嫌悪 | けんお | (n) disgust/hate/repugnance/(P)/ |
粗悪 | そあく
| (adj-na,n) coarse/crude/inferior/(P)/ |
血の巡りの悪い | ちのめぐりのわ
るい | (exp) dim-witted/slow to catch
on/ |
善と悪 | ぜんとあく | good and evil/ |
火付きが悪い | ひつきがわるい
| be slow to kindle/ |
見悪い | みにくい
| (adj) hard to see/ |
好悪 | こうお
| (n) likes and dislikes/ |
頭が悪い | あたまがわるい
| slow/weak-headed/ |
拙悪 | せつあく
| (adj-na,n) poor (tasting)/low quality/bad
situation/ |
俗悪 | ぞくあく | (adj-na,n) worldliness/vulgarity/coarseness/ |
必要悪 | ひつようあく
| (n) necessary evil/ |
極まり悪い | きまりわるい
| (adj) bashful/ |
偽悪 | ぎあく
| (n) pretense of evil/ |
業績悪化 | ぎょうせきあっか
| downturn/ |
美的嫌悪 | びてきけんお
| aesthetic aversion/ |
善悪 | ぜんあく
| (n) good and evil/(P)/ |
性悪説 | せいあくせつ | (n) the view of human nature as fundamentally
depraved/ |
分かり悪い | わかりにくい | (adj) hard to
understand/incomprehensible/unintelligible/ |
露悪 | ろあく
| (n) boasting of one's faults/ |
口が悪い | くちがわるい
| sarcastic/having a sharp (nasty)
tongue/ |
積悪 | せきあく | (n) many sins/long-standing evils/ |
極悪人 | ごくあくにん | (n) scoundrel/ |
性の悪い犬 | しょうのわるいいぬ
| vicious dog/ill-tempered dog/ |
居心地が悪い | いごこちがわるい
| uncomfortable/ill at ease/not feel at
home/ |
柄の悪い | がらのわるい | ill-bred/ |
底意地悪い | そこいじわるい | (adj) malicious/spiteful/ |
折り悪く | おりわるく
| unfortunately/ |
憎悪 | ぞうお
| (n) hatred/(P)/ |
薄気味悪い | うすきみわるい
| (adj) weird/eerie/uncanny/ |
社会悪 | しゃかいあく | (n) social ills/ |
険悪の相 | けなくのそう | a wild look/ |
格好悪い | かっこうわるい
| (adj-na)
unattractive/ugly/unstylish/"uncool"/ |
| ねいあく | (adj-na,n)
perverseness/perverse person/ |
邪悪 | じゃあく | (adj-na,n) wicked/evil/ |
曲悪 | きょくあく
| wickedness/ |
憎悪の籠もった目 | ぞうおのこもっため | eyes fraught with hatred/ |
元悪 | げんあく
| head gangster/ |
険悪 | けんあく
| (adj-na,n)
dangerous/serious/gloomy/perilous/threatening/stormy/(P)/ |
旧悪 | きゅうあく
| (n) past misdeeds/old crimes/(P)/ |
血の巡りが悪い | ちのめぐりがわるい | (exp) dim-witted/slow to catch on/ |
宿悪 | しゅくあく
| (n) old evils/(Buddhism) evils committed in a
previous existence/ |
姦悪 | かんあく | (adj-na,n)
wickedness/wicked person/ |
醜悪 | しゅうあく | (adj-na,n)
ugliness/meanness/offensiveness/(P)/ |
諸悪 | しょあく | (n) every (kind of) evil or crime/ |
乗り悪い | のりにくい
| hard to ride/ |
目が悪い | めがわるい
| have bad eyesight/ |
凶悪犯罪 | きょうあくはんざい
| atrocious crime/ |
凶悪 | きょうあく
| (adj-na,n)
atrocious/fiendish/brutal/villainous/(P)/ |
運悪く | うんわるく
| (adv) unluckily/ |
兇悪 | きょうあく | (adj-na,n)
atrocious/fiendish/brutal/villainous/ |
解り悪い | わかりにくい | (oK) (adj) hard to
understand/incomprehensible/unintelligible/ |
善し悪し | よしあし
| (n) good or bad/merits or
