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Kanji: Radical: (ぎょうにんべん) : ; ; follower
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1614 Index in Halpern dictionary: 416
Japanese Reading English
使しとしょかんthe Epistles (of the New Testament)/
せいと (n) disciple/adherent/
もんと (n) follower/believer/
せいきょうと(n) Puritan/
イスラム イスラムきょうとMuslim/
徒をせいとをかえす (exp) to dismiss the pupils/
ぞくと (n) rebels/bandit/robber/traitors/
使しとしんじょう Apostle's Creed/
ばくと (n) gambler/
しゅうと (n) many priests/(Heian era) monk-soldiers/
しゅうと(n) believer/follower/(P)/
きょうと (n) believer/adherent/(P)/
かいきょうと(n) Muslim believer/
がくと (n) student/follower/students and pupils/
使しとぎょうでんActs of the Apostles/
ぎゃくと(n) rebel/traitor/
せいとかい(n) student council/
しんと (n) layman/believer/adherent/follower/laity/
けいと (n) condemned person/prisoner/
しゅと (n) many (Buddhist) priests/(Heian era) monk-soldiers/
の徒がくもんのと scholar/student/
しゅと(n) drinker/drinking companions/
兇徒きょうと(n) outlaw/rebel/rioter/
使しとけいしょう apostolic succession/
しんとでんどうしゃlay missionary/
せいと (n) pupil/(P)/
ぶっきょうと(n) Buddhists/
けいきょうと (Chinese term of reference to a) Nestorian/
使しと(n) apostle/disciple/(P)/
使しとたちthe Apostles/
匪徒 ひと(n) bandit/
使しとしょ the Epistles (of the New Testament)/
しんきょうと (n) a Protestant/
きゅうきょうと(Roman) Catholic/
きょうと (n) outlaw/rebel/rioter/
そうと (n) (Buddhist) priests/monks/
使しとしょうでん apostolic succession/
せいきょうとかくめいPuritan Revolution/
使じゅうにしとTwelve Apostles/
叛 徒はんと(n) rebels/insurgents/
せいとすう number of pupils/
いきょうと(n) pagan/heretic/
使しとしんきょうApostle's Creed/
あくと (n) rascal/scoundrel/villain/
の徒ぶらいのとgang of rowdies/
むいとしょく idling one's time away/
しんとでんどう lay evangelism/
の徒わがしゅうのとbeliever of my denomination/
ぼうと (n) insurgent/
はんと (n) rebels/insurgents/
しゅうと (n) prisoner/convict/
檀徒だんと(n) temple supporter/
ぶっと(n) Buddhist/
じょせいと (n) girl student/schoolgirl/