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Kanji: Radical: (かのほこ) : セン; たたか(う)、いくさ; war
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1810 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1787
Japanese Reading English
しょうどせんじゅつ(n) scorched-earth strategy (tactics)/
こうせんけん(n) right of belligerency/
けっせんとうひょう final (decisive) vote/run-off ballot/
じょうりくさくせん(n) landing operations/
しょせん (n) beginning of hostilities/beginning of competition/(P)/
しがいせん (n) street fighting/
けっせん (n) bloody battle/
ほへいせんとうしゃりょ うinfantry fighting vehicle/
ちょうせん (n) challenge/defiance/(P)/
せっせん (n) close combat/close contest/
わんがんせんそう the Gulf War/
こうせん (n) war/battle/hostilities/(P)/
ちょうせんせんそう (n) Korean war/
じゅんけっしょうせん semifinal game of a tournament/
しゅせんろんwar advocacy/jingoism/bellicose argument/
あくせんくとう (n,vs) hard fighting/
ふんせん (n) hard fighting/
れいせんがたしこうCold War mentality/
こうせん (n,vs) resistance/
いっかいせんfirst game/first round (of tennis, etc)/
ねっせん (n) fierce fighting/close contest/
りくせんたい(n) landing force/
ひせんとういん (n) non-combatant/civilian/
だいいちじせかいたいせん(n) World War I/
せいせん (n) military expedition/
きゅうせんきねんびArmistice Day/
ていりつせんthree-way contest/
かくとうせんぶたいshock troops/
やせんとっかfield artillery/
そうぐうせん(adj-na,n) encounter/
じゅけんせんそう (n) how to succeed in) fiercely competitive (entrance) examinations/
せつじょくせん return match/
ち戦かちいくさ (n) victory/
ガリア戦ガリアせんきHistory of the Gallic Wars/
こんせん (n) free-for-all fight/
さんせん (n) participation in a war/
やせんびょういん field hospital/
えんちょうせん(baseball) extra innings/
かっせん (n) battle/engagement/(P)/
しょうせん (n) sales war/
ゆうげきせん(n) guerrilla warfare/unconventional warfare/
してせん (n) large-scale speculative go-around/
こうせんこく (n) belligerents/
ひゃくせんひゃくしょう (n) ever-victorious/many successful campaigns/invincibility/
げきせん(n) severe fight/
めいじんせん(n) professional go (shogi) players' championship series/
やせん(n) field (mil)/
巴 戦ともえせんdogfight/
まきかえしさくせんrollback operation/
ゆうしょうせん(n) championship tournament/finals/
たいへいようせんそう(n) the Pacific War/
かんせんきaccount of a (sports) game/
ぜんくせんskirmish/prefinal (in games)/
ひゃくせんれんま (n) be schooled by adversity in many battles/veteran/
りくせん(n) land war/
そくせんりょく (n) ready fire power/
げきせんく(n) closely contested constituency/car with a (structural) defect/
しゅうせんご (adj-no) postwar/
こうせんこくwarlike nation/
せんせんふこく(n) proclamation of war/
ぎゅうほせんじゅつ snail's pace tactics/
せいぶつせんbiological warfare/
ようどうさくせん diversionary tactics/
の戦いきょきょじつじつのたたかいmatch between persons equal in shrewdness/
げきせん (n) fierce (hard-fought) battle/hot contest/
さくせんじょう (adj-no) operational/strategic/
たんきけっせん (n) decisive battle of brief duration/
かかくせんそうprice war/
だいにじせかいたいせ ん(n) World War II/
け戦まけいくさ (n) lost battle/
おうせん (n,vs) accepting a challenge/returning fire/
そうとうせん (baseball) game between Waseda and Tokyo universities/
けいざいせん economic war/
さくせんけいかく campaign plan/
かくせんそう (n) nuclear warfare/
ぎせん (n) a crusade/holy war/
やせん (n) night warfare/
ちょせん (n) beginning of hostilities/beginning of competition/
げんしせん atomic war/
いしがっせん(n) a stone-throwing fight/
かいせん match/game/
とくせん(n,vs) urging soldiers to fight more vigorously/
