極め尽くす | きわめつくす | (v5s) to do thoroughly/to check through and
through/ |
聞き尽くす | ききつくす | (v5) to hear all about/ |
最善を尽くす | さいぜんをつくす | (exp) to do one's best/to do something to the best of
one's ability/ |
書き尽くす | かきつくす | (v5s) to write down or convey in full/ |
歓を尽くす | かんをつくす
| (exp) to enjoy oneself to one's hearts
content/ |
国尽くし | くにずくし | enumeration of the names of countries/ |
出尽くす | でつくす
| (v5s) to be all out/to exhaust/ |
心尽くし | こころづくし
| (n) kindness/consideration/ |
愛想尽かし | あいそづかし | (n) harsh words intended to drive another
off/ |
力を尽くす | ちからをつくす | (exp) to exert oneself/to make efforts/ |
立ち尽くす | たちつくす
| (v5s) to stand stock still/ |
論じ尽くす | ろんじつくす
| (v5) to deal exhaustively with/(P)/ |
見尽くす | みつくす | (v5s) to see everything/ |
精が尽きる | せいがつきる
| (exp) to be exhausted/one's energy is
gone/ |
縦横無尽 | じゅうおうむじん | (adj-na,n) freely/right and left/as one
pleases/ |
理不尽 | りふじん
| (adj-na,n)
unreasonable/irrational/ |
筆舌に尽くし難い | ひつぜつにつくしがたい | be beyond description/ |
無尽の講 | むじんのこう | mutual financing association/ |
食い尽くす | くいつくす
| (v5s) to consume/ |
力尽く | ちからづく
| (oK) (n,v5k) (1) by force/forcibly/with all
one's might/(2) to recover one's strength/to recover one's spirit/to revive/to
be refreshed/to be invigorated/to be encouraged/ |
権柄尽く | けんぺいづく | dictatorial/imperious/ |
人類の為に尽くす | じんるいのため
につくす | (exp) to render a service to
humanity/ |
金尽くで | かねずくで | by force of money/ |
使い尽くす | つかいつくす
| (v5s) to use up/to squander/ |
蕩尽 | とうじん | (n,vs) squandering/dissipation/ |
腕尽く | うでづく
| to do one's best/to do by force/ |
取り尽くす | とりつくす
| (v5s) to deplete/to take all/ |
盪尽 | とうじん | squander/ |
無尽会社 | むじんがいしゃ | mutual aid or credit finance company/ |
言い尽くす | いいつくす
| (v5s) to tell all/to give a full
account/ |
死力を尽くす | しりょくをつく
す | (exp) to make frantic efforts/ |
勘定尽く | かんじょうずく | (n) a calculating, profit or loss
mentality/ |
大尽 | だいじん | (n) rich person/millionaire/debauchee/ |
己の分を尽くす | おのれのぶんをつくす | (exp) to do one's part (duty)/ |
一網打尽 | いちもうだじん
| (exp,n) a big haul/roundup/wholesale
arrest/catching the whole herd with one throw/ |
意地尽く | いじずく | (adj-na,n) obstinate/stubborn/ |
相対尽で | あいたいずくで | by mutual consent/ |
物尽し | ものづくし
| (n) being
complete/comprehensive/exhaustive/ |
承知尽く | しょうちづく
| (v5) to act on mutual agreement/ |
誠を尽くす | まことをつくす
| (exp) to do with sincerity/ |
勘定尽くで | かんじょうづくで | in a mercenary spirit/ |
不尽 | ふじん
| (n) (arch) Very sincerely yours/ |
欲得尽く | よくとくずく | (n) carrying out mercenary deeds/having a mercenary
attitude/calculating/ |
花尽くし | はなづくし | (n) citing a variety of flowers/multi-flowered
design/ |
燃え尽きる | もえつきる | (v1) to burn out/ |
術が尽きる | じゅつがつきる
| (exp) to be at one's wits end/ |
手段を尽くす | しゅだんをつくす | (exp) to try everything/to leave no stone
unturned/ |
為尽くす | しつくす | (v5) to do everything possible/ |
食尽 | しょくじん
| (n) maximum eclipse/maximum
obscuration/ |
力尽ける | ちからづける | (oK) (v1) to encourage (someone)/to cheer (someone)
up/ |
力尽く | ちからずく | (oK) (n,v5k) (1) by force/forcibly/with all one's
might/(2) to recover one's strength/to recover one's spirit/to revive/to be
refreshed/to be invigorated/to be encouraged/ |
力尽で | ちからづくで
| by sheer strength/ |
自尽 | じじん
| (n,vs) suicide/ |
出尽す | でつくす
| (v5s) to be all out/ |
愛想を尽かす | あいそをつかす | (exp) to be disgusted with/to run out of patience/to
fall out of love/ |
無尽 | むじん | (adj-na,n) inexhaustibility/mutual financing
association/ |
食べ尽くす | たべつくす | (v5s) to eat up/ |
至れり尽くせり | いたれりつ
くせり | (adj-no,exp) very polite/most
gracious/ |
力尽くで | ちからづくで | by sheer strength/ |
凋尽 | ちょうじん | withering/decay/decline/ |
無尽組合 | むじんくみあい
| loan association/ |
無尽蔵 | むじんぞう | (adj-na,n) inexhaustible supply/(P)/ |