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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : キョ; い(る); reside
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1387 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3080
Japanese Reading English
すまい(n) dwelling/house/residence/address/(P)/
きゅうきょ (n) former residence/
居るございる(v1) to be (very pol.)/
なかい (n) waitress/
じゅうきょあと(n) dwelling (habitation) site/site of a (prehistoric) settlement/
居るむれいる(v1) to crowd in/to come together/
居るございる(v1) to be (very pol.)/
ち居たちいふるまい (n) movements/behavior/
ききょ (n) behavior/one's daily life/
かきょ (n,vs) staying at home/
居にしばいにさそう(exp) to invite a person to the theater/
わかいんきょ(n) early retirement/
いちげんこじ (n) a person who always has to have his say/a ready critic/
じゅうきょてあてrent allowance/
おどけしばい(n) comedy/burlesque/
ざっきょ (n,vs) sharing living quarters/
てんきょ (n) moving/changing residence/(P)/
かみしばい(n) picture story show/
いなかしばい provincial theatrical performance/
しろうとしばい (n) amateur theatricals/amateur dramatic performance/
居ないねこのこいっぴき いないcompletely deserted/
まどい (n) small gathering/happy circle/
とぎしばいfairy play/pantomime/
って居るわらっている to be smiling (laughing)/
寓居ぐうきょ(n) temporary abode/staying on a temporary basis/
どうきょ(n,vs) living together/(P)/
居ビルざっきょビル (n) building containing a number of businesses and shops/
屏居へいきょ(vs) living in retirement/
卜居ぼっきょ(n,vs) choosing a homesite by divination/
いんきょ(n) retirement/retired person/(P)/
かりずまい(n) temporary residence/
さるしばい(n) monkey show/
るすい(n) caretaker or keeper (official post in the Edo era)/
せんきょ(n,vs) occupying a certain place/
ち居たちい (n) one's movement/
居るなみいる (v1) to sit in a row/to be present (and lined up)/
とりい(n) torii (Shinto shrine archway)/(P)/
しばい (n) play/drama/(P)/
むらしばい(n) play put on in a village/play put on by villagers/
ひとりしばい(n) a one man show/
の居むしのいどころがわる い(exp) be in a bad mood/
ち居たちい (n) movements/sitting and standing/
蟄居ちっきょ(n,vs) keeping house/being confined to one's house/
どっきょしつ cell (e.g. monk's)/
てんきょつうち (n) change of address notice (announcement)/
ぐんきょ(n) gregariousness/
いえい (n,vs) staying at home/
居をしばいをうつ(exp) to play a trick/to give (present) a play/to put up a false show/
べっきょ(n) (legal) separation/divorce from bed and table/(P)/
じゅうきょ(n) dwelling/house/residence/address/(P)/
にゅうきょしゃ(n) tenant/
しきい(n) threshold/(P)/
ゆうきょ (n) hermitage/retreat/retirement/seclusion/
ひとりしばいa one-man show/
鴨居 かもい(n) lintel/
あやつりしばい puppet show/
かんきょ (n) quiet and secluded life/quiet retreat/idle life/
みやい(n) shrine/imperial palace/
どうきょにん(n) person living with the family/
どっきょ (n) solitude/solitary life/
らくいんきょ(n) comfortable retirement/
てんきょさき(n) one's new address/
にゅうきょ (n,vs) moving into (house)/
くもい (n) sky/the Imperial Court/
こうきょ (n) Imperial Palace/(P)/
にんぎょうしばい puppet show/
しゃくやずまい living in rented quarters/
わびずまい(n) solitary life/wretched abode/
しきいち(n) threshold/
しばいげ (n) theatrical/
しばいごや playhouse/theatre/(P)/
しばいぎ(n) theatrical/
籠居 ろうきょ(n) staying at home or indoors/living in seclusion/retirement/
ながい (n,vs) long visit/overstaying/(P)/
しんきょ (n) new home/
居のしばいのすじplot of a play/
けっきょじんcave dweller/caveman/(P)/
へいきょ (n) shutting oneself up at home/
けっきょ (n) cave dwelling/troglodytism/
あんきょ (n) easy life/
み居るなみいる (v1) to sit in a row/to be present (and lined up)/
ざっきょち (n) mixed residential quarter/