はくへいせん (n) hand-to-hand combat/
そうりょくせん(n) all-out war/
い戦うあらそいたたかう (v5) to fight with/to contend with/
ふせん(n) anti-war/war renunciation/
せっきんせん(n) close combat/close(-quarter) fighting/in-fighting/
りくじょうさくせんほんぶtactical operations center/
ひゃくせんれんま (n) be schooled by adversity in many battles/veteran/
ぼうせん(n) defensive fight (battle)/(P)/
きぎょうせんりゃく corporate strategy (business)/
くせん (n) hard fight/close game/
ちゅうきょりかくせん りょく(n) intermediate-range nuclear forces/
しょせん(n) first match (in a series)/
こうはくうたがっせんannual singing contest held on New Year's Eve/
ぜんせん(n,vs) fight a good fight/
西べいせいせんそう (n) Spanish-American War/
しゅせんとうせんしゃ main battle tank/
りったいせん(n) three-dimensional warfare/
せんせん (n) declaration of war/(P)/
ないせん (n) civil war/(P)/
ふふつせんそう Franco-Prussian War/
こせんじょう(n) ancient battlefield/
きゅうかいせんregulation game/9th inning/
たり戦そうあたりせんround robin event/
どくりつせんそう (n) American Revolutionary War/War of Independence/
ベトナム戦ベトナムせんそう(n) Vietnam war/
でんげきさくせん blitzkrieg tactics/
オープン戦オープンせん(n) exhibition game (baseball)/open game/(P)/
はくねつせん furious fighting/
しんけいせん(n) war of nerves/
しゅうせん (n) end of war/cessation of hostilities/(P)/
セールス戦セールスせんりゃくsales strategy/
こうせんてき(adj-na) belligerent/
しゅうばんせん(n) end of campaign/(P)/
にっしんせんそう (n) Sino-Japanese war (1894-5)/
だいりせんそう war by proxy/
かいせん (n) naval battle/
げんしせんそう atomic war/
かがくせんchemical warfare/
さくせん (n) (military) tactics or operations/
ぜろせんZero fighter plane/
ていきせん(n) regularly-scheduled game (match)/
ぜんえいせんskirmish/prefinals (in games)/
きゅうせん (n) truce/armistice/(P)/
しゅせんとうしゅ top pitcher/
わせん (n) war and peace/peace/
たいせんしゃほう (n) antitank gun/
リーグ戦リーグせん(n) league match/(P)/
だげきせん(n) game with many hits/
せいせん (n) holy war/crusade/
きゅうせんきょうてい cease-fire agreement/
はんせんうんどう anti-war movement/
りつめいせんRikkyo-Meiji (baseball) game/
せんきょせんelection campaign/
れきせん (n) long military service/
はんせん (n) anti-war/(P)/
きゅうせんじょうやく armistice treaty/
はいせんとうしゅ losing pitcher/
けっせん (n,vs) decisive battle/deciding match/play-off/
ミサイルたいせんしゃミ サイルanti-tank missile/
げんていせんそう limited war/
じんみんせんせん (n) popular front/
厭戦えんせん(n) war weariness/
ちょうきせん(n) drawn-out (protracted) war or contest/
うたがっせん(n) singing matches/
だいきぼせんそうall-out war/full-scale war/
ふせんじょうやく anti-war treaty/
ゆうしょうけっていせん(n) deciding match (in a competition for a cup (pennant])/
せんでんせん (n) propaganda war/
哨戦ぜんしょうせん (n) skirmish/prefinals (in games)/
さくせんめいれい operation order/
ぬ迄戦うしぬまでたたか うto fight to the last (death)/
ついげきせんpursuit battle/
あへんせんそう Opium Wars/
ちょうせんじょうwritten challenge/
とむらいがっせん(n) battle of revenge/
とくせんたいcommand group (behind the front lines)/
しゅせん (n) advocacy of war/
れんせんれんしょう succession of victories/
じんかいせんじゅつinfiltration tactics/human-wave tactics/
かんせん (n,vs) watching a (sports) game/
れいせん (n) cold war/(P)/
もぎせんsham battle/
ぶりょくせん armed conflict/
くうていさくせんaerial tactics/
とうしゅせん (n) pitching duel/pitchers' battle/
ゲリラ戦ゲリラせんguerrilla warfare/
くうせん(n) (abbr) air battle/dogfight/
じょばんせん(n) early stages (of a game)/opening phase/
ろんせん (n) verbal dispute/
ぐんじせんりゃく military strategy/
しゅうせんきねんびanniversary of the end of a war/
