最恵国待遇 | さいけいこくたいぐう
| (n) most favored nation (MFN)/ |
知恵遅れ | ちえおくれ | mental retardation/ |
乞食に金を恵む | こじきにかねをめ
ぐむ | (exp) to give money to a beggar/ |
恩恵 | おんけい
| (n) grace/favor/blessing/benefit/(P)/ |
知恵を絞る | ちえをしぼる
| (v5) to rack one's brain/ |
悪知恵 | わるぢえ | (n) craft/cunning/guile/serpentine wisdom/ |
特恵 | とっけい
| (n) preferential treatment/special favour or
benefit/ |
慈恵 | じけい | (n) mercy and love/(P)/ |
仁恵 | じんけい
| (n) graciousness/mercy/charity/ |
知恵歯 | ちえば | (n) wisdom tooth/ |
知恵熱 | ちえねつ | (n) teething fever/ |
互恵条約 | ごけいじょうやく
| a reciprocal treaty/ |
付け知恵 | つけじえ | hint suggestion/ |
猿知恵 | さるじえ | (n) shallow cunning/shallow cleverness/(P)/ |
最恵国 | さいけいこく | (n) most favored nation/ |
特恵関税 | とっけいかんぜい
| favourable tariff/ |
互恵 | ごけい
| (n) reciprocity/mutual benefit/(P)/ |
知恵 | ちえ | (n)
wisdom/wit/sagacity/sense/intelligence/advice/(P)/ |
浅知恵 | あさぢえ | (n) shallow thinking/shallow wit/ |
遅知恵 | おそぢえ | (n) backward or late-developing child/ |
入れ知恵 | いれぢえ | (n) suggestion/hint/ |
知恵者 | ちえしゃ | (n) wise man/(P)/ |
後知恵 | あとぢえ | (n) hindsight/ |
三人寄れば文殊の知恵 | さんにんよればもん
じゅのちえ | (exp) two heads are better than
one/ |
恩恵を被る | おんけいをこうむる
| (exp) to share in the benefit/ |
天恵 | てんけい
| (n) Heaven's blessing/gift of nature/natural
resources/(P)/ |
悪知恵 | わるじえ
| (n) craft/cunning/guile/serpentine
wisdom/ |
互恵関税 | ごけいかんぜい | reciprocal duties or tarrifs/ |
知恵袋 | ちえぶくろ | (n) the brain/one's brains/ |
知恵負け | ちえまけ | (n) done in by one's own cleverness/ |
互恵貿易 | ごけいぼうえき
| reciprocal trade/ |
猿知恵 | さるぢえ | (n) shallow cunning/shallow cleverness/ |