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Kanji: Radical: (かたな) : ; かえ(る)、かえ(す); return
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1582 Index in Halpern dictionary: 130
Japanese Reading English
みなみかいきせん(n) Tropic of Capricorn/
さいきだいめいしreflexive pronoun/
ち帰りもちかえり takeaway; takeout
に帰するくうにきする (vs) to come to naught/
帰りおかえり return/welcome/
ち帰りもちかえり (n) takeout (ie. food)/
を帰すせいとをかえす(exp) to dismiss the pupils/
かいきねつ(n) recurrent fever/
しゃかいふっき rehabilitation (in society)/
お帰りなさいおかえりなさい (exp,int) Welcome home/(P)/
帰りなさいおかえりなさ い(exp,int) Welcome home/
に帰らずらさずらっかえだにかえ らずはきょうふたたびてらさず(exp) fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine/what's done is done/there's no use crying over spilled milk/
に帰るいえにかえるときwhen returning home/
帰りあさがえり (n) staying out all night and coming home in the morning/
に帰するうゆうにきする(vs) to be reduced to ashes/
卦帰りほんけがえり (n) reaching age of 60/dotage/second childhood/
そこくふっきreturning to one's fatherland/
なんみんきかん return of refugees/
帰のふきのきゃくdeceased person/traveler on one's last journey/
に帰るつちにかえる(exp) to die/to return to mother earth/
ち帰るもちかえる (v5r) to carry back or home/to take out (e.g. food)/
かいきてき recursive/
きたかいきせん (n) Tropic of Cancer/
さいきねつrecurrent fever/
に帰るいえにかえる (exp) to come back home/
かいき (n) revolution/recurrence/recursion/(P)/
かいきせん (n) the tropics (Cancer and Capricorn)/
き帰りいきかえりboth ways (on one's way), there and back
帰りひがえり (n) day trip/(P)/
いちじききゅう temporary layoff/
ふっき (n) return/comeback/reinstatement/carriage return (CR)/(P)/
みきかんしゃunrepatriated person/
さいき (n) recursive/
すうがくてききのうほう (n) mathematical induction/
帰りさとがえり (n) visiting one's parents/new bride's first visit to parents/
き帰りゆきかえり(n) going and returning/both ways/
ちんこんきしん return to the divine through spiritual quietude/
ふき(n) rising no more (as in illness and death)/returning no more/dying/
げ帰るにげかえる(v5r) to scurr or run home/
ほととぎす(n) cuckoo/