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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : ゾク; ; belong to
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1400 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3145
Japanese Reading English
ちょくぞく(n) direct control/direct supervision/
きんぞくせい(n) metallic quality/
ききんぞくおろし wholesale (wholesaler) in precious metals/
ふぞくがっこうan attached or affiliated school/
むしょぞく(n) independent/
じゅうきんぞく(n) heavy metals/
きんぞくせい(adj-no,n) made of metal/
じゅうぞく (n,vs) subordination/dependency/(P)/
きんぞくかん intermetallic/
きぞく (n) belonging to/
ふぞく (n,vs) attached/belonging/affiliated/annexed/associated/subordinate/incidental/dependen t/auxiliary/(P)/
ふぞく(n,vs) attached/belonging/affiliated/annexed/associated/subordinate/incidental/dependen t/auxiliary/(P)/
きんぞくげんそmetallic element/
きんぞくこうぎょう the metalworking industry/
どるいきんぞく earth metal/
ふくぞく (n) a follower/yield allegiance to/
そうごはいぞくcross attachment/
ひてつきんぞく (n) nonferrous metals/
きんぞくたんちきmetal detector/
きぞくいしき (n) (a feeling of) identification (with)/sense of belonging/
れいぞく(n) subordination/(P)/
ぶぞく (n) assign to sections/division/
ひぞく (n) lineal descendants (beyond grandchildren)/
けいぞく(n) relationship/
ひきんぞく(n) nonmetal/
ぐんぞく(n) civilian in military employ/
はいぞく (n,vs) assignment (of a person to somewhere)/attachment/(P)/
きんぞく(n) metal/(P)/
楓属 ふうぞくgenus Liquidambar/
そんぞく(n) direct ancestors/noble ancestors/
ふぞくしょappendix/supplementary notes/
じゅうぞくせつ(n) subordinate clause/
しょぞく (n) attached to/belong to/(P)/
ききんぞく(n) precious metal/
ふぞくひん(n) accessory/fittings/appurtenances/
てんぞく (n) changing assignments/
ひきんぞく(n) base metals/
ちょっけいひぞく lineal descendant/
そんぞくさつじん patricide/parricide/matricide/
むしょぞくげん incumbent member (or candidate) unaffiliated with a party/
ふぞくこう affiliated school/
繋属けいぞく(n) relationship/pendency (of a legal case)/
きんえんぞく related genera/associated species/
あぞく (n) subgroup/subgenus/
じゅうぞくへんすう dependent variable/
ひきんぞくげんそ(n) a nonmetallic element/
きんぞくへんpiece of metal/
ふぞくびょういん affiliated hospital/
はぎぞく Lespedeza/
ふぞくせつsubordinate clause/
きんぞくひろう (n) metal fatigue/
ねこぞく the cat genus/
きんぞくかこう (n) metalworking/
ちょっけいそんぞく lineal ascendant/
ほしゅけいむしょぞく conservative without party affiliation/
じゅうぞくこく (n) a dependency/
ふぞくご(n) ancillary (attached, adjunct) words/
せんぞく (n) exclusive/attached to/specialist/(P)/
けいぞくちゅう pending (e.g. legal case)/
けいきんぞく(n) light metals/