demerits/quality/suitability/(P)/ |
虫の居所が悪い | むしのいどころがわるい | (exp) be in a bad mood/ |
五悪 | ごあく
| the five sins in Buddhism (murder, theft,
adultery, falsehood and drink)/ |
| きまりわるい | (adj)
feeling awkward/being ashamed/(P)/ |
作が悪い | さくがわるい | have a poor crop/ |
柄が悪い | がらがわるい
| lowbred/ |
厭悪 | えんお | (n,vs) dislike/detestation/ |
暴悪 | ぼうあく
| (adj-na,n) violence/ |
気を悪くする | きをわるくす
る | (vs) to take offense (at)/to feel hurt
(by)/ |
三悪趣 | さなくしゅ
| the world of hungry spirits and the world of
animals/three evil worlds hell/ |
格好の悪い | かっこうのわるい
| (adj-na)
unattractive/ugly/unstylish/"uncool"/ |
折悪しくして | おりあしくして | unseasonably/inopportunely/ |
改悪 | かいあく
| (n) deterioration/changing for the
worse/ |
意地悪 | いじわる
| (adj-na,n)
malicious/ill-tempered/unkind/(P)/ |
決まり悪い | きまりわるい | (adj) feeling awkward/being ashamed/ |
最悪 | さいあく
| (adj-na,n) the worst/(P)/ |
勧善懲悪劇 | かんぜんちょうあくげき | morality play/ |
自己嫌悪 | じこけんお | self-hatred/self-abhorrence/ |
運が悪い | うんがわるい
| is unlucky/ |
劣悪 | れつあく
| (adj-na,n)
inferiority/coarseness/(P)/ |
色悪 | いろあく | (n) handsome villain/ |
切れが悪い | きれがわるい
| thick/be dull (blunt)/viscous/ |
為悪い | しにくい
| (adj) hard to do/ |
勧善懲悪 | かんぜんちょうあく
| (n) rewarding good and punishing evil/a novel
or drama with a rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil theme/moral purpose/morality
play/(P)/ |
分が悪い | ぶがわるい | at disadvantage/having no edge/ |
猛悪 | もうあく
| (adj-na,n)
savage/ferocious/atrocious/ |
胸糞が悪い | むなくそがわるい | annoying/ |
懲悪 | ちょうあく | (n) chastisement for evildoing/punishment/ |
極悪 | ごくあく
| (adj-na,n) heinous/ |
人に悪事を唆す | ひとにあくじをそその
かす | (exp) to entice a person to do something
wrong/ |
聞き悪い | ききにくい | (adj) difficult to hear/hesitating to ask/ |
目に悪い | めにわるい
| bad for the eyes/ |
粗悪品 | そあくひん | inferior goods/ |
酒癖が悪い | さけぐせがわるい | be a bad drunk/ |
善い悪い | よいわるい
| good or bad/merits or
demerits/quality/suitability/ |
底気味悪い | そこきみわるい | (adj) strange/eerie/ominous/ |
梟悪 | きょうあく | (n) great treachery/very atrocious person/ |
善かれ悪しかれ | よかれあし
かれ | (adv,exp) good or bad/right or
wrong/ |
罪悪 | ざいあく | (n) crime/sin/vice/ |
罪悪感 | ざいあくかん | feelings of guilt/ |
善し悪し | よしわるし
| (n) good or bad/merits or
demerits/quality/suitability/ |
巨悪 | きょあく | (n) great evil/consummate villain/ |
折り悪しく | おりあしく
| unfortunately/ |
人生最悪 | じんせいさいあく
| worst ... of one's life/ |
害悪 | がいあく
| (n) harm/injury/evil (influence)/ |
勧善懲悪小説 | かんぜんちょうあくしょ
うせつ | (Edo-period) didactic novel or
fiction/ |
性悪 | しょうわる | (adj-na,n) ill-natured/inconstancy/ |