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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : ホウ; たから; treasure
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1293 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2224
Japanese Reading English
ざいほう(n) treasure/
ごうせいほうせきsynthetic gems/
しっぽうやき(n) cloisonne ware/
ぎぼし(n) bridge railing-post knob/stone-leek flower/
しっぽう(n) the 7 treasures (gold, silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, lapis lazuli)/cloisonne/
さんぽう (n) 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and priesthood/
ぎぼうし (ok) (n) bridge railing-post knob/stone-leek flower/
にんげんこくほうliving national treasure/
什宝じゅうほう(n) treasured article/
しほう (n) most valuable asset/pride of .../most important person/
じゅうほう(adj-na,n,vs) priceless treasure/convenience/usefulness/
こくほう(n) national treasure/(P)/
れいほう (n) sacred treasure/
さんじゅうほうかん (papal) triple tiara/
ちょうほう (adj-na,n,vs) priceless treasure/convenience/usefulness/(P)/
しんぽう(n) sacred treasure/
かほう (n) heirloom/(P)/
しっぽうやき(n) cloisonne ware/
ちんぽう (n) rare treasure/
とうほう Toho (Japanese film studio)/
ばんぽう (n) many treasures/
さんぼう (n) 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and priesthood/
はっぽうさい (n) chop suey/
こだから (n) the treasure that is children/children/
じんぞうほうせき(n) artificial jewels/
宝がるちょうほうがる (v5r) to find useful/to think highly of/
ぎぼうしゅ (ok) (n) bridge railing-post knob/stone-leek flower/
瑞宝ずいほうしょう(n) Order of the Sacred Treasure/
ひほう (n) treasure/treasured article/