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Kanji: Radical: (ゆみ) : チョウ; は(る); spread
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1570 Index in Halpern dictionary: 474
Japanese Reading English
しゅっちょうりょひ(n) travel expenses/travel(ing) allowance/
張りうちばり (n) lining/ceiling/wainscoting/
を張るいとをはる (exp) to stretch a string/
張りいたばり (n) boarding/wooden floor/
弛張しちょうしんどう (n) relaxation oscillation/
じょけんかくちょうろん しゃfeminist/
を張るがをはる (v5) to insist on one's own ideas/
いっちょう one pair (set) of clothes/
張るほねばる (v5r) to be bony/to be angular/
張りたかはりぢょうちん large paper lantern on a pole/
とうちょう (adj-no,n) isotonic/
じょけんかくちょう extension of women's rights/
を張るしょたいをはる(exp) to keep (set up) house/
どちょう (n,vs) overswelling (of a blood vessel)/squaring one's shoulders/
頬張る ほおばる(v5r) to stuff one's cheeks/
っ張りよいっぱり(n) night owl/nighthawk/late bird/sitting up late/(P)/
を張るじんをはる(exp) to pitch camp/
を張るつなをはる (exp) to be a grand champion/
からしゅっちょうfictitious business trip/
張りみはりしょa lookout/a watchhouse/
しんちょう (n,vs) expansion/extension/elongation/uncompression/(P)/
ねつぼうちょうけいすうthermal expansion coefficient/
が張るきがはる (exp) to strain every nerve/to feel nervous/
張るよくばる(v5r) to covet/to lust for/
張りめばり (n) (1) weather stripping/(2) putting on eyeliner/
い張るいいはる(v5r) to insist/to assert/to be obstinate in saying/
張りかわばり(n) leather-covered/
張るかどばる (v5r) to be angular/to be overly ceremonious/
張りゆみはりづき (n) crescent moon/
っ張りうわっぱり (n) overalls/wrapper/duster/smock/
ぼうちょうどdilation (of a sound wave in acoustics)/
張るけいしきばる(v5r) to stand on ceremony/
っ張りひっぱりだす(v5s) to take out/to drag out/
こうを張るむこうをはる (exp) to vie with one's opponent/
しゅっちょうじょ(n) branch office/agency/sub-branch/(P)/
張りきぬばり (n) silk finish/
っ張りでっぱり (n) tumor/protrusion/
張りらすいばりちらす(v5s) to domineer/
でんそうせいぎょかく ちょうdatalink escape (DLE)/
繩張りなわばり(n,vs) roping off/stretching rope/demarcation/(P)/
張るみはる(v5r) to watch/to (stand) guard/to look out/to open one's eyes wide/(P)/
が張るねがはる(exp) to be expensive/
を張るよくをはる (exp) to lust for/
を張るみえをはる(exp) to show off/
張りつっぱり (n) prop/strut/support/bar/thrust/
こちょうほう(n) hyperbole/
い張りあらいはり(n) lay or stretch out to dry/
張りからいばり(n) bluffing/bluster/bravado/
張りみはりばんa guard or lookout or watch/
張るいばる (v5r) to be proud/to swagger/(P)/
張りいっかんばり(n) lacquered papier-mache/
なわばり (n,vs) roping off/stretching rope/demarcation/(P)/
張りしたばり(n) undercoat/first coat/
ひょうめんちょうりょく(n) surface tension/
張ったすじばった brawny/sinewy/stringy/
張りかわばり (n) leather-covered/
こちょう (n) exaggeration/(P)/
こといっちょうone koto (Japanese harp)/
きんちょうかんわ detente/easing of tensions/
しゅっちょういんagent/representative/dispatched official/
張りなわばり (n,vs) roping off/stretching rope/demarcation/
張りごうつくばり (adj-na,n) pigheaded person/miser/stubbornness/
張ったかくばったかお squarish face/
張るがんばる (v5r) to persist/to insist on/to stand firm/to try one's best/(P)/
っ張りはなっぱり(n) overconfidence/
張りこしばり (n) wainscoting/sliding door's decorative paper skirt/
いぬはりこ (n) papier-mache dog/
張りごうつくばり(adj-na,n) (1) stubbornness/pigheaded person/(2) miser/
を張るつばさをはる(exp) to spread the wings/
張るかくしきばる(v5r) to adhere to formalities/
