単峰駱駝 | たんぽうらくだ | Arabian camel/dromedary/one-hump camel/ |
群峰 | ぐんぽう
| (n) (the many peaks of a) mountain
range/ |
剣ヶ峰 | けんがみね | crater's rim/edge of the ring in sumo/ |
芙蓉峰 | ふようほう | (n) Mt Fuji (lotus-shaped mountain)/ |
巨峰 | きょほう
| gigantic peak/ |
最高峰 | さいこうほう | (n) highest peak/most prominent/highest
authority/ |
高峰八座 | こうほうはちざ | eight lofty peaks/ |
双峰駱駝 | そうほうらくだ
| two-humped camel/Bactrian camel/ |
未踏峰 | みとうほう | (n) unclimbed mountain/ |
高峰 | こうほう
| (n) high mountain/lofty peak/(P)/ |
雄峰 | ゆうほう
| (n) majestic mountain/ |
連峰 | れんぽう
| (n) mountain range/(P)/ |
主峰 | しゅほう
| (n) the highest peak/ |
危峰 | きほう
| high, steep peak/ |
霊峰 | れいほう
| (n) sacred mountain/(P)/ |
処女峰 | しょじょほう | (n) an untrodden peak/ |