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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : ; おも(う); think
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3001 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2564
Japanese Reading English
ろめたく思ううしろめたくおもう(exp) to have a guilty conscience/
れいせんがたしこうCold War mentality/
しょし (n) thoughts/opinions/
はなもとじあん (n) superficial view/ill-considered plan/
いしひょうじdeclaration of intention/
ななふしぎ (n) the seven wonders/
まかふしぎ (adj-na,n) mysterious/profound mystery/
きゅうしそう old-fashioned idea/
じゅくし (n) deliberation/consideration/
しい思いたのしいおもいでhappy (sweet) memory/
そうしそうあい (n) mutual love/
思うといまおもうと thinking back now/
蒙思けいもうしちょうenlightenment movement/the Enlightenment/
思うにちんおもうに "We, the emperor, .."/(P)/
せんみんしそう elitism/
じだいしそう admiration of the powerful/
思いにひとおもいに (adv) instantly/resolutely/
を思うひとのためをおもう(exp) to wish someone well/
おしい思いくるおしいお もいmaddening thought/
の思いさんしゅうのおもいlonging for loved ones/
ちゅうかしそう Sinocentrism/
まっぽうしそう pessimism due to decadent-age theory/
そうし(n) mutual affection or love/
いし (n) intention/purpose/
はんどうしそう reactionary ideas/
ひもじい思いひもじいおもい state of feeling hungry/
ろうそうしそう (n) philosophy of Lao-tse and Chuang-tse/Taoism/
み思ひっこみじあん(n) shy/withdrawn/
思いかたおもい (n) unrequited love/(P)/
せんしばんこう (n) deep meditation/mature consideration/
思いものおもい(n) reverie/meditation/anxiety/thought/pensiveness/
ちんし (n) contemplation/meditation/(P)/
ふかしぎ (adj-na,n) mystery/wonder/miracle/10^64/
じだいしちょうthought of the times/
もくし (n) silent contemplation/
思いしゅうおもい (n) worrying about one's master's affairs/one who so worries/
ゆうし(vs) grieving/
に思うみょうにおもう(exp) to think (something) strange/
さいし (n) reconsideration/
すいへいしこう lateral thinking/
思いりょうおもい mutual love/
いしけってい decision making/
きけんしそう dangerous thoughts/
ちんしもっこう be lost in deep thought/(P)/
かがくしそう (n) scientific thought/
思いおやおもい (n) love or affection for one's parents/
ふしぎ (adj-na,n) wonder/miracle/strange/mystery/marvel/curiosity/(P)/
の思にんげんのしこう artificial intelligence (AI)/
ちゅうしんしそう central idea/
せいし (n) meditation/
ほうけんしそう feudalistic thought or thinking/
さんし (n) deep reflection/
しゅうし (n) lonely feeling of fall/autumnal melancholy/
ふしぎなえんby happy chance/
蒙思けいもうしそうthe philosophy of the European Enlightenment/
の思いだんちょうのおも い(n) heartbroken thoughts/heartrending grief or overwhelming sorrow/(P)/