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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : ユウ; うれ(える)、う(い)、う(き)、うれ(い); be anxious
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 70 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2145
Japanese Reading English
杞憂きゆう(n) absurd fear/needless anxiety/
どうゆう (n) sharing the same concern/
いっきいちゆう (n) now rejoice, now worry/alternate hope and fear/mixed blessings/joys and sorrows/(P)/
憂いものうい (adj) languid/weary/listless/melancholy/(P)/
ないゆうがいかん troubles both at home and abroad/
ないゆう (n) internal or domestic troubles/
の憂いこうこのうれい(n) anxiety (about the future)/
を憂えるくにのしょうら いをうれえる(exp) to be anxious about the future of one's country/
しんゆう(n) deep sadness/great worry/