預金口座 | よきんこうざ | (n) bank account/ |
定規座 | じょうぎざ | (n) the Rule (star)/ |
鉄砲座 | てっぽうざ | gunmakers guild/ |
妻の座 | つまのざ
| status of wifehood/ |
蚕座 | さんざ
| silkworm basket/ |
複座機 | ふくざき | two-seater airplane/ |
星座投影機 | せいざとうえいき | planetarium (projector)/ |
口座 | こうざ
| bank account |
水瓶座 | みずがめざ | (n) Aquarius/Water Carrier/ |
ご座居る | ございる | (v1) to be (very pol.)/ |
銃座 | じゅうざ
| (n) emplacement/ |
山羊座 | やぎざ | (n) Capricorn/ |
御座居る | ございる
| (v1) to be (very pol.)/ |
対座 | たいざ
| (n,vs) sitting opposite each other/ |
下座 | げざ | lower seat |
魚座 | うおざ | (n) Pisces/ |
末座 | まつざ | (n) lowest seat/ |
座る | ござる | (v5aru)
(pol) to be/ |
黙座 | もくざ | (n) sit silently/ |
蛇座 | へびざ
| (n) Serpent (constellation)/ |
短期集中講座 | たんきしゅうちゅうこ
うざ | (n) short, intensive course/ |
玉座 | ぎょくざ
| (n) throne/ |
星座 | せいざ
| constellation |
三角座 | さんかくざ | (n) the Triangle/ |
子馬座 | こうまざ | the Colt (star)/ |
横座り | よこずわり
| (n) sitting with one's legs out to one
side/ |
白鳥座 | はくちょうざ
| (n) Cygnus/ |
銀座 | ぎんざ
| (n) (Edo period) silver mint/(P)/ |
風鳥座 | ふうちょうざ | (n) (constellation) Apus/ |
御座る | ござる
| (v5aru) (pol) to be/ |
大熊座 | おおぐまざ
| (n) Ursa Major/ |
天秤座 | てんびんざ
| (n) Libra/ |
海豚座 | いるかざ | (n) (the constellation) Delphinus/ |
画架座 | がかざ | (n) (the constellation) Pictor/ |
一角獣座 | いっかくじゅうざ
| (n) Monoceros (the constellation)/ |
小熊座 | こぐまざ
| (n) Ursa Minor/ |
銀行口座 | ぎんこうこうざ
| (n) bank account/ |
当座逃れ | とざのがれ | temporary expedient/ |
結跏趺座 | けっかふざ
| (n) (sitting in) the lotus
position/ |
擱座 | かくざ | (n,vs) running
aground/stalled/stranded/ |
複座 | ふくざ | (n) two-seater/ |
気に座る | きにすわる
| (v5) to offend/ |
上座に据える | かみざにすえる | (exp) to give (a guest) the seat of honor/ |
球座標 | きゅうざひょう | (n) spherical coordinates/ |
牡羊座 | おひつじざ | (n) Aries/ram guild/ |
蓮華座 | れんげざ | (n) lotus seat (under Buddha's statue)/ |
羅針盤座 | らしんばんざ
| (n) (the constellation) Pyxis/ |
前座 | ぜんざ
| (n) opening performance/minor
performer/ |
大犬座 | おおいぬざ
| (n) Canis Major (constellation)/ |
満座 | まんざ
| (n) the whole assembly/the full house/whole
group/everyone/ |
車座 | くるまざ | (n) sitting in a circle/ |
梶木座 | かじきざ | (the constellation) Dorado/ |
後釜に座る | あとがまにすわ
る | (exp) to take someone's place/to step into
someone's shoes/to succeed someone in his post/ |
仏の座 | ほとけのざ
| (n) henbit (plant)/ |
胡座をかく | あぐらをかく | (v5) to sit cross-legged/to rest on one's
laurels/ |
行住座臥 | ぎょうじゅうざが
| (n) the four cardinal behaviors (walking,
stopping (standing), sitting and lying)/daily life/ |
猟犬座 | りょうけんざ | (n) the Hunting dogs (constellation)/Canes
