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Kanji: Radical: (えんにょう) : エン; の(びる)、の(べる)、の(ばす)、の(べ); extend
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1547 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3073
Japanese Reading English
延ばすひきのばす(v5s) to delay/to enlarge/(P)/
延びまのび (n,vs) slow/stupid/
を延べるてをのべる (exp) to stretch one's arm/
を延ばすきげんをのばす(exp) to extend the term/
寿を延ばすじゅみょうをのばす(exp) to prolong one's life/
あつえんこうrolled steel/
り延べるくりのべる(v1) to postpone/to defer/
き延すひきのばす (v5s) to delay/to enlarge/(P)/
あつえん (n,vs) rolling/
うてんじゅんえん rescheduled in case of rain/
延すひきのばす (v5s) to delay/to enlarge/(P)/
ねつえん hot rolling/
り延べくりのべ (n) postponement/
延べるくりのべる (v1) to postpone/to defer/
げ延びるにげのびる (v1) to make good one's escape/
き延びるいきのびる (v1) to survive/to live long/
い延ばすくいのばす (v5s) to keep alive on/to stretch food to make ends meet/
むきえんきindefinite postponement/
ちえん (n,vs) delay/be delayed/(P)/
き延ばすひきのばす (v5s) to delay/to enlarge/(P)/
がいえん (n) extension/denotation/
蔓延まんえん(n,vs) spread disease/
蔓延るはびこる(v5r) to spread/to run rampant/to grow thick/to become powerful/(P)/
延びるおちのびる(v1) to run away/to escape safely/
あつえんき(n) rolling machine/
延べひのべ (n,vs) postponement/adjournment/
ち延びるおちのびる (v1) to run away/to escape safely/
し延べるさしのべる (v1) to extend or hold out one's hand(s)/
せんえん(n) delay/procrastination/
あつえんこうじょう rolling mill/
を延ばすへんじをのばす(exp) to delay one's answer/
じゅんえん (n) moved to a later date/