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Kanji: Radical: 广 (まだれ) : チョウ; ; government office
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1498 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3034
Japanese Reading English
りんやちょう Forest Service/
かんちょう (n) government office/authorities/(P)/
ほっかいどうかいはつちょうちょうかん Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency/
とうちょうisland government office/
さいこうけんさつちょう(n) Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office/
退たいちょう (n) leaving one's office/
けんさつちょうPublic Prosecutors Office/
しょうぼうちょうFire Defense Agency/
けいざいきかくちょうちょうかんDirector General of Economic Planning Agency/
ちほうかんちょうlocal government/
しちょう (n) municipal office/
とうがいかんちょう proper authorities/authorities concerned/(P)/
とうちょう(n,vs) attending a government office/
けいざいきかくちょうEconomic Planning Agency/(P)/
とちょう (n) Tokyo Government Office/(P)/
きしょうちょうMeteorological Agency/(P)/
すいさんちょう(Japan's) Fisheries Agency/
かいなんしんぱんちょうMarine Accidents Inquiry Agency/
の庁えんまのちょうjudgment seat of Yama/
せいちょう (n) government office/
かんこうちょう(n) government administration office/
おきなわかいはつちょうちょうかんDirector General of Okinawa Development Agency/
かがくぎじゅつちょう ちょうかんDirector General of Science and Technology Agency/
ふちょう(n) prefectural office/(P)/
かがくぎじゅつちょうScience and Technology Agency/
とっきょちょうPatent Office/
こくぜいちょう (Japanese) National Tax Administration Agency/
こうちょうoffices of a public or governmental organization/
けんちょうしょざいち prefectural capital/
けいきちょう(abbr) Economic Planning Agency/
けいさつちょうNational Police Agency/
かいじょうほあんちょうMaritime Safety Agency/
しょくりょうちょうfood agency/
しちょう(n) (governmental) branch office/
しゃかいほけんちょうsocial insurance agency/
ちゅうおうぎょうせい かんちょうagencies of a central government/
ぎょうかんちょう Administrative Management Agency/
ぼうえいちょう(Japan's) Defense Agency/
けいしちょうpolice headquarters/(P)/
ちゅうしょうきぎょうちょう(Japan's) Small and Medium Enterprise Agency/
調こうあんちょうさちょ う(Japan's) Public Security Investigation Agency/
しょうちょう(n) ministries and government offices/the authorities/
きょうこうちょう (n) Vatican/Holy See/
かんきょうちょうEnvironment Agency/
かんきょうちょうちょうかんDirector General of Environment Agency/
くないちょうImperial Household Agency/
ぶんかちょう(Japan's) Agency for Cultural Affairs/
けんちょう (n) prefectural office/(P)/
ぼうえいしせつちょう(Japan's) Defense Facilities Administration Agency/
エネルギー庁しげんエネ ルギーちょうAgency of Natural Resources and Energy/
ぼうえいちょうちょうか んDirector General of Defence Agency/
にほんこくとっきょちょうJapanese Patent Office/
かんけいかんちょう (n) government agencies concerned with ..../
ちほうけんさつちょう (n) District Public Prosecutor's Office/
かんかつかんちょうcontrolling office/(P)/
こくどちょう(Japan's) National Land Agency/
ほんちょう (n) central government office/this office/
かんちょうがい government district/
ぎょうせいかんりちょ う(n) Administrative Management Agency/
こくどちょうちょうかん Director General of National Land Agency/
くけんさつちょう(n) a ward's public prosector's office/
しんちょうしゃnew government office/
そうむちょうGeneral Affairs Agency/