Venatici/ |
くじら座 | くじらざ | (n)
Cetus/Whale/ |
首座 | しゅざ | (n) seat of honor/head of the table/head/ |
居座る | いすわる
| (v5r) to remain/ |
口座 | こうざ
| (n) account (e.g. bank)/(P)/ |
獅子座 | ししざ | (n) Leo/ |
起座 | きざ | (n,vs) sitting up in bed/ |
貸し座敷 | かしざしき | brothel/ |
双子座 | ふたござ
| (n) Gemini/ |
狼座 | おおかみざ | (n) Lupus (star)/ |
縁座 | えんざ
| (n) (system of) extending complicity for a
crime to the criminal's family members/ |
運座 | うんざ
| (n) poetic meeting/ |
単座 | たんざ
| (n) single seat/single-seated/ |
長座 | ちょうざ
| (n) long stay/ |
通信講座 | つうしんこうざ
| correspondence course/(P)/ |
尻座 | こうざ | (arch) crouching/ |
竜骨座 | りゅうこつざ | (n) the Keel star/ |
水蛇座 | みずへびざ | (n) (the constellation) Hydrus/ |
正座 | せいざ
| (n,vs) sitting correctly (Japanese
style)/sitting (or squatting) straight/(P)/ |
司教権座 | しきょうけんざ
| the episcopal seat/ |
鼎座 | ていざ | (n,vs) sitting in a triangle/ |
小犬座 | こいぬざ | (n) Canis Minor (constellation)/ |
上座 | かみざ
| (n) chief seat/seat of honor/ |
胡座 | あぐら | (n) sit cross-legged (i.e., Indian
style)/(P)/ |
高峰八座 | こうほうはちざ | eight lofty peaks/ |
鎮座 | ちんざ
| (n) enshrined/ |
王座 | おうざ
| (n) throne/ |
蛇遣い座 | へびつかいざ | (n) the Serpent Bearer
(constellation)/Ophiuchus/ |
帝座 | ていざ | (n) imperial throne/ |
下座 | げざ
| (n) squatting/musicians' box on the left side
of the stage/ |
蜥蜴座 | とかげざ | (n) (the
constellation) Lacerta/ |
端座 | たんざ | (n,vs) sitting upright (properly)/ |
仏座 | ぶつざ
| (n) Buddhist image seat/temple
pulpit/ |
直交座標 | ちょこうざひょう | (ik) (n) rectangular coordinates/ |
後部座席 | こうぶざせき
| (n) rear (back) seat/ |
星座 | せいざ
| (n) constellation/(P)/ |
ご座います | ございます | (v5) to be (polite)/to exist/(P)/ |
正座 | しょうざ
| (n) seat of honor/ |
当座資産 | とうざしさん
| liquid assets/ |
蟹座 | かにざ | (n) Cancer/ |
連座 | れんざ | (n,vs) implicated (involved) in (a crime)/ |
単座機 | たんざき | single-seated plane/ |
駒座 | こまざ | Equuleus (constellation)/ |
権力の座 | けんりょくのざ | position of power/ |
御座います | ございます
| (v5) to be (polite)/to exist/ |
高座 | こうざ
| (n) platform/stage/upper
seat/pulpit/ |
予備座席 | よびざせき | rumble seat/ |
上座 | じょうざ | (n) chief seat/seat of honor/ |
中座 | ちゅうざ
| (n,vs) leaving before an affair is
over/ |
安座 | あんざ | (n) sitting quietly/sitting cross-legged/ |
鷲座 | わしざ | (n) (the constellation) Aquilia/ |
蠏座 | かにざ | (the constellation) Cancer/ |
退座 | たいざ
| (n) leaving one's seat/ |
下座 | しもざ
| (n) lower seat/sitting at the foot of the
table/ |
当座 | とうざ | (adj-no,n) for some
time/present/current/immediate/ |
即座 | そくざ | (adj-no,n) immediate/right there on the
