垂れ幕 | たれまく | (n) hanging screen/curtain/ |
暗幕 | あんまく
| (n) blackout curtain/ |
除幕式 | じょまくしき | (n) unveiling ceremony/ |
特別幕僚 | とくべつばくりょう
| special staff/ |
陣幕 | じんまく
| (n) camp enclosure/ |
下げ幕 | さげまく
| drop curtain/ |
字幕 | じまく
| (n) title/subtitle/ |
承知の幕 | しょうちのまく | agreement/ |
除幕 | じょまく | (n) unveiling (ceremony)/(P)/ |
天幕 | てんまく
| (n) curtain/tent/pavilion/ |
煙幕 | えんまく
| (n) smokescreen/ |
一幕物 | ひとまくもの | (n) a one-act play/ |
閉幕 | へいまく
| (n) falling of the curtain/ |
天幕製造人 | てんまくせいぞうにん | tentmaker/ |
一幕 | ひとまく | (n) one act/ |
一般幕僚 | いっぱんばくりょう | general staff/ |
黒幕 | くろまく | (n) black curtain/wire puller/political
fixer/ |
序幕 | じょまく | (n) curtain-raiser/prologue/(P)/ |
銀幕 | ぎんまく
| (n) silver screen (movies)/ |
引き幕 | ひきまく
| (n) a draw curtain/ |
内幕話 | うちまくばなし | inside information/ |
弾幕 | だんまく
| (n) barrage/ |
平幕 | ひらまく
| (n) rank-and-file wrestlers in sumo's highest
division/ |
鯨幕 | くじらまく | (n) black and white striped curtain (used at funeral
service)/ |
閉幕となる | へいまくとなる | to come to a close (end)/ |
垂幕 | たれまく
| (n) hanging screen/curtain/ |
佐幕派 | さばくは | supporters of the shogun/ |
討幕 | とうばく
| (n,vs) attacking the shogunate/ |
帷幕 | いばく | (n) curtain/field staff headquarters/secret meeting
place/ |
開幕戦 | かいまくせん
| (n) opening game/(season) opener/ |
佐幕 | さばく
| (n) adherence to the shogunate/ |
揚げ幕 | あげまく
| (n) entrance curtain (in Noh)/ |
旧幕 | きゅうばく
| (n) the old feudal
government/shogunate/ |
入幕 | にゅうまく | (n) advancing to the first grade/ |
内幕 | うちまく
| (n) lowdown/inside curtain/inside
information/hidden circumstances/inside facts/inner workings/undisclosed
circumstances/(P)/ |
天幕造り | てんまくづくり
| tentmaker/ |
幔幕 | まんまく | (n) curtain/drapery/ |
映写幕 | えいしゃまく | (n) a screen/ |
中幕 | なかまく | (n) middle act/ |
倒幕 | とうばく
| (n,vs) overthrow of the shogunate/ |
三幕物 | さんまくもの | three-act play/ |
横断幕 | おうだんまく | (n) banner strung across a street/ |
統合幕僚会議 | とうごうばくりょうかい
ぎ | Joint Staff Council/ |
統幕 | とうばく
| general staff headquarters/ |
終幕 | しゅうまく
| (n) end/close/ |
尊王討幕 | そんのうとうばく
| reverence for the emperor and the overthrow of
the shogunate/ |
開幕 | かいまく | (n) raising the curtain/(P)/ |
内幕 | ないまく
| (n) lowdown/inside curtain/inside
information/hidden circumstances/inside facts/inner workings/undisclosed
circumstances/(P)/ |
剣幕 | けんまく | (n) threatening attitude/ |