接待 | せったい | (n) reception/welcome/serving (food)/(P)/ |
差別待遇 | さべつたいぐう
| discriminatory treatment/ |
果報は寝て待て | かほうはねてまて
| (exp) All things come to those who
wait/ |
御待ち遠様 | おまちどおさま | (exp,int,n) I'm sorry to have kept you
waiting/ |
最恵国待遇 | さいけいこくたいぐう
| (n) most favored nation (MFN)/ |
供待ち | ともまち
| (n) attendant's waiting room/ |
期待値 | きたいち | (n) the expectation value (statistics)/ |
招待状 | しょうたいじょう | (n) written invitation/(P)/ |
特待生 | とくたいせい | (n) scholarship student/ |
立ち待ち月 | たちまちづき | (n) 17-day-old moon/ |
招待に与る | しょうたいにあずかる | (exp) to receive an invitation/ |
心待ちにする | こころまちに
する | (vs) to look forward to/ |
招待券 | しょうたいけん | invitation card/ |
御待ち兼ね | おまちかね | (adj-no,n) long-waited-for/ |
特待 | とくたい
| (n) special treatment/priority/(P)/ |
特別待遇 | とくべつたいぐう | (n) special treatment/ |
特待券 | とくたいけん | complimentary ticket/ |
招待に漏れる | しょうたいにもれる | (exp) to be left out of an invitation/ |
船待ち | ふなまち
| (n) waiting for a ship to depart/ |
優待券 | ゆうたいけん | complimentary ticket/ |
人待ち顔 | ひとまちがお | (adj-na,n) look of expectation/ |
辻待ち | つじまち | (n) vehicle waiting to be hired/ |
逸を以て労を待つ | いつをもってろう
をまつ | (exp) to wait for the enemy to tire at
ease/ |
期待感 | きたいかん
| feeling of expectation/ |
招待席 | しょうたいせき | seats reserved for guests/ |
歓待 | かんたい
| (n) warm reception/friendly
reception/(P)/ |
接待 | せったい | reception |
風待ち | かざまち | (n) waiting for favorable wind/ |
お待ち兼ね | おまちかね | (adj-no,n) long-waited-for/ |
期待通りに | きたいどおりに | as expected/ |
款待 | かんたい | (n) warm welcome/hospitality/ |
心待ち | こころまち
| (n) anticipation/expectation/ |
時を待つ | ときをまつ
| (exp) to wait for a favorable
chance/ |
接待費 | せったいひ
| entertainment expenses/ |
招待日 | しょうたいび | day or date of an invitation/ |
鶴首して待つ | かくしゅしてまつ | to wait expectantly/to wait with a craned (outstretched)
neck/ |
接待係 | せったいがかり
| receptionist/welcoming committee/ |
居待ち | いまち
| (n) sitting while waiting/(according to the
lunar calendar) an eighteen-day-old moon/ |
お待ち遠様 | おまちどおさま
| (exp,int,n) I'm sorry to have kept you
waiting/ |
客待ち | きゃくまち | (n) waiting for customers/ |
虐待 | ぎゃくたい
| (n,vs)
ill-treatment/oppression/(P)/ |
代待ち | だいまち | (n) waiting in place of someone else/ |
風待ち | かぜまち
| (n) waiting for favorable wind/ |
信号待ち | しんごうまち | waiting for a traffic light/ |
期待 | きたい
| (n,vs)
expectation/anticipation/hope/(P)/ |
招待 | しょうたい | (n,vs) invitation/(P)/ |
機が熟すのを待つ | きがじゅくすのをまつ | (exp) to wait for a ripe moment/ |
接待ゴルフ | せったいゴルフ
| mixing business and golf/ |
招待客 | しょうたいきゃく | (n) invitee/ |
潮待ち | しおまち | (n) waiting for the rising tide or a good
opportunity/ |
期待薄だ | きたいうすだ
| not to be depended on/be of little
hope/ |
優待 | ゆうたい | (n,vs) preferential treatment/hospitality/warm
reception/welcome/ |
お待ち | おもち | (n,n-suf)
waiting/waiting time/ |