spot/impromptu/(P)/ |
遷座 | せんざ | (n) relocation of a shrine/transfer of an object of
worship/ |
口座係 | こうざかかり
| teller (in bank)/ |
文学座 | ぶんがくざ | the Bungaku Company/ |
祭壇座 | さいだんざ | (n) (the constellation) Ara/ |
蠍座 | さそりざ | (n) the Scorpion constellation/Scorpio/ |
天子の座 | てんしのざ | throne/ |
盾座 | たてざ | Scutum (constellation)/the Shield/ |
同座 | どうざ
| (n) sitting together/the same
theater/involvement/entanglement/implication/ |
公開講座 | こうかいこうざ
| extension lectures/ |
彫刻室座 | ちょうこくしつざ
| (n) The Sculptor (the
constellation)/ |
機関座 | きかんざ
| seat of an engine/ |
静座 | せいざ
| (n) sitting quietly/meditation/ |
有り難う御座います | ありがとうござ
います | (exp) (uk) thank you/ |
鳩座 | はとざ | (n) (the constellation) Columba/ |
明治座 | めいじざ | the Meijiza Theater/ |
直交座標 | ちょっこうざひょう
| (n) rectangular coordinates/ |
列座 | れつざ
| (n) attendance/presence/ |
曲線座標 | きょくせんざひょう
| (n) curvilinear coordinates/ |
便座 | べんざ
| (n) toilet seat/ |
鳳凰座 | ほうおうざ | (n) (constellation) Phoenix/ |
山猫座 | やまねこざ | (n) (the constellation) Lynx/ |
竜座 | りゅうざ
| (n) Draco (dragon) constellation/ |
独座 | どくざ
| (n) sitting alone/ |
蝎座 | さそりざ | Scorpio/ |
胸座 | むなぐら | (n) collar/lapels/chest/ |
横座標 | おうざひょう | abscissa/ |
表座敷 | おもてざしき
| (n) front room/parlor/living room/ |
射手座 | いてざ | (n) Sagittarius/bowman's seat/firing seat/ |
着座 | ちゃくざ
| (n,vs) taking a seat/ |
当座預金 | とうざよきん
| current (checking) account/ |
露座 | ろざ
| (n) sitting in the open air/ |
極座標 | きょくざひょう | (n) polar coordinates/ |
六分儀座 | ろくぶんぎざ
| (n) The Sextant (star)/ |
御座成り | おざなり | (adj-na,n) perfunctory/commonplace/ |
離れ座敷 | はなれざしき | room detached from main house/ |
当座凌ぎ | とうざしのぎ
| (n) makeshift/for the time being/ |
奥座敷 | おくざしき | (n) inner parlor/salon/living room/ |
居座り | いすわり
| (n) remaining/ |
彫刻具座 | ちょうこくぐざ
| (n) Caelum (the constellation)/ |
時計座 | とけいざ | (n) the Clock star/ |
総合口座 | そうごうこうざ
| (n) savings account/deposit
account/ |
鯨座 | くじらざ | (n) Cetus/Whale/ |
御座所 | ござしょ | (n) a throne/ |
海蛇座 | うみへびざ
| (n) (the constellation) Hydra/ |
土下座 | どげざ | (n,vs) kneeling down on the ground/prostrate
oneself/ |
講座 | こうざ | (n) lectureship/chair/course/(P)/ |
牡牛座 | おうしざ | (n) ox guild/Taurus/ |
即座に | そくざに
| immediately/right away/ |
仏像二座 | ぶつぞうにざ
| two images of Buddha/ |
台座 | だいざ
| (n) pedestal/ |
股座 | またぐら | (n) crotch/ |
弁座 | べんざ | valve seat/ |
円座 | えんざ | (n) sitting in circle/round straw mat/ |
乙女座 | おとめざ | (n) Virgo/maiden guild/ |
一座 | いちざ
| (n) the party/those present/a troupe/the first
seat/ |