かんしゅ
| (n) jailer/(P)/ |
固守 | こしゅ
| (n,vs) clinging/ |
操を守る | みさおをまもる
| (exp) to adhere to one's principles/to preserve
one's chastity/ |
看守者 | かんしゅしゃ
| jailer/ |
保守的 | ほしゅてき | (adj-na) conservative/(P)/ |
留守居 | るすい | (n) caretaker or keeper (official post in the Edo
era)/ |
保守 | ほしゅ | (n) conservative/maintaining/(P)/ |
助け守る | たすけまもる
| (v5) to protect/to preserve/to keep/ |
確守 | かくしゅ | (n) loyalty to/ |
鎮守の杜 | ちんじゅのもり
| grove of the village shrine/ |
国守 | こくしゅ
| (n) daimyo/ |
塁を守る | るいをまもる
| (exp) to defend a fort/ |
薩摩の守 | さつまのかみ | traveling while deliberately not paying a
fare/ |
堅守 | けんしゅ | (n,vs) strong defense/ |
保守性 | ほしゅせい | maintainability/ |
法を守る | ほうをまもる
| (exp) to observe the law/ |
島守 | とうしゅ
| (n) island chief/ |
墨守 | ぼくしゅ
| (n) adherence (to custom,
tradition)/(P)/ |
操守 | そうしゅ | (n) constancy/fidelity/ |
身を守る | みをまもる
| (exp) to defend oneself/ |
遵守 | じゅんしゅ
| (n,vs) observance/(P)/ |
保守党 | ほしゅとう | (n) Conservative Party/the Right/Tories/ |
厳守 | げんしゅ
| (n,vs) strict observance/(P)/ |
宮守 | みやもり
| (n) court or shrine guard/ |
太守 | たいしゅ
| (n) viceroy/governor general/ |
鎮守の神 | ちんじゅのかみ | local deity/guardian god/ |
渡し守 | わたしもり
| (n) ferryman/ |
子守 | こもり
| (n) babysitter/nursemaid/(P)/ |
鎮守 | ちんじゅ
| (n) local Shinto deity/tutelary
god/(P)/ |
堂守 | どうもり | (n) temple keeper/ |
拠守 | きょしゅ
| defense/ |
好守 | こうしゅ
| (n,vs) good fielding (baseball)/ |
船守り | ふなもり
| boat watchman/watching over a
boat/ |
山守 | やまもり | (n) guardian of a mountain/ |
留守電 | るすでん | (n) answering machine/ |
監守人 | かんしゅにん | custodian/ |
天守 | てんしゅ | (n) castle tower/ |
格を守る | かくをまもる
| (exp) to observe the rules/ |
留守番 | るすばん | (n,vs)
care-taking/caretaker/house-watching/(P)/ |
灯台守 | とうだいもり | (n) lighthouse keeper/ |
留守番電話 | るすばんでんわ | answering machine/ |
子守唄 | こもりうた
| (n) lullaby/ |
留守 | るす
| (n) absence/being away from home/(P)/ |
規則を守る | きそくをまもる
| (exp) to abide (by the rules)/to keep to the
regulations/ |
保守系 | ほしゅけい
| conservative/ |
天守閣 | てんしゅかく | (n) castle tower/ |
留守宅 | るすたく | (n) house where the family is out/ |
墓守り | はかもり
| grave keeper/ |
保守系無所属 | ほしゅけいむしょぞく
| conservative without party
affiliation/ |
御守り | おまもり | (n) charm/ |