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Kanji: Radical: (ゆみ) : キュウ; ゆみ; bow
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1560 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3383
Japanese Reading English
はまゆみ (n) (ceremonial) bow used to drive off evil/toy bow and arrow/
こきゅう(n) fiddle/
綿わたゆみ(n) tool for willowing cotton/
ごうきゅう (n) tightly drawn bow/
梓弓あずさゆみ(n) catalpa bow/
ようきゅう (n) Western-style archery/(small) Western-style bow/
うんきゅうbowing (of a stringed instrument)/
胡弓こきゅう(n) Chinese fiddle/
いしゆみ (n) crossbow/catapult/slingshot/
はんきゅう (n) small bow/
だいきゅう (n) a bow/
ないぞうきゅうvisceral arch/