付け届け | つけとどけ | (n) tip/present/ |
不行き届き | ふゆきとどき | (adj-na,n)
negligence/carelessness/incompetence/mismanagement/ |
出生届け | しゅっしょうとどけ | birth registration/ |
不行届き | ふゆきとどき | (adj-na,n)
negligence/carelessness/incompetence/mismanagement/ |
見届ける | みとどける
| (v1) to make sure of/to assure oneself of/to
see with one's own eyes/to ascertain/(P)/ |
手の届く所 | てのとどくところ | within one's reach/ |
出生届け | しゅっせいとどけ | birth registration/ |
無届け | むとどけ
| (n) without notice/without
leave/(P)/ |
婚姻届 | こんいんとどけ
| (n) marriage registration/ |
欠席届け | けっせきとどけ | report of a school absence/(P)/ |
出生届 | しゅっせいとどけ | (n) report (register) of a birth/ |
被害届け | ひがいとどけ | report of damage/ |
行き届く | ゆきとどく
| (v5k) to be scrupulous/to be attentive/to be
prudent/to be complete/to be thorough/ |
死亡届け | しぼうとどけ | report of death/ |
転入届 | てんにゅうとどけ | notification of moving in/ |
不届き | ふとどき
| (adj-na,n) rude/insolent/nefarious/ |
聞き届ける | ききとどける | (v1) to grant/ |
欠勤届け | けっきんとどけ
| report of an absence/(P)/ |
紛失届 | ふんしつとどけ | (n) report of the loss of (that one has lost) an
article/ |
目の届く限り | めのとどくかぎり
| as far as the eye can reach/ |
行き届く | いきとどく
| (v5k) to be scrupulous/to be attentive/to be
prudent/to be complete/to be thorough/(P)/ |
遅刻届け | ちこくとどけ | tardy slip/ |
未届ける | みとどける | (v1) to make sure of/to assure oneself of/to see with
one's own eyes/to ascertain/ |
送り届ける | おくりとどける | (v1) to send to/to deliver/to escort (a person)
home/ |
未届け | みとどけ | failing to report/ |