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Kanji: Radical: (ちいさい) : トウ; あ(たる)、あ(たり)、あ(て)、あ(てる); right, hit
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1359 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2177
Japanese Reading English
嗅ぎ当てるかぎあてる (v1) to sniff out/to catch the scent of/
ていとう(n) mortgage/hypothec/security/(P)/
当てめあて (n) object/purpose/guide/end/view/(P)/
ふとう(adj-na,n) injustice/impropriety/unreasonableness/undeservedness/unfair/invalid/(P)/
当たりたいあたり(n) body blow/ramming (suicide) attack/
ふとうれんばい dumping/
当りおおあたり (n) big hit/big prize/bumper crop/striking it rich/right on the mark/bonanza/
そうとう(adj-na,n-adv) suitable/fair/tolerable/proper/(P)/
い当たるおもいあたる(v5r) to come to mind/to recall/(P)/
当てきんむちてあてarea allowance/
当たりこころあたり (n) having some knowledge of/happening to know/(P)/
当りがかぜあたりがつよい receive harsh treatment/be windswept/
はいとうりつ (n) dividend rate/
き当たりつきあたり (n) end (e.g. of street)/(P)/
たいとう (n) opposition/equivalence/correspondence/
い当てるうらないあてる (v1) to divine/
せつめいてきだとうせい explanatory adequacy/
当るひきあてる (v1) to apply/to compare/
を当てるまとをあてる (exp) to hit the mark/
当てわりあて (n) allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing/(P)/
しとう (adj-na,n) just/fair/proper/
当たりひとりあたりper person/per head/(P)/
当たりてあたりしだい (adv) using anything one can lay one's hands on/haphazardly/
きじゅつてきだとうせいdescriptive adequacy/
当りかぜあたり (n) wind blowing against/being subject to outside pressures or criticism/oppression/
べんとうばこ(n) lunch box/
当たりばあたり(n) playing to the gallery/haphazard/
に当たってにあたって(uk) at the time of/
い当てるいいあてる (v1) to guess right/
を当てるしゃくをあてる (exp) to measure with a rule/
こうわんとうきょく port authorities/
じゅうきょてあて rent allowance/
当りたいあたり (n) body blow/ramming (suicide) attack/
尻当てしりあて(n) lining of pants seat/
ぜいびきまえとうきりえ きincome before taxes/gross income/
当たりさくあたり (n) good crop/
だとうせい(n) validity/verification/propriety/
そうじとうばん (n) one's turn for doing the sweeping (cleaning)/
当たりばちあたり(adj-na,adj-no,n) damned/cursed/accursed/(P)/
はいとうおち (n) dividend off/ex dividend/
ていとうけん(n) mortgage/a lien on one's mortgage/
ふてきとう(adj-na,n) inadequacy/inappropriateness/unfitness/impropriety/
当てはらあて (n) (wearing a) bellyband/
しっとう (adj-na,n) injustice/impropriety/unreasonableness/
り当てゆにゅうわりあてせいど an import quota system/
ち当てるうちあてる (v1) to hit against/
ちゅうかんはいとうがくinterim dividends/
ふとうりとく excessive profit/
を当てるざぶとんをあて る(exp) to sit on a cushion/
当たりひあたり (n) exposure to the sun/sunny place/(P)/
ひきあてきん (n) reserves/
り当てるわりあてる (v1) to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to prorate/(P)/
とくべつはいとうきん special dividend/
ひあたり (io) (n) exposure to the sun/sunny place/
かとうきょうそう(n) excessive competition/
じゅうとう (n,vs) allocation/appropriation/
し当てるおしあてる (v1) to push (something) against/
べっとう (n) groom/footman/stableman/equerry/intendant/steward/
く当たるつらくあたる (v5) to treat badly/
たんとう (n,vs) (in) charge/(P)/
べんとう (n) box lunch/(P)/
ちょうかきんむてあて overtime pay/
に当たるこうげきのしょ うにあたる(exp) to bear the brunt of an attack/
当てむねあて(n) breastplate/chest protector/
に当たるずぼしにあたる(v5) to hit the bull's eye/
に当たるひにあたる (exp) to warm oneself at the fire/
がいとうしゃthe person concerned/qualified/
ざんぎょうてあて overtime pay/
ふとうひょうじ misrepresentation/
ぎ当てつぎあて (n) patchwork/
当たるみあたる (v5r) to be found/
当ててあて (n) allowance/compensation/treatment/medical care/(P)/
むはいとう (n) paying no dividend/
じゅうたくてあて (n) housing allowance/
おうきゅうてあて first aid (treatment)/
かんぜいわりあてせいtariff quota system/
たこはいとう(n) bogus dividend/
さに当てられるあつさに あてられる(exp) to be affected by heat/
当たりそうあたりせんround robin event/
てきとう (adj-na,n) fitness/suitability/adequacy/relevance/(P)/
き当てひきあて (n) mortgage/security/
当てるひとやまあてるto be right on target/to strike it rich/
当てかたあて (n) shoulder reinforcement/epaulet/
がいとう(n,vs) corresponding/answering to/coming under/(P)/
わりあてがく allotment/allocation/
いっきとうせん (adj-no,n) matchless (warrior)/mighty (player, fighter, combatant)/
当たりがこころあたりがある (exp) to have an idea (a clue)/
べんとうや(n) lunch vendor/
ていとうながれ (n) foreclosure/
