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Kanji: Radical: (まがりがわ) : ジュン; めぐ(る)、めぐ(り); going around
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4667 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3047
Japanese Reading English
の巡りのちのめぐりのわるい (exp) dim-witted/slow to catch on/
巡りどうどうめぐり(n) going around in circles/
巡りしまめぐり (n) island tour/
を巡らすへいをめぐらす (exp) to fence in/to surround with a wall/
巡りひとめぐり(n) once around/a revolution/a lap/a turn/a round/one full year/
おつじゅんsecond-class cruiser/
いちじゅん (n) a beat/a round/
の巡りがちのめぐりがわるい(exp) dim-witted/slow to catch on/
せいちじゅんれい pilgrimage/
逡巡こぎしゅんじゅんbe in doubt and unable to decide/hesitation and indecision/
巡るへめぐる(v5r) to travel about/
お巡りさんおまわりさん(n) policeman (friendly term)/(P)/
け巡るかけめぐる (v5r) to run about/
巡りさんおまわりさん (n) policeman (friendly term)/
の巡りちのめぐり (n) circulation of the blood/apprehension/
り巡らすはりめぐらす(v5s) to stretch around/
こうつうじゅんさ traffic officer/
こうじゅん armored cruiser/
々巡りどうどうめぐり (n) going around in circles/
い巡らすおもいめぐらす (v5s) to think over/
かそうじゅんようかん(n) merchant cruiser/