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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : カイ; とど(ける)、とど(く); deliver
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1385 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3078
Japanese Reading English
け届けつけとどけ(n) tip/present/
き届きふゆきとどき(adj-na,n) negligence/carelessness/incompetence/mismanagement/
届けしゅっしょうとどけbirth registration/
届きふゆきとどき(adj-na,n) negligence/carelessness/incompetence/mismanagement/
届けるみとどける (v1) to make sure of/to assure oneself of/to see with one's own eyes/to ascertain/(P)/
の届くてのとどくところwithin one's reach/
届けしゅっせいとどけbirth registration/
届けむとどけ (n) without notice/without leave/(P)/
こんいんとどけ (n) marriage registration/
届けけっせきとどけreport of a school absence/(P)/
しゅっせいとどけ(n) report (register) of a birth/
届けひがいとどけreport of damage/
き届くゆきとどく (v5k) to be scrupulous/to be attentive/to be prudent/to be complete/to be thorough/
届けしぼうとどけreport of death/
てんにゅうとどけnotification of moving in/
届きふとどき (adj-na,n) rude/insolent/nefarious/
き届けるききとどける(v1) to grant/
届けけっきんとどけ report of an absence/(P)/
ふんしつとどけ(n) report of the loss of (that one has lost) an article/
の届くめのとどくかぎり as far as the eye can reach/
き届くいきとどく (v5k) to be scrupulous/to be attentive/to be prudent/to be complete/to be thorough/(P)/
届けちこくとどけtardy slip/
届けるみとどける(v1) to make sure of/to assure oneself of/to see with one's own eyes/to ascertain/
り届けるおくりとどける(v1) to send to/to deliver/to escort (a person) home/
届けみとどけfailing to report/