The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
義憤 | ぎふん | (n) righteous indignation/(P)/ |
発憤 | はっぷん | (n,vs) inspired/stimulated/roused/(P)/ |
時世を憤る | じせいをいきどお る | (exp) to be indignant at the times/ |
憂憤 | ゆうふん | (n) grief and anger/ |
激憤 | げきふん | (n) resentment/indignation/ |
欝憤 | うっぷん | (n) resentment/grudge/anger/ |
悲憤慷慨 | ひふんこうがい | (n) indignant lamentation over the evils of the times/ |
痛憤 | つうふん | (n,vs) strong indignation/ |
公憤 | こうふん | (n) public indignation/(P)/ |
悲憤 | ひふん | (n,vs) indignation/resentment/ |
私憤 | しふん | (n) personal grudge/ |
余憤 | よふん | (n) pent-up anger/rage/ |
鬱憤 | うっぷん | (n) resentment/grudge/anger/ |