しんりせん(n) psychological warfare/
ふせんしょう(n) win without playing/unearned win/
かいまくせん(n) opening game/(season) opener/
ゆうせん (n) brave fight/desperate fight/
きゅうせんかいだん armistice conference/
ぜんぱんせんfirst half of the game or match/
しょうもうせん(n) war of attrition/
しんりせんそう psychological warfare/
れ戦くおそれおののく (v5) to tremble with fear/
はんばいせんりゃく sales strategy/
じゅんじゅんけっしょうせんquarterfinal game of a tournament/
てんせん (n) fighting in numerous battles/
ぜんめんせんそう total war/all-out war/
ふせいきせん unconventional warfare/
さくせん (n) military or naval operations/tactics/strategy/(P)/
さいぜんせん front/first line/spearhead/
はんせんしゅぎ pacifism/
らんせん (n) melee/
にちろせんそう (n) Russo-Japanese War (1904-5)/
いっせん (n) a battle/a game/a bout/
さんじゅうねんせんそう(n) the Thirty Years' War/
じっせん (n) combat/actual fighting/
ようげきせんとうきfighter interceptor/
けっしょうせん(n) finals game of a tournament/decision of a contest/
かいせん(n,vs) outbreak of war/starting a war/
そうめいせんWaseda-Meiji (baseball) game/
むめいせんし unknown soldier/
ゆきがっせん(n) snowball fight/(P)/
しゅせん (n) a war of defense/a defensive fight/defensive warfare/
くうちゅうせん (n) air battle/dog fight/
と戦うてきとたたかう to fight one's enemy/
りんせん (n) preparing for action or battle/
しんりさくせん(n) psychological tactics/
たいせんせいせき (n) win-loss records (between A and B)/
しんりゃくせんそうaggressive war/
なんぼくせんそう (U.S.) Civil War/
こうせん (n) belligerence/
ぜんはんせんfirst half of the game or match/
たいせんしゃかきanti-tank weapons/
ひせんろんしゃ pacifist/
だいにじたいせん(n) Second World War/WWII/
たいせん (n) great war/great battle/(P)/
ひせんろん(n) pacifism/
とういつせんせんunited front/
そくせんそっけつ(n) a quick battle for a quick victory/a blitzkrieg (de:)/
つうじょうせんりょくconventional (military) forces/
えるしゅせんろんをとな える(exp) to advocate war/
ぼんせん (n) dull game/
ひっせん (n) war of words/
じゅうせんしゃ(n) heavy tank/
れんせんれんぱい succession of defeats/
みずぎわさくせん shoreline protection or operations/
きょうどうせんせんunited front/
にっちゅうせんそう(n) Sino-Japanese war/
せかいたいせん the World War/
にくだんせんwarfare in which soldiers fling themselves at the enemy/
マーケティング戦マーケティングせんりゃくmarketing strategy/
阿戦なんあせんそうBoer War/
讐戦ふくしゅうせん(n) return match/
れんせん (n) series of battles/
けいえいせんりゃく management strategy/
きばせん(n) cavalry battle/
そうはせんstruggle for supremacy/championship game/
しゅいこうぼうせん(n) game or series of games between the first and second place teams (baseball)/
たい戦つめたいせんそう (n) cold war/
きょくちせんそう limited (scale) war/
よぼうせんそう preventive war/
ていせん (n) armistice/ceasefire/
はいせんこくdefeated country/
そうけいせんWaseda-Keio (baseball) game/
たいせん (n) waging war/competition/
を戦わすぎろんをたたかわす(exp) to have a discussion/
さいせん (n) rematch/
そくじていせん immediate cease-fire/
じきゅうせん(n) protracted war/war of attrition/
戦オーバーレーさくせんオーバーレー operation overlay/
あくせん (n) hard fighting/close contest/
かいせん (n) engagement/battle/
れんごうさくせん combined operation/
りきせん (n) hard fighting/
さくせんちいき area of operation/
こうしきせん(n) regular game/pennant race/
ぜっせん (n) war of words/(P)/
はいせん (n,vs) defeat/losing a war/(P)/
きゅうしゅつさくせん rescue mission/evacuation operation/
やせんほうへいfield artillery/
ちゅうばんせんthe midst of a campaign/
こうはんせん(n) second half/
せいひんせんりゃく product strategy/
かっせんすうごうで after crossing swords several times/