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Kanji: Radical: (ぎょうにんべん) : ゴ、コウ; あと、うしろ、おく(れる)、のち; behind, after
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1610 Index in Halpern dictionary: 361
Japanese Reading English
びょうご(n-adv,n-t) convalescence/
へいけいご(adj-na) postmenopausal/
あさってday after tomorrow
ぜんご (n-adv,suf) around/throughout/front and back/before and behind/before and after/about that (time)/longitudinal/context/nearly/approximately/(P)/
ごご (n-adv,n-t) afternoon/p.m./pm/(P)/
せんごおうしゅう post-war Europe/
ぜつご (n) (of a kind) never to be seen again/
みょうごにち (n-adv,n-t) day after tomorrow/(P)/
さらいねん (n-t) the year after next/
よご (n) prognosis/aftereffects/recuperation/convalescence/
後までさいごまで to the end/to the last/
後ろまえうしろ (n) front and back/before and behind/before and after/
はいご(n) back/rear/
後れておくれ(adj-na,n) being too late/
後のさいごのばんさんthe Last Supper/
しょくご (n-t) after a meal/
後のものがたりのさいごのだんlast part of a story/
其の後そのごafter that/thereafter/
しゅうせんご(adj-no) postwar/
後ろまうしろ (n) right behind/
後れこころおくれ (n) diffidence/timidity/
せいご (n) post-natal/afterbirth/
いご (n-adv,n-t) after this/from now on/hereafter/thereafter/(P)/
げ後れるにげおくれるto fail to escape/
後にしごにくらいをおくる (exp) to confer a posthumous rank/
こうご (n-adv,n-t) hereafter/
しごこうちょく rigor mortis/
どくごかん(n) one's impressions after reading a book/
びんごおもて(n) a quality/tatami covering/
ねんご years later/
そつぎょうごafter graduation/
どくご (n) after reading a book/
しご (n-adv,n) after death/(P)/
爾後じご(n-adv,n-t) thereafter/
して後已むししてのちや むto be determined to do or die/
ぜんぽうこうえんふん(n) ancient Imperial graves/(P)/
みょうごねん(n-t) the year after next/
さんご (n-adv,n-t) postpartum/after childbirth/
じゅうご(n) the homefront/
くうぜんぜつご (n) (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last/
しゅうりょうご after the end (of something)/
へいあんこうき late Heian period/
ぜんご (n) giving careful thought to the future/finishing up carefully/
にしご after two outs/
しきゅうこうくつ retroversion of the uterus/
あにご (hum) elder brother/
ちょくご (n-adv,n-t) immediately following/(P)/
よくご(n-t) after bathing/
後れつきおくれ (n) month old/back numbers of a monthly/
き後なきあと(n-adv,n-t) after one's death/
にちぼつご after sunset/
ち後れたちおくれ (n) slow start/
せんご (n-adv,n-t) postwar period/period after Second World War/(P)/
ち後れるたちおくれる(v1) to start slowly/to lag behind/
の後をだいとうりょうのあとをおそう(exp) to succeed to the presidency/
さいご (n) last/end/conclusion/(P)/
ぜんごさく(n) means of settling a problem/relief measure/remedy/countermeasure/
じゅつご(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) postoperative/
しあさって (n-adv,n-t) (uk) two days after tomorrow/(P)/
ちょくごimmediately after
こんご (n-adv,n-t) from now on/hereafter/(P)/
々後しあさって (n-adv,n-t) (uk) two days after tomorrow/
ごごafternoon, p.m.
となるぜんごふかくとな る(v5) to lose one's consciousness/
而後じごafter that/
さいごつうちょう ultimatum/
じご (n) after-/post-/ex-/
ほうかご(n-t) after school/
の後げんじのあとdescendant of the Genji family/
べつご (n) since we parted/
ぜんごふかく (adj-na,n) unconsciousness/having no recollection of one's actions/
歿後 ぼつご(n-adv,n) after death/posthumously/
らくごしゃ (n) straggler/dropout/failure/
えちご Echigo/old name for Niigata Prefecture/
うご(n) after rain/
いっしごafter one out (in Baseball)/
じごしょうだく ex-post-facto approval/
髭剃り後ひげそりあとafter shaving/
はれのちあめ clear then rain/
かんりょうごafter completion/
あめのちゆきrain then snow/
せんそうごpost war/after the war/
さいごれっしゃ last train/
ぜんごさゆう in all directions/
ゆうしょくごafter dinner/
ろうご(n) old age/(P)/
ぜんごさく(n) means of settling a problem/relief measure/remedy/countermeasure/
ぼつご(n-adv,n) after death/posthumously/
その後そのご(n-adv,n-t) after that/afterward/(P)/
ごごじゅうthroughout the afternoon/
後れきおくれ (n,vs) nervous/timid/
あさって(n-adv,n-t) day after tomorrow/(P)/
じんご (n) behind others/losing out to others/
はいごかんけいbackground (of an episode)/
すうじつごseveral days later/
せんごは (n) the postwar generation/
に後れるしにおくれる (v1) to outlive/
らくご (n,vs) dropping out of/straggling/falling out of the ranks/