当をおうきゅうてあてをほどこす(exp) to give (a person) first aid/
げ当くりあげとうせん win an election due to another's death or disqualification/
こしべんとう (n) lunchbox hanging from one's waist/low-paid office worker/
はいとうきん (n) dividend/
り当てるさぐりあてる (v1) to find out/
き当たるいきあたる (v5r) to hit/to run into/to light on/to strike into/to come against/to deadlock/
り当てゆにゅうわりあてせい (abbr) an import quota system/
当たらないみあたらない not be found/
鞘当てさやあて(n) rivalry (in love, touching of sheaths)/
に当たるにんにあたる (exp) to undertake a duty/
当たりかぜあたり (n) wind blowing against/being subject to outside pressures or criticism/oppression/
に当たるかぜにあたる (exp) to be exposed to wind/
けんとう (n) be found/aim/mark/estimate/guess/approx/direction/(P)/
ふくていとうcollateral security/
に当たるじゃくをもって きょうにあたるattacking strength by means of (with) weakness/
げいとう(n) feat/risky attempt/trick/stunt/
当たりおおあたり (n) big hit/big prize/bumper crop/striking it rich/right on the mark/bonanza/
当てこしあて(n) (a) bustle/
当てるわりあてる (v1) to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to prorate/(P)/
当がつかないけんとうがつかない(exp) to have not the slightest idea/
グラム当グラムとうりょう(n) gram equivalent/
に当たるずにあたる (exp) to hit the bulls eye/to go as expected/
当たりひとあたり(n) influence of one's manners/
が当たるばちがあたる (exp) (uk) you'll pay for that!/
当たりがひとあたりがよいhave sociable manners/
けんとうちがい(adj-na,n) wrong (guess or estimate)/misdirected/
べんとうだい (n) lunch money/
に当たってべつのじしょにあたってみる(exp) to try another dictionary/
鹿当りばかあたり(n) great hit/
あいさいべんとうlunchbox made with loving care by one's wife/
やくしょくてあてexecutive allowance/
当たりつぼあたり (n) per tsubo (area)/(P)/
じむとうきょく officials in charge/
し当てるさがしあてる (v1) to find out/to discover/to detect/(P)/
当たりふあたり(n) failure/unpopularity/
かぶしきはいとう stock dividend/
にばんていとう (n) second mortgage/
せいとうか(n) justification/warrant/
当たりいちゆびあたりa span/
ふとうろうどうこういunfair labor practices/
り当てわりあて (n) allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing/(P)/
せいとう (adj-na,n) just/justifiable/right/due/proper/equitable/reasonable/legitimate/lawful/(P)/
そうとうすう a considerable number/a fair number/
てべんとう (n) bringing one's own lunch/without pay/
じゅんとう(adj-na,n) proper/right/reasonable/
り当てるほりあてる (v1) to strike/to find/to dig up/
にっとう (n) daily allowance/
当りくちあたり (n) (food that meets one's) taste/treatment/
に当たるばんにあたるhave one's inning/be on duty/
けいさつとうきょく police authorities/the police/
かとう (adj-na,n) excessive/exorbitant/
みはいとうundivided (profits)/
ふへんだとうせいability to fit into any situation/
り当てるふりあてる (v1) to assign/to allot/
き当たりばったりゆきあ たりばったり(n) haphazard/
たんとうかちょう Manager/
を当たってひとのいこうをあたってみる(exp) to sound out a person's thoughts/
たんとうしゃthe one in charge/responsible party/
当りひあたり (n) exposure to the sun/sunny place/
だとう(adj-na,n) valid/proper/right/appropriate/(P)/
そのおよそのけんとう rough estimation/
当てしつぎょうてあてunemployment allowance/
おんとう (adj-na,n) proper/reasonable/right/(P)/
そうさとうきょくinvestigating authorities/
ぐんじとうきょくしゃmilitary authority/
を当てるそうがんきょうにめをあてる (exp) to put binoculars to one's eyes/
れんぽうとうきょくfederal authorities/
当たりそうあたり (n) round-robin/
当たりくちあたり (n) taste/reception/hospitality/
とくべつはいとう special dividend/
たんとうぶちょう Senior Manager/
当てじかんがいてあてovertime pay/
むはいとうほけん non-participating insurance/
ひきあて (n) mortgage/security/
当にほんとうに (adv) really/truly/(P)/
き当てるひきあてる (v1) to apply/to compare/
てあて (n) allowance/compensation/treatment/medical care/(P)/
き当たるゆきあたる(v5r) to hit/to run into/to light on/to strike into/to come against/to deadlock/
にじゅうていとうsecond mortgage/
れ当たりまぐれあたり (n) lucky shot/fluke/
し当たってさしあたって (adv) for the present/for the time being/at present/
し当たりさしあたり(adv) for the time being/at present/(P)/
ふおんとう(adj-na,n) impropriety/inappropriateness/unfairness/unreasonableness/
き当たるつきあたる (v5r) to run into/to collide with/(P)/
いっきとうせんのむしゃmatch for a thousand/matchless warrior/
せいとうぼうえい self-defence/legitimate self-defence/
はいとう(n) dividend/share/(P)/
当りばちあたり (adj-na,adj-no,n) damned/cursed/accursed/
かぞくてあてa family allowance/
当てつらあて (n) spiteful remarks/
い当るおもいあたる (v5r) to think of/
脛当てすねあて(n) greaves/shin guards/