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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : キョク; ; bureau
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1384 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3063
Japanese Reading English
せんばいきょく (n) (Japan's) Monopoly Bureau/
いちきょくぶone part/
でんぽうきょく (n) telegraph office/
えいりんきょく(n) regional forestry office/
じむきょくちょう head of the secretariat/
ちょきんきょく(n) (Japan's) Postal Savings Bureau/
でんわきょく(n) telephone company/
しゅけいきょくbudget bureau/
テレビ 局テレビきょくtelevision station/
かんりきょくadministration bureau/
こうわんとうきょく port authorities/
えいせいちきゅうきょく(satellite) earth station/
ちゅうけいきょく(n) a relay station/
りくじょうたんきょくそ うちland terminal equipment (of a submarine cable)/
しゅぜいきょく (n) (Japan's) Tax Bureau/
けんじきょく(n) prosecutor's office/
ふりだしきょくselling office/
がいきょく (n) external bureau/
いきょく (n) medical office/dispensary/
やっきょくほう(n) pharmacopeia/
じきょく circumstances/
ほんきょく (n) main office/
とうきょくしゃauthority (person)/
せいきょく (n) political situation/(P)/
やっきょく (n) pharmacy/drugstore/(P)/
おやきょく (n) (computer) master station/
こきょく (computer) slave station/
ぜんきょく (n) general situation/whole aspect/
ないきょく(n) bureau in a ministry/
便とくていゆうびんきょくspecial post office/
どうきょく (n) the said bureau/the same bureau/
にゅうこくかんりきょ くimmigration bureau
たいきょくしゃplayer of go/
せんきょく(n) tuning (a radio)/
ぞうへいきょく(n) (coin) mint/(P)/
かいきょく (n) opening of post-office or telephone exchange/
ききょく (n) crisis/
はっしんきょく(n) sending office/
こうかんきょく(n) (telephone) exchange/
ないかくほうせいきょくCabinet Legislation Bureau/
便ゆうびんきょくpost office
たいきょく(n) (playing) a game of go, shogi or chess, etc./
じむきょく (n) secretariat/executive office/
とうきょく (n) authorities/(P)/
むせんきょく(n) radio station/
へんしゅうきょく(n) editorial office (board)/
こくぜいきょく(n) revenue/
ぶきょく(n) department/bureau/section/part/
じむとうきょく officials in charge/
れんぽうそうさきょくFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)/
かんこうきょく(n) (national) tourist bureau/
にゅうこくかんりきょくimmigration office/
たいきょく (n) general situation/the whole point/
いっきょく(n) one game (checkers, etc.)/
けいさつとうきょく police authorities/the police/
べいれんぽうくうこう きょくFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) (US)/
便ゆうびんきょく (n) post office/(P)/
たんきょく (radio) terminal/
きちきょくbase station/
はきょく(n) catastrophe/cataclysm/(P)/
ほうせいきょく(n) Cabinet Legislation Bureau/
そうむきょくGeneral Affairs Bureau/
ほうむきょく(n) regional legal affairs bureau/
便ゆうびんきょくいん postman
せんきょく (n) the state of the war/
せいきょく (n) world developments/
こうわんきょくPort and Harbor Authority/
りくうんきょくDistrict Land Transport Bureau(x) i.e. motor traffic agency (US: DMV)/
ぶんきょく(n) branch office/
そうさとうきょく investigating authorities/
ひきょくしょぶんきnon-local jump/
ぐんじとうきょくしゃmilitary authority/
しょききょく(n) secretariat/
れんぽうとうきょく federal authorities/
べいこうくううちゅう きょく(US) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/
しきょく(n) branch office/(P)/
にほんやっきょくほう(n) Japanese pharmacopeia/
つつもたせ(gikun) (n) con(fidence) person/
でんしんきょく(n) telegraph office/
きょうさんとうせいじ きょくPolitburo/
しゅうきょく (n) end/close/conclusion/denouement/finale/end of a game of go/
けっきょく(n-adv,n) after all/eventually/(P)/
ちゅうおうほうそう きょくa central or key radio station/
すいどうきょくwater bureau or department/
じきょくがらin view of the present situation/
なんきょく (n) difficult situation/
ぐんとうきょくmilitary authorities/
じきょく (n) situation/(P)/
ちゃくしんきょくreceiving post office/
ほうそうきょく(n) broadcasting office/