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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : ジン; つ(くす)、つ(きる)、つ(かす); exhaust
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1380 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3050
Japanese Reading English
め尽くすきわめつくす(v5s) to do thoroughly/to check through and through/
き尽くすききつくす(v5) to hear all about/
を尽くすさいぜんをつくす(exp) to do one's best/to do something to the best of one's ability/
き尽くすかきつくす(v5s) to write down or convey in full/
を尽くすかんをつくす (exp) to enjoy oneself to one's hearts content/
尽くしくにずくしenumeration of the names of countries/
尽くすでつくす (v5s) to be all out/to exhaust/
尽くしこころづくし (n) kindness/consideration/
尽かしあいそづかし(n) harsh words intended to drive another off/
を尽くすちからをつくす(exp) to exert oneself/to make efforts/
ち尽くすたちつくす (v5s) to stand stock still/
じ尽くすろんじつくす (v5) to deal exhaustively with/(P)/
尽くすみつくす(v5s) to see everything/
が尽きるせいがつきる (exp) to be exhausted/one's energy is gone/
じゅうおうむじん(adj-na,n) freely/right and left/as one pleases/
りふじん (adj-na,n) unreasonable/irrational/
に尽くしひつぜつにつくしがたいbe beyond description/
尽のむじんのこうmutual financing association/
い尽くすくいつくす (v5s) to consume/
尽くちからづく (oK) (n,v5k) (1) by force/forcibly/with all one's might/(2) to recover one's strength/to recover one's spirit/to revive/to be refreshed/to be invigorated/to be encouraged/
に尽くすじんるいのため につくす(exp) to render a service to humanity/
尽くでかねずくでby force of money/
使い尽くすつかいつくす (v5s) to use up/to squander/
蕩尽とうじん(n,vs) squandering/dissipation/
尽くうでづく to do one's best/to do by force/
り尽くすとりつくす (v5s) to deplete/to take all/
むじんがいしゃmutual aid or credit finance company/
い尽くすいいつくす (v5s) to tell all/to give a full account/
を尽くすしりょくをつく す(exp) to make frantic efforts/
尽くかんじょうずく(n) a calculating, profit or loss mentality/
だいじん(n) rich person/millionaire/debauchee/
を尽くすおのれのぶんをつくす(exp) to do one's part (duty)/
いちもうだじん (exp,n) a big haul/roundup/wholesale arrest/catching the whole herd with one throw/
尽くいじずく(adj-na,n) obstinate/stubborn/
尽であいたいずくでby mutual consent/
尽しものづくし (n) being complete/comprehensive/exhaustive/
尽くしょうちづく (v5) to act on mutual agreement/
を尽くすまことをつくす (exp) to do with sincerity/
尽くでかんじょうづくでin a mercenary spirit/
ふじん (n) (arch) Very sincerely yours/
尽くよくとくずく(n) carrying out mercenary deeds/having a mercenary attitude/calculating/
尽くしはなづくし(n) citing a variety of flowers/multi-flowered design/
え尽きるもえつきる(v1) to burn out/
が尽きるじゅつがつきる (exp) to be at one's wits end/
を尽くすしゅだんをつくす(exp) to try everything/to leave no stone unturned/
尽くすしつくす(v5) to do everything possible/
しょくじん (n) maximum eclipse/maximum obscuration/
尽けるちからづける(oK) (v1) to encourage (someone)/to cheer (someone) up/
尽くちからずく(oK) (n,v5k) (1) by force/forcibly/with all one's might/(2) to recover one's strength/to recover one's spirit/to revive/to be refreshed/to be invigorated/to be encouraged/
尽でちからづくで by sheer strength/
じじん (n,vs) suicide/
尽すでつくす (v5s) to be all out/
を尽かすあいそをつかす(exp) to be disgusted with/to run out of patience/to fall out of love/
むじん(adj-na,n) inexhaustibility/mutual financing association/
べ尽くすたべつくす(v5s) to eat up/
れり尽くせりいたれりつ くせり(adj-no,exp) very polite/most gracious/
尽くでちからづくでby sheer strength/
むじんくみあい loan association/
むじんぞう(adj-na,n) inexhaustible supply/(P)/