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Kanji: Radical: (えんにょう) : ケン、コン; た(つ)、た(てる)、た(て); build
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1549 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3090
Japanese Reading English
どけんや (n) general (civil engineering and construction) contractor/
どけんぎょう the (civil engineering and) construction industry/
こうそうけんちくtall (high rise) building/
さいこん (n) (temple or shrine) rebuilding/
建ていっこだて(n) (separate) house/
ほうけん (n) feudalistic/
たいかけんちくfireproof building/
ほうけんてき(adj-na) feudal/(P)/
ほうけんせいど feudal system/(P)/
建ていっぽんだてa single standard/
を建てるうちをたてる (exp) to build one's house/
を建てるうちをたてる (exp) to build one's house/
じょうそうけんちく superstructure/upper stories/
にかいだて(n) two-storied building/
建てにかいだて(n) two-storied building/(P)/
り建てうりだて (in the stock market) short commitment/
さいけん(n) rebuilding/reconstruction/rehabilitation/(P)/
建てにほんだてdual system/double standard/
そうけんきねんびfoundation anniversary/
ほんけんちく(n) permanent construction/
どうろけんせつ (n) road construction/
そうけん (n) establishment/foundation/
建てりょうだてよきん compulsory deposit in return for loan/
建てえんだて(n) yen base/
もくぞうけんちくぶつ (n) wooden (timber) building/
建てりょうだて (adj-na,n) straddling/option/
こうそうげんちく tall (high rise) building/
はんほうけんせい semifeudalism/
建てにけんだてduplex (house)/
ほうけんしゃかい feudal society/
けいえいさいけん management reorganization/
ほうけんしそう feudalistic thought or thinking/
ほうけんじだい feudal period/
ドル建てドルだて(n) dollar basis/quotation in dollars/
ぼうかけんちく a fireproof building/
しんけんざい(n) synthetic building material/