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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : アク、オ; わる(い); bad
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 62 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2745
Japanese Reading English
けんお(n) disgust/hate/repugnance/(P)/
そあく (adj-na,n) coarse/crude/inferior/(P)/
りの悪いちのめぐりのわ るい(exp) dim-witted/slow to catch on/
と悪ぜんとあくgood and evil/
きが悪いひつきがわるい be slow to kindle/
悪いみにくい (adj) hard to see/
こうお (n) likes and dislikes/
が悪いあたまがわるい slow/weak-headed/
せつあく (adj-na,n) poor (tasting)/low quality/bad situation/
ぞくあく(adj-na,n) worldliness/vulgarity/coarseness/
ひつようあく (n) necessary evil/
まり悪いきまりわるい (adj) bashful/
ぎあく (n) pretense of evil/
ぎょうせきあっか downturn/
びてきけんお aesthetic aversion/
ぜんあく (n) good and evil/(P)/
せいあくせつ(n) the view of human nature as fundamentally depraved/
かり悪いわかりにくい(adj) hard to understand/incomprehensible/unintelligible/
ろあく (n) boasting of one's faults/
が悪いくちがわるい sarcastic/having a sharp (nasty) tongue/
せきあく(n) many sins/long-standing evils/
ごくあくにん(n) scoundrel/
の悪いしょうのわるいいぬ vicious dog/ill-tempered dog/
が悪いいごこちがわるい uncomfortable/ill at ease/not feel at home/
悪いそこいじわるい(adj) malicious/spiteful/
り悪くおりわるく unfortunately/
ぞうお (n) hatred/(P)/
悪いうすきみわるい (adj) weird/eerie/uncanny/
しゃかいあく(n) social ills/
悪のけなくのそうa wild look/
悪いかっこうわるい (adj-na) unattractive/ugly/unstylish/"uncool"/
佞悪 ねいあく(adj-na,n) perverseness/perverse person/
じゃあく(adj-na,n) wicked/evil/
きょくあく wickedness/
悪の籠もったぞうおのこもっためeyes fraught with hatred/
げんあく head gangster/
けんあく (adj-na,n) dangerous/serious/gloomy/perilous/threatening/stormy/(P)/
きゅうあく (n) past misdeeds/old crimes/(P)/
りが悪いちのめぐりがわるい(exp) dim-witted/slow to catch on/
宿しゅくあく (n) old evils/(Buddhism) evils committed in a previous existence/
姦悪かんあく(adj-na,n) wickedness/wicked person/
しゅうあく(adj-na,n) ugliness/meanness/offensiveness/(P)/
しょあく(n) every (kind of) evil or crime/
り悪いのりにくい hard to ride/
が悪いめがわるい have bad eyesight/
きょうあくはんざい atrocious crime/
きょうあく (adj-na,n) atrocious/fiendish/brutal/villainous/(P)/
悪くうんわるく (adv) unluckily/
兇悪きょうあく(adj-na,n) atrocious/fiendish/brutal/villainous/
り悪いわかりにくい(oK) (adj) hard to understand/incomprehensible/unintelligible/
し悪しよしあし (n) good or bad/merits or demerits/quality/suitability/(P)/
が悪いむしのいどころがわるい(exp) be in a bad mood/
ごあく the five sins in Buddhism (murder, theft, adultery, falsehood and drink)/
きまり悪い きまりわるい(adj) feeling awkward/being ashamed/(P)/
が悪いさくがわるいhave a poor crop/
が悪いがらがわるい lowbred/
厭悪えんお(n,vs) dislike/detestation/
ぼうあく (adj-na,n) violence/
を悪くするきをわるくす る(vs) to take offense (at)/to feel hurt (by)/
さなくしゅ the world of hungry spirits and the world of animals/three evil worlds hell/
の悪いかっこうのわるい (adj-na) unattractive/ugly/unstylish/"uncool"/
かいあく (n) deterioration/changing for the worse/
いじわる (adj-na,n) malicious/ill-tempered/unkind/(P)/
まり悪いきまりわるい(adj) feeling awkward/being ashamed/
さいあく (adj-na,n) the worst/(P)/
かんぜんちょうあくげきmorality play/
が悪いうんがわるい is unlucky/
れつあく (adj-na,n) inferiority/coarseness/(P)/
いろあく(n) handsome villain/
れが悪いきれがわるい thick/be dull (blunt)/viscous/
悪いしにくい (adj) hard to do/
かんぜんちょうあく (n) rewarding good and punishing evil/a novel or drama with a rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil theme/moral purpose/morality play/(P)/
が悪いぶがわるいat disadvantage/having no edge/
もうあく (adj-na,n) savage/ferocious/atrocious/
ちょうあく(n) chastisement for evildoing/punishment/
ごくあく (adj-na,n) heinous/
に悪ひとにあくじをそその かす(exp) to entice a person to do something wrong/
き悪いききにくい(adj) difficult to hear/hesitating to ask/
に悪いめにわるい bad for the eyes/
そあくひんinferior goods/
が悪いさけぐせがわるいbe a bad drunk/
い悪いよいわるい good or bad/merits or demerits/quality/suitability/
悪いそこきみわるい(adj) strange/eerie/ominous/
梟悪きょうあく(n) great treachery/very atrocious person/
かれ悪しかれよかれあし かれ(adv,exp) good or bad/right or wrong/
ざいあく(n) crime/sin/vice/
ざいあくかんfeelings of guilt/
し悪しよしわるし (n) good or bad/merits or demerits/quality/suitability/
きょあく(n) great evil/consummate villain/
り悪しくおりあしく unfortunately/
じんせいさいあく worst ... of one's life/
がいあく (n) harm/injury/evil (influence)/
かんぜんちょうあくしょ うせつ(Edo-period) didactic novel or fiction/
しょうわる(adj-na,n) ill-natured/inconstancy/