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Kanji: Radical: (やま) : ガン; きし; shore
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1413 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2236
Japanese Reading English
西にしかいがん (n) west coast/
かがん (n) fish market/riverside/river bank/(P)/
せつがん(n) coming alongside a pier or quay/
わんがんせんそう the Gulf War/
かがんだんきゅう river terrace/
なんがん (n) south coast/south bank/
こう岸むこうぎし (n) the opposite bank/
ごがんこうじ levee protection works/
りょうぎし (n) both banks (of a river)/
こがん(n) lakeshore/lakeside/
さがん (n) left bank (of a river)/
かいがん (n) coast/beach/(P)/
うがん (n) right bank (shore)/
ひがんえ(n) Buddhist services during the equinoctial week/
沿えんがんけいびたい coast guard/
沿いになんがんぞいにalong the southern coast/along the southern seashore/
ごがん(n) river dike/
此岸 しがん(n) this world (life)/
ぞうげかいがん (the Republic of) Ivory Coast/
ひがしかいがん(n) east coast/
西せいがん (n) west coast/west bank/(P)/
ひがんざくら(n) cherry tree which flowers early (around the spring equinox)/
ちんこうかいがんsubmerged shoreline/
傲岸ごうがんぶれい arrogance/
りがん (n) setting sail/
かいがんせん(n) coastline/coastal railway/
ひがん (n) equinoctial week (when Buddhist services are held)/(P)/
かいがんどおり sea-front street/
たいがん (n) opposite shore/(P)/
沿えんがん (n) coast/shore/(P)/
うおがし(n) riverside fish market/
かし (n) fish market/riverside/river bank/
ほくがん(n) north coast/north bank/
沿いにとうがんぞいにalong the east coast/along the eastern seashore/
とうがん(n) eastern coast/east bank/
沿えんがんぎょぎょう coastal fishing/
傲岸ごうがんふそん(n) arrogance/
かわぎし(n) fish market/riverside/river bank/(P)/
ひがんばな(n) cluster amaryllis/
にちなんかいがん Nichinan coastline/
ちゃくがん (n) reaching the shore/
ぜんがん all the banks (of a river)/
傲岸ごうがん(adj-na,n) haughtiness/pride/
沿いにほくがんぞいにalong the north coast/along the northern sea shore/
かわぎし(n) river bank/(P)/
わんがん (n) gulf (bay) coast/
かいがんづたいalong the coast/
沿なんがんぞいalong the southern coast/
り岸きりぎし (n) steep bank/cliff/
りょうがん (n) both banks (of a river)/
りくがん land/shore/