新左翼 | しんさよく
| (n) the new left (school of
thought)/ |
向かって左 | むかってひだり | on the left as one faces (it)/ |
右往左往 | うおうさおう
| (n) move about in confusion/go every which
way/going right and left/this way and that/(P)/ |
右から左へ | みぎからひだり
へ | (exp) from right to left/in one ear and out
the other/(P)/ |
舞台の左右の袖 | ぶたいのさゆうのそで | wings of a stage/ |
右と言えば左 | みぎといえばひだり | widely spoken/(P)/ |
右左 | みぎひだり
| (n) right and left/ |
土左衛門 | どざえもん
| (n) drowned body of a person (after sumo
wrestler Narusegawa Dozaemon)/ |
極左 | きょくさ | (n) extreme left/ultraleft/ |
最左翼 | さいさよく | (n) ultra-left/ultra-left extremists/ |
証左 | しょうさ
| (n) evidence/proof/witness/ |
右顧左眄 | うこさべん | (n,vs) looking to the right and
left/hesitation/ |
右左 | みぎひだり | right and left |
最左 | さいさ | (n) left-most/ |
前後左右 | ぜんごさゆう | in all directions/ |