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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : キュウ; いそ(ぐ)、いそ(ぎ); urgent
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1667 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2092
Japanese Reading English
たんぺいきゅう (adj-na,n) impetuousness/
急ぎでおおいそぎで in a big hurry/
かんきゅう (n) in case of emergency/(P)/
ちょうとっきゅう(n) super express/(P)/
オリエント急オリエントきゅうこうOrient express/
そうきゅう (adj-na,n) urgent/
きんきゅうたいほ (n) arrest without warrant/
ききゅうそんぼうのときcrisis/critical moment/critical time/
ききゅうそんぼう (n) a life-and-death matter/an emergency or crisis where survival is threatened/
せいきゅう(adj-na,n) impatience/a quick temper/(P)/
おうきゅうとか hasty crossing/
便しきゅうびんexpress mail/
急きいきせききる (v5r) to pant/to gasp/
とっきゅう super-express train
きんきゅうじたい state of emergency/
きんきゅうちゃくりく emergency landing/
おうきゅうしゅうり (n,vs) temporary repairs/
ふきゅう (adj-na,n) in no hurry/nonessential (industry)/
急ヘリコプターきゅうきゅうヘリコプター ambulance helicopter/
じゅんきゅう (n) local express (train, slower than an express)/(P)/
きんきゅうどうぎurgent motion/
は急げぜんはいそげ(exp) Strike while the iron is hot/
きんきゅうひなん (n) emergency evacuation/
じょはきゅう(n) artistic modulations in traditional Japanese performances/opening, middle and climax (end)/
り急ぐうりいそぐ (v5g) to sell in haste/
あきゅうせい(adj-no) subacute/
おうきゅうてあて first aid (treatment)/
急ぎおおいそぎ (adj-na,n) urgent/pressing/(P)/
きんきゅう (adj-na,n) urgent/pressing/emergency/(P)/
に急ぐしにいそぐ(v5g) to hasten one's death/
おうきゅうてあてをほどこす(exp) to give (a person) first aid/
きゅうきゅうしゃ(n) ambulance/(P)/
おうきゅうこうげき hasty attack/
り急ぐとりいそぐ (v5g) to hurry/to hasten/
じゅんきゅうsemi-express train
きゅうきゅうほう(knowledge of) first aid/
おうきゅう (n) emergency/
ききゅう (n) emergency/(P)/
眉の急しょうびのきゅう urgent need/
り急ぎとりいそぎ (adv) in haste/
とくべつきゅうこう limited express train/
きゅうきゅうびょういん emergency hospital/
とっきゅう (n) limited express (train, faster than an express)/(P)/
おうきゅうさく (n) emergency or temporary measure/
しきゅう(adv,n) urgent/pressing/(P)/
きんきゅうたいさく (n,vs) emergency measures/urgent countermeasures/
かきゅう(adj-na,n) emergency/urgency/
を急ぐみちをいそぐ (exp) to hurry on one's way/
きんきゅうはっしん (n) scrambling/scramble/
便たっきゅうびん(n) express home delivery/
きゅうきゅうばこ(n) first-aid kit/
きんきゅうそち (n,vs) emergency measures/urgent countermeasures/
さっきゅう(adj-na,n) urgent/
ききゅうそんぼうのときcrisis/critical moment/critical time/
とっきゅうけんspecial-express ticket/
きゅうきゅう (n) first aid/(P)/