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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : キュウ、ク、グウ; みや; palace
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1310 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2274
Japanese Reading English
じんぐうきゅうじょう(n) Jingu Stadium/
しきゅうがいにんしん(n) ectopic pregnancy/
じんぐうがいえんouter gardens of Meiji Shrine/
まみやかいきょう strait between Sakhalin and the east coast of Siberia/
おうきゅう(n) royal palace/
ないぐう (n) Inner Ise Shrine/
じんぐう (n) Shinto shrine/(P)/
りゅうぐう (n) Palace of the Dragon King/(P)/
ししきゅう(n) Leo/the Lion/
こうどうじゅうにきゅう(n) twelve signs of the zodiac/
りきゅう (n) villa (imperial)/
とうぐう (n) crown prince/
お宮おみや(n) Shinto shrine/
幡宮はちまんぐう (n) Shrine of the God of War/
おみやまいり shrine visit/
おおみやびと(n) courtier/
さんぐう(n) visit to the Ise Shrine/
めいきゅう (n) mystery/maze/labyrinth/(P)/
いせじんぐう Grand Shrine at Ise/
めいきゅういりgoing unsolved/
こうきゅう harem/imperial consort/palace/
宮癌しきゅうがん (n) uterine cancer/
梓宮しきゅう(arch) Emperor's coffin (made of catalpa wood)/
こうぐうけいさつthe Imperial Guards/
しきゅうきんしゅfibroid/uterine myoma/
せんぐう (n) installation of a deity in a new shrine/transfer of a shrine/
さいぐう(n) the ancient imperial princesses serving at the Ise shrine/
かりみや(n) temporary shrine/
しきゅうこうくつ retroversion of the uterus/
宮頸しきゅうけい uterine cervix/
よみや (n) eve of a festival vigil/
殯宮ひんきゅう(n) temporary imperial mortuary/
やもり (n) (uk) gecko/house lizard/
じゅうにきゅう(n) constellations of the zodiac/
わかみや (n) young prince/shrine dedicated to the son of the god of the main shrine/newly built shrine/
だいじんぐう(n) the Grand Shrine at Ise/
きんぎゅうきゅう(n) the Bull/Taurus/
ちゅうぐう (n) palace of the empress/empress/emperor's second consort/
いせだいじんぐう the Grand Shrines of Ise/
だいぐうじ(n) high priest of a great shrine/
お宮おみやまいりshrine visit/
げくう(n) Outer shrine of Ise/
ひめみや (n) princess/
めいじじんぐう Meiji Shrine/
ないくう (n) Inner Ise Shrine/
にぐう (n) the Two Ise Shrines/
の宮はるのみや crown prince/
よみや (n) the eve of a festival/
しきゅう (n) womb/uterus/(P)/
とうぐうごしょ Crown Prince's Palace/
こうきゅう (n) inner palace (reserved for women)/harem/seraglio/
こうぐう(n) the Imperial Palace/
おおみやごしょ Empress Dowager's palace/
とうぐうしょく(n) Imperial Household Agency employee assigned to the household of the Crown Prince/
とうしょうぐう (n) Toshogu Shrine/
あんぐう (n) temporary lodging built to accomodate an Imperial visit/