他の言に惑わされる | たのげんに
まどわされる | (exp) to be led astray by others
opinion/ |
幻惑 | げんわく | (n) fascination/glamor/bewitching/ |
蠱惑的 | こわくてき | (adj-na) fascinating/alluring/ |
ご迷惑 | ごめいわく | (n) trouble/annoyance/ |
御迷惑 | ごめいわく | (n) trouble/annoyance/ |
当惑 | とうわく
| (n,vs)
bewilderment/perplexity/embarrassment/confusion/(P)/ |
欺き惑わす | あざむきまどわ
す | (v5) to deceive and lead astray/ |
有り難迷惑 | ありがためいわく
| (adj-na,n) an unwelcome favor/ |
思い惑う | おもいまどう
| (v5u) to be at a loss/ |
迷惑を掛ける | めいわくをかける | (exp) to impose trouble/ |
誘惑 | ゆうわく
| (n,vs)
temptation/allurement/lure/(P)/ |
思惑師 | おもわくし
| speculator/ |
困惑 | こんわく
| (n,vs) bewilderment/disturbance/(P)/ |
思惑買 | おもわくがい
| (n) speculative buying/ |
傍迷惑 | はためいわく | (adj-na,n) inconvenience to others/ |
疑惑 | ぎわく
| (n)
doubt/misgivings/distrust/suspicion/(P)/ |
思惑買い | おもわくがい | (n) speculative buying/ |
困惑 | こんわく
| bewilderment |
逃げ惑う | にげまどう
| (v5u) to run about trying to
escape/ |
迷惑 | めいわく | (adj-na,n) trouble/annoyance/(P)/ |
戸惑い | とまどい
| (n,vs) being at sea/losing one's
bearings/(P)/ |
誘惑に負ける | ゆうわくにまける
| (exp) to yield (succumb) to
temptation/ |
思惑違い | おもわくちがい
| miscalculation/disappointment/ |
魅惑 | みわく
| (n,vs)
attraction/fascination/lure/captivation/charm/(P)/ |
思惑 | おもわく
| (n) expectation/(P)/ |
小惑星 | しょうわくせい | (n) asteroid/ |
迷惑 | はためいわく | (adj-na,n) nuisance to other people/ |
誘惑物 | ゆうわくもの | (a) lure/ |
戸惑う | とまどう | (v5u) to be bewildered/to be perplexed/(P)/ |
蠱惑 | こわく | (n,vs)
fascination/glamour/enchantment/seduction/ |
内惑星 | ないわくせい | (n) inner planet/ |
不惑 | ふわく
| (n) past forty/following right
course/ |
眩惑 | げんわく | (n,vs)
dazzling/blinding/ |
近所迷惑 | きんじょめいわく | (n) neighborhood nuisance/ |