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Kanji: Radical: (ほす) : カン; ほ(す)、ほ(し)、ひ(る); dry
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1492 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3379
Japanese Reading English
汐干しおひがりshell gathering (at low tide)/
まんかん (n) ebb and flow/
ないせいふかんしょう(n) non-intervention in the domestic affairs of another nation/
み干すのみほす(v5s) to drink up/to drain (cup)/
干しにぼし (n) (small crunchy) dried sardines/
うめぼし(n) dried plum/(P)/
らんかん (n) handrail/bannister/(P)/
を干すさかずきをほす (exp) to drink the cup dry/
干してんとうぼし(adj-no) sun-dried/
汲み干すくみほす(v5s) to empty out/to drain out/to pump dry/
干しどようぼし (n) summer airing (of clothes)/
干しあまぼし (n) persimmon cured in the sun/
を干されるやくをほされ る(exp) to be deprived of one's role/
り干しきりぼし(n) dried daikon strips/
り干すかりほす (v5s) to cut and dry (in the sun)/
ふかんしょう(n) abstention/nonintervention/noninterference/
干しひぼし drying by fire/
干し竿ものほしざお (n) pole on which to hang laundry for drying/
干しかげぼし(n) drying in the shade/
にぼし (n) (small crunchy) dried sardines/
干しこうらぼし (n) basking in the sun/sunbathing on a beach/
干しからぼし(n) sun-dried fish or vegetables/
干しひぼし (adj-no,n) sun-dried/
干しものほしばplace for drying laundry/
干ししらすぼし(n) dried young sardines/
じっかん (n) the 10 calendar signs/
じゃっかん (n-adv,n) some/few/number of/(P)/
干しまるぼし (n) (fish, vegetables etc.) dried whole/
しおひ(n) low tide/
の干しおのかんまん ebb and flood/(P)/
ち干みちひ (n) ebb and flow/
ぶりょくかんしょう armed intervention/
醂干しみりんぼし (n) fish sliced open, seasoned with mirin, soy sauce etc. and dried in the sun/
ものほし(io) (n) clothes drying place/
干しむしぼし (n) airing out/
干しものほし (n) clothes drying place/(P)/
ないせいかんしょう intervention/
しおひがり(n) shell gathering (at low tide)/clamming/
干しうめぼし (n) dried plum/(P)/
干しすぼし (n) drying in the shade/
干しなまぼし (n) half-dried/
しおひがり(io) (n) shell gathering (at low tide)/clamming/(P)/