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Kanji: Radical: 广 (まだれ) : テン; みせ; shop
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1509 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3085
Japanese Reading English
さてん(n) tea house/
かいてんto open a store, to start a store
しょうてん (n) shop/business firm/(P)/
ぜんてん (n) the whole store/
とくやくてん(n) sole agent/chain store/
ちゃみせ (n) tea house/
かじつてんfruit store/
こうこくだいりてん advertising firm/advertising company/
しょくひんてん grocery store/
こっとうひんてんantique store/curio store/
そうほんてんhead office/
だいりてん (n) agent/agency/
どうてん (n) the same store/the same shop/
りはつてん(n) barbershop/
しょてん bookstore
はんてん (n) (Chinese) restaurant/
めいてん (n) well-known store/
れんさてん(n) chain store/
ほんてん (n) head office/(P)/
りょこうだいりてんtravel agent/
しょうてんがい (n) shopping district/shopping street/
さけてん(n) alcohol-selling shop/
おおだな (n) large store/
ゆうりょうてん(n) store holding a special commendation (e.g. from the mayor)/
はんもんてん Panmunjon/
かめいてんparticipating store/participating merchant/
よみせ (n) night shop/night fair/
ざっかてん(n) general (variety) store (shop)/
せんもんてん(n) specialist shops/
かしてんぽstore for rent/
り店こうりてんretail store/retail shop/(P)/
チェーン店チェーンてんchain store/
らいてん(n) coming to the store/
辻店つじみせ(n) street stall/
しんぶんはんばいてん(n) news dealer's shop/newsagent's shop/
こうむてん(n) engineering firm/contractor/
きっさてん(n) coffee lounge/(P)/
こうりてんretail store/retail shop/(P)/
ようひんてん(n) shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories/
かくてん(n) each shop/
してんもう branch store network/(P)/
せいにくてん(n) meat shop/butcher's shop/
うらだな (n) house in an alley/rear tenement/slums/
でみせ(n) food stand/branch store/(P)/
しょうてん (n) my little shop/
かいそうてんshipping agent/
してん (n) branch store (office)/(P)/
さかだな (n) alcohol-selling shop/
ばいてん kiosk
とりつぎてん (n) agency/distributor/
しょうてんしゅstorekeeper/proprietor of a shop/
じょてんいん(n) saleswoman/shopgirl/
烹店かっぽうてん (n) restaurant/
漕店かいそうてんshipping agent/
しゃしんきてん camera shop/
しゅっちょうてんbranch store/
しゅてん(n) alcohol-selling shop/
ほうせきてんjewelry store/
がっきてん store selling musical instruments/
ひゃっかてん(n) (department) store(s)/(P)/
しょくりょうひんてん grocer/grocery store/
へいてん to close a store; to close down business
いんしょくてん (n) restaurant/shops serving food and drink/(P)/
はんばいだいりてん sales agent/
ひゃっかてんdepartment store
かいてん (n,vs) (grand) opening of shop/(P)/
り店かりだな(n) rented shop/
りょうはんてん(n) volume seller/
やたいみせ(n) stall/stand/
してんちょう(n) branch manager/manager of a branch office/
ろてん(n) street stall/stand/booth/(P)/
さかみせ (n) alcohol-selling shop/
かどみせ corner store/
ぜんてんちゅうthroughout the store/
しょてん (n) bookshop/(P)/
きてん(n) your store or shop (respectful)/
ばいてん (n) shop/stand/(P)/
とこみせ (n) booth or stall in front of a home/
ごふくてん (n) dry-goods store/
へいてん (n) closing shop/(P)/
もぎてん(n) refreshment booth/
かいてんきゅうぎょう open, but transacting no business at all/
めいてんがい (n) street of well-known stores/
うんそうてんshipping or forwarding agency/
いりょうひんてん (n) clothing store/
ドレス店ドレスてんdress store/
へいてん(n) our shop/we/
とうじきてん ceramic stores/
きっさてんcoffee shop
りょうりてん restaurant/
たてん (n) another shop, store, or firm/
とうてん (n) this store/
めんぜいてんduty-free store/
ぶんてん (n) branch store/branch of a firm/