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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : シツ; むろ; room
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1300 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2254
Japanese Reading English
ぼうおんしつ soundproof room/
室でみっしつで "behind closed doors"/
ちゃしつ (n) tea arbour/tearoom/(P)/
さしんしつ (n) left ventricle/
ちかしつ(n) cellar/basement/
わしつ (n) Japanese-style room/(P)/
かんそうしつ(n) drying room/
ししつ (n) private room/(P)/
きゅうようしつrest or recreation room/
いむしつmedical office/
きゃくしつじょうむいん(n) cabin crew/
まんしつ (n) No Vacancy/
けしょうしつ(n) toilet/lavatory/powder room/(P)/
ちゃくしつ (n) one's legal wife/legitimate wife/
おうせつしつ reception office/
しゅうちゅうちりょうしつintensive care unit/ICU/
びょうしつ (n) sickroom/hospital room/(P)/
がしつ (n) art studio/
まちあいしつ (n) waiting room/(P)/
りょうりきょうしつ (n) cooking class/cookery school/
おんしつこうか greenhouse effect/
こうしつ (n) dowager/widow/
し室かししつ (n) room for rent/
いわむろ (n) cave/
かいぎしつconference (assembly) room
よびしつspare room/
かいぎしつ conference room/council room/
ゆうしつ darkened room/quiet room/
ほけんしつ(n) school infirmary/
しつむしつ(n) office (e.g. the Oval Office)/
庵室あんじつ(n) hermit's cell/retreat/
あきしつ (n) vacant or unoccupied room/
じむしつ(n) office/(P)/
きゅうしつ (n) palace/imperial family/
しれいしつcontrol room/
舵室そうだしつ(n) pilothouse/
しゅきょうしつhome room (in a school)/
おんしつさいばい greenhouse horticulture/
のうしつ (n) cerebral ventricle/
宿しゅくちょくしつnight duty room/
きょうしつ (n) classroom/(P)/
じしつ (n) one's own room/
さんしつ (n) maternity room/delivery room/
あんしつ (n) dark room/(P)/
うしんしつ(n) right ventricle/
ようしつ (n) Western-style room/(P)/
こしつ (n) eardrum/
リンガホン室リンガホンしつ (n) language laboratory (lit: linguaphone room)/
としょしつ (n) library room/(P)/
いしむろ (n) stone hut/
しちゃくしつfitting room
そくしつ(n) noble's concubine/
けんきゅうしつ(n) seminar room/laboratory/prof's office/
けいしつ (n) diverticulum/
ないしつ (n) one's wife/
こういしつlocker room
こうしつ(n) Imperial household/(P)/
塵室ぼうじんしつ cleanroom/
よくしつ (n) bathroom/bath/(P)/
ていしつ (n) Imperial Family/Imperial Household/
くうしつvacant room; vacancy
れいあんしつ(n) morgue/
べっしつ(n) separate room/special room/
しんしつ (n) ventricle/
みっしつ (n) secret room/
しゃしょうしつ(n) conductor's compartment/
りんしつ (n) next or adjoining room/
けいしつ (n) second wife/
しょくいんしつstaff room/
どっきょしつ cell (e.g. monk's)/
こうしつてんぱん the Imperial Household Law/
しゅじゅつしつsurgery/operating room/(P)/
きかんしつ(n) engine room/
~ 室~しつ~ room
どくしょしつ a reading room/
せんしつ (n) stateroom/cabin/(P)/
じゅんびしつ(n) preparation room/
ぶんしつ (n) detached office/annex/(P)/
ごらくしつrecreation room/
しんしつ (n) bedroom/(P)/
とくべつしつ(n) deluxe suite/
さんしつ (n) silkworm-raising room/
むきょうしつanechoic room/
でんわしつ telephone booth (indoor)/
にゅうしつ (n,vs) entering a room/studying under a Buddhist teacher/(P)/
かくしつ(n) every room/
さいしつ (n) wife/
れいぞうしつ(n) cold room/
え室ひかえしつ(n) waiting room/(P)/
しんしつ bedroom
かもつしつ(n) hold/
しちゃくしつ dressing room/
庵室あんしつ(n) hermit's cell/retreat/
あおぞらきょうしつ open-air classes/
じっけんしつ(n) laboratory/
れいしつ (n) your wife/
えきちょうしつ(n) stationmaster's office/
おんしつ greenhouse
くうしつ (n) vacant or unoccupied room/
こうしつひ(n) the Imperial Household expenses/
せんちょうしつ (n) captain's cabin/
じしゅうしつ(n) (private) study room/
きゃくしつ (n) drawing room/guest room/(P)/
いまけんしんしつliving room and bedroom/bed-sitter/(P)/
しゅじつしつsurgery/operating room/
ごうしつ suffix for room numbers/
さんじくしつtriaxial cell/
しんさつしつ examining room/
きょうしつ classroom
こういしつ(n) locker room/changing room/dressing room/(P)/
けんきゅうしつとうlaboratory block/research laboratory building/
ちょうこくしつざ(n) The Sculptor (the constellation)/
寿ことぶききょうしつculture courses for the aged/
こおりむろ (n) ice house/ice room/cold room/
ひむろ (n) ice house/ice room/cold room/
れいとうしつ(n) freezing compartment/freezer/
こしつ (n) private room/
ぶとうしつball room/dance room/
こうさくしつ(n) workshop/
どうしつ(n) the same room/
いっしつ (n) one room/
しちょうしつ (n) audition room/
めんかいしつ(n) visiting room/
ひかえしつ (n) waiting room/
きしつ (n) air chamber/
きょしつ (n) living room/
きつえんしつ(n) a smoking room/
室にしんしつにつづくろうかcorridor leading to the bedroom/
こうちょうしつ(n) principal's office/
しりょうしつreference room/
きかんしつboiler room/
室のいているこうしつのちをひいている(exp) to be descended from the Imperial House/
えつらんしつ inspection room/reading room/(P)/
おんしつそだちsheltered upbringing/
ひょうしつ (n) ice house/ice room/cold room/
せいしつ (n) room for receiving guests/legal wife/heir/
だんわしつ lounge/
ひしょしつsecretarial office/
おんしつ (n) greenhouse/(P)/
きみつしつ(n) airtight chamber/
ざいしつ (n) in a or one's room/
きかくしつplanning office/
しゃちょうしつ(n) president's office/
おうしつ (n) ruling family/