り張りきりばり (n) patching/
張りしんばりぼう(n) a bar/
を張るじょうをはる(exp) to be obstinate/
張のきんちょうのどdegree of tenseness/
り張りめりはり (n) modulation (of voice)/
張りいばりくさる(v5r) to throw one's weight around/to be puffed up/
張りよくばり(adj-na,n) avarice/covetousness/greed/(P)/
っ張りいじっぱり(adj-na,n) obstinacy/obstinate person/
を張るろんじんをはる(exp) to take a firm stand/to argue about/
かくちょう (n,vs) expansion/extension/enlargement/escape (ESC)/(P)/
張るぶばる(v5r) to be soldierly/to be martial/
ぼうちょう (n) expansion/swelling/increase/growth/(P)/
張りみはり (n) watch-keeping/guard/lookout/
っ張るでっぱる (v5r) to project/to stand out/to jut out/to protrude/
ぐんびかくちょうexpansion of armaments/
張るいきばる (v5r) to strain/to bear down (in giving birth)/
しゅっちょうてん branch store/
しゅちょうしゃ(n) advocate/
張りゆみはりぢょうちんpaper lantern with bow-shaped handle/
きんちょう (n,vs) tension/mental strain/nervousness/(P)/
張りみはりだい lookout/
ん張るふんばる (v5r) to brace one's legs/to straddle/to stand firm/to plant oneself (somewhere)/to hold out/to persist/(P)/
ひひょうじゅんかくちょうnonstandard extension/
肘張るかたひじはるto swagger/to stiffen/
張るしかくばる(v5r) to be angular/to be formal/
しゅっちょう business trip
いっちょういっし(n) tension and relaxation/
ガラス張りガラスばり(adj-no,n) glass-sided/aboveboard/open to scrutiny/(P)/
張るでばる(v5r) to project/to stand out/to jut out/to protrude/
張るこわばる(v5) to stiffen/(P)/
っ張りつっぱり (n) prop/strut/support/bar/thrust/
っ張り剪ひっぱりせんだんきょうどpeel strength (conductor from substrate)/
っ張りでづっぱり(n) being on stage without respite/going out or being in attendance continuously/
張りゆみはり(n) paper lantern with bow-shaped handle/
張りおおいばり(adj-na,n) bragging/showing off/
を張るえんをはる (exp) to give a dinner party/to hold a banquet/
張りうわばり(n) face/coat/veneer/
張りがんばり (n) tenacity/endurance/
張りでばり projection/ledge/
張りなわばりあらそい(n) turf war/
張るきばる(v5r) to strain or exert oneself/to go all out/
っ張るつっぱる(v5r) to support/to become stiff/to become taut/to thrust (ones opponent)/to stick to (ones opinion)/to insist on/(P)/
しゅっちょう(n,vs) official tour/business trip/(P)/
張するかくちょうする extends/
張りいってんばり(n) persistence/
張るけんしきばる(v5r) to assume an air of importance/to stand on one's dignity/
張りやはり(adv) also/still/in spite of/of course/(P)/
張りてばり (n) gluing by hand/gambling without money (on the understanding that losses shall be covered later)/
っ張るひっぱる (v5r) (1) to pull/to draw/to stretch/to drag/(2) to pull the ball (baseball)/(P)/
っ張りやっぱり (adv,exp) (uk) also/as I thought/still/in spite of/absolutely/(P)/
しゅちょう(n,vs) claim/request/insistence/assertion/advocacy/emphasis/contention/opinion/tenet/(P )/
張るぎしきばる (v5r) to formalize/to stick to formality/to be ceremonious/to punctilious/
かくちょうばいせいど extended double-precision/
嵩張るかさばる(v5r) to be bulky/to be unwieldy/to grow voluminous/
張りせんまいばり (n) multilayered/cheeky/
っ張たくひっぱたく (v5) to slap/to strike/
張りいぬはりこ(n) papier-mache dog/
張るすじばる (v5r) to become sinewy/to behave formally/
を張るいじをはる (exp) to not give in/to be obstinate/to be stubborn/to be perverse/
ぼうちょうりつ (n) rate of expansion/
じこしゅちょう (n) self-assertion/
いっちょうら(n) one's (only) good suit (or kimono)/(P)/
っ張り凧ひっぱりだこ (n) being very popular/being in great demand/
張りはんばり(n) half sole/