神懸かり | かみがかり | (n) divine possession/fanatic/ |
倒懸 | とうけん
| (n) hanging (someone) upside down/ |
一所懸命に | いっしょけんめいに
| with all one's might/ |
気懸かり | きがかり
| (adj-na,n) anxiety/concern/worry/ |
刀懸け | かたなかけ
| (n) sword rack/ |
命懸け | いのちがけ
| (adj-no,n) life and death/risking one's
life/risky/desperate/(P)/ |
青懸巣 | あおかけす
| blue jay/ |
倚り懸かる | よりかかる | (v5r,vi) to lean against/to recline on/to lean on/to
rely on/ |
降り懸かる | ふりかかる | (v5r) to happen/to befall/ |
一生懸命 | いっしょうけんめい
| (adj-na,n-adv,n) very hard/with utmost
effort/with all one's might/(P)/ |
手懸かり | てがかり | (n) a handhold/clue/lead/ |
賞金を懸ける | しょうきんをかける | (exp) to offer a prize/ |
神懸り | かみがかり
| (n) Buddhist chanting/ |
命懸けで | いのちがけで
| at the risk of life/ |
手懸け | てかけ
| (n) handhold on a object which facilitates
carrying/ |
尻目に懸ける | しりめにかける | (1) look askance (contemptuously)/(2) cast an amorous
glance at/ |
振り懸かる | ふりかかる | (v5r) to happen/to befall/ |
袈裟懸け | けさがけ | (n) slashed diagonally from the shoulder/ |
償金を懸ける | しょうきんをかける | (v1) to offer a prize/ |
一所懸命 | いっしょけんめい
| (adj-na,n) very hard/with utmost effort/with
all one's might/desperately/frantically/for dear life/all out
effort/ |
躍り懸かる | おどりかかる | (v5r) to spring